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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.


macrumors 68000
Jan 25, 2008
macOS reminders is broken on both iMac and iPhone, the + symbol to add a reminder is now just a circle of dots. Until I upgraded to Ventura, this was not the case on the iMac, just the phone.
I use Reminders extensively and have no such issues on neither my my MacBook Pro, my MacBook, my Mac Studio, or my Mac Pro. All fully updated with Ventura etc.


Jul 27, 2014
I use Reminders extensively and have no such issues on neither my my MacBook Pro, my MacBook, my Mac Studio, or my Mac Pro. All fully updated with Ventura etc.
Same with me. I have never experienced similar problem on my devices. Also hardcore Reminder app user


macrumors 65816
Nov 25, 2009
Ocean State
I saw on the first post that SwitchResX is broken under Ventura. I have Ventura 13.1 Beta build 22C5050e running on my Mid 2015 15-inch MacBook Pro and have SwitchResX (vers 4.12.2 Intel) running with no issues. I have full functionality of SwitchResX.

Apps Broken on Ventura.png


  • Screenshot 2022-11-26 at 6.08.26 PM.png
    Screenshot 2022-11-26 at 6.08.26 PM.png
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Nov 1, 2022
I saw on the first post that SwitchResX is broken under Ventura. I have Ventura 13.1 Beta build 22C5050e running on my Mid 2015 15-inch MacBook Pro and have SwitchResX (vers 4.12.2 Intel) running with no issues. I have full functionality of SwitchResX.

View attachment 2119150
The use of Onyx always requires a separate version for that OS. That has always been the case.


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
I saw on the first post that SwitchResX is broken under Ventura. I have Ventura 13.1 Beta build 22C5050e running on my Mid 2015 15-inch MacBook Pro and have SwitchResX (vers 4.12.2 Intel) running with no issues. I have full functionality of SwitchResX.
In that case add it to the working apps. It would be better if you can run it on the current macOS 13.0.1.

There are quite a few apps in both the Working and Broken section (including at least one I added to Working). I guess we are all reluctant to delete someone else's post in the broken section even when something is working for us.

The 1st post needs a cleanup. Is that for the @walterpaisley (the OP) to do? Edit: Maybe not as he has not posted on any thread for two months. I will make a start and report back here.

I have some edits to 1st post. I think we should assume that everyone has the latest version of each app otherwise this becomes unmanageable.

Added Onyx 4.3.2

Partially working (should we Strikethrough some of these?):
Hyperdock - added note.
OneDrive - working for others
Preview - working for others
PIA VPN - working for others

Totally Broken:
Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw Editor - Photoshop is in the working list.
Dropbox - strikethrough as recent and current versions work.
Malwarebytes - strikethrough
Onyx - strikethrough as current version works.

If you disagree, say so.

Needs someone to fix/comment re current status:
Parallels - does current release version work? If so add to Working
Rogue Amoeba apps - do current releases of all apps work and then list them. (I only have Piezo and it works).
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macrumors 601
Mar 25, 2008
Does anyone know where the option to change how long the display stays on before going to sleep? I can't find it in the Settings app at all. Like, my Screensaver comes on after 10 minutes, but then I had it set for the Display to go to sleep after 5 hours. I've noticed it goes to sleep much sooner now, and I don't see any way to change it...


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
Does anyone know where the option to change how long the display stays on before going to sleep?
System Settings > Lock Screen > Turn display off when inactive for x minutes. Works for me, but I don't use a screensaver.

Ps. This is not really the right thread for this question.
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macrumors 601
Mar 25, 2008
System Settings > Lock Screen > Turn display off when inactive for x minutes. Works for me, but I don't use a screensaver.

Ps. This is not really the right thread for this question.
Thanks, that explains my issue. I used to have it set to 5 hours and now the most you can select is 3.

And sorry not sorry. System Settings is a macOS app, and IMO is still very broken. I shouldn’t have to ask strangers in a Mac forum where a simple option went to, even when searching in the dang Settings app.


macrumors member
Jun 2, 2017
Stream Deck is not working for me, with it installed it says that the application is damaged. Has anyone else gotten this to work?
Working for me: 5.3.3 (15214). I'm not sure, but I think that I updated it before I installed Ventura. I had to unplug the deck once because it stopped responding or maybe didn't wake up from sleep with MacBook Pro, but that's the only glitch that I can remember.

Headington Heritage

macrumors newbie
Dec 1, 2022
Is GIMP 2.10.32 broken on Ventura? The post stating it is broken is quite old it seems? Would anyone know?

Big Sur caused me very major grief as it is one of my major applications.



macrumors regular
Sep 10, 2010
I can't remember how exactly I upgraded from V7.9.6 to V7.9.7, but I am not having any issues with V7.9.7 on either of my Macs running Monterey, nor on an external SSD I've been using for testing V13.0.1 of Ventura.
Interesting. Just for kicks, I did a Check Update (with and without the Beta checkbox) from 1Password v7.9.6 and it's showing that I'm running the most current version.

Schnauzer World

macrumors member
Dec 25, 2018
I use Reminders extensively and have no such issues on neither my my MacBook Pro, my MacBook, my Mac Studio, or my Mac Pro. All fully updated with Ventura etc.
The circle of dots are like this on both phone and iMac Ventura, if I go back to Monterey, the dots are gone and the + is back on the iMac, but not the iphone.


  • reminders.png
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macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
Anyone know the ETA on the native WhatsApp or the native Pocket extension? Thanks.


macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2020
Just got Ventura 13.1 up and running on my 17.1 late 2015 27" iMac.
Two things currently not working properly.

  1. Any browser based on the Chrome/Chromium engine - including MS Edge, Brave, Chrome, Chromium, Opera and Wavebox email client. All take a very long time to start up.
  2. VMWare Fusion 13 generally works, but will not complete starting up Linux Mint Cinnamon or Ubuntu Budgie. Quite happily runs Ubuntu Mate and Linux Mint Mate. Cinnamon and Budgie boot up to a black screen, then the VMWare system freezes and has to be force quit.
Otherwise, no other problems noticed yet. Seems to be quite snappy overall.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
Just got Ventura 13.1 up and running on my 17.1 late 2015 27" iMac.
Two things currently not working properly.

  1. Any browser based on the Chrome/Chromium engine - including MS Edge, Brave, Chrome, Chromium, Opera and Wavebox email client. All take a very long time to start up.
  2. VMWare Fusion 13 generally works, but will not complete starting up Linux Mint Cinnamon or Ubuntu Budgie. Quite happily runs Ubuntu Mate and Linux Mint Mate. Cinnamon and Budgie boot up to a black screen, then the VMWare system freezes and has to be force quit.
Otherwise, no other problems noticed yet. Seems to be quite snappy overall.
no such issue here with chrome (in fact it opens instantly). see if there's a chrome update available - on my intel imac it's currently: Version 108.0.5359.124 (Official Build) (x86_64)


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017

After going to a few different MS account pages, I was able to download the latest Mac Office 2016 installer package. I installed that one, and that one works fine.

So you can safely ignore the following post. :oops:


Yes, I use Office 2016 with Ventura on an M1 MBP and Intel mini, no problems
I tried installing Office 2016 just now for the first time on my M1 Mac mini with Ventura with my Office 2016 software installer package from 2017. It asked for my email address which I gave and then it granted me full access, so I guess my key/licence is still active. (It didn't actually ask for the key.) The applications launch fine too... but there are incompatibilities. For instance, my recent Excel sheets are being displayed partially upside down and backwards. It's bizarre.

So, I tried updating Office 2016, but it won't let me update. This update refuses to install:

Screenshot 2022-12-18 at 12.03.07 AM.png

OTOH, Office 2016 appears to work fine on my 2017 Intel Mac with Ventura, which has been updated over the years, both for Office 2016 and macOS. The The version of Office on the Intel Mac is 20xxxx but the newly installed version on my M1 Mac mini with Ventura is 15xxxx, and I can't update it beyond that.

So, I guess if you're just installing Office 2016 now on Apple Silicon and Ventura, you may run into major problems. However, if you had continually updated Office 2016 over the years, and are now upgrading to Ventura, it will probably work just fine.

In the meantime, I've now completely uninstalled Office 2016 (which was annoying, since you have to manually uninstall the AutoUpdater and various preference files, etc.). I will see how well I make do with Keynote, Pages, and Numbers, as I am no longer really dependent on Office for my main work. I installed it mainly just to be able to open old Office files, and to make simple updates to them, but I can do that with Apple's iWork suite anyway. I may also have online-only access to 365 through my workplace too.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2021
@EugW I supposed that you should not have installed your old version (which may have even been partly Intel 32bit, not sure), but downloaded the latest Office 2016 for Mac. It should be a Universal Install, including both, Intel and Apple executables.
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macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
@EugW I supposed that you should not have installed your old version (which may have even been partly Intel 32bit, not sure), but downloaded the latest Office 2016 for Mac. It should be a Universal Install, including both, Intel and Apple executables.
I could not find it for download. It is no longer supported.

I also logged into my Microsoft account dashboard but Office 2016 is not there. It just offers to let me try Office 365.


Thanks @TriciaMacMillan for making me look again.

The next Microsoft page I landed on asked for my key. I have two keys (which are legit). One key it wouldn't accept, but the other key it did. So, it took me to a download link and I started the download... which gave me a Windows installer. Oops. I guess that was an Office Windows key. (Back in 2017 I had a Windows machine, but I had gotten rid of it years ago.)

Finally, I went to yet a different MS account page and this time it didn't ask for a key, but after I entered my email and password, it allowed me to download the latest version of Office 2016 Mac. I installed it and it still didn't ask for a key, just my login information, but it works fine. Nice! :cool:

I have modified my previous post accordingly.

BTW, I guess I can probably deactivate MS AutoUpdate now, since there are no longer any more updates.

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macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2021
@EugW I supposed that you should not have installed your old version (which may have even been partly Intel 32bit, not sure), but downloaded the latest Office 2016 for Mac. It should be a Universal Install, including both, Intel and Apple executables.

Sorry, I was wrong wrt to Universal Install. It was Office 2019 that was updated to support Apple’s new processors. 2016 has been out of support since October, 2020.
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