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macrumors member
Oct 31, 2022
The Archive is my primary work notes app. It is a fairly spartan app that works with a bundle of plain text markdown files, so no proprietary database, but with a neat trick to let you easily embed images. Also has the famed Notational Velocity combined search/create note bar.

Works for me because I'm pretty chaotic and just want to be able to quickly note stuff down and then find it just as quickly later on.


macrumors demi-god
Jun 19, 2011
Using Devonthink for quick notes seems very easy. There's a "Sorter" that can be turned on which will appear either in the menubar or on the sides/corners of the screen. You can assign a shortcut key to it so that it appears even if Devonthink is not in the foreground. You can quickly enter notes of various kinds and hit enter (I use markdown). The notes go into Devonthink's global inbox to be relocated at your leisure.

A nice thing about the global inbox is that a setting in Devonthink will place it as a favorite in Finder's sidebar. So all those notes are easily accessible without opening Devonthink. You can also drop documents into that spot in Finder to have them show up in Devonthink. So, you can do some work with Devonthink without it being running.

I'm really loving it. Thanks to this thread for the motivation to dig in and use it more.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 25, 2011
A nice thing about the global inbox is that a setting in Devonthink will place it as a favorite in Finder's sidebar. So all those notes are easily accessible without opening Devonthink. You can also drop documents into that spot in Finder to have them show up in Devonthink. So, you can do some work with Devonthink without it being running.
I didn’t know this! That’s awesome. Thank you for the knowledge drop.
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