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macrumors 65816
Aug 1, 2013
St. Augustine, FL
The biggest issue I have with Reminders is it no longer works with BusyCal. The ToDos no longer sync with all my devices. Have to figure out how to work around that.


macrumors regular
Aug 4, 2019
Georgia, USA
You can add them to /System/Volumes/Data which is your writeable root partition.
Thank you for explaining that, I've been trying to figure it out since the betas.
Completely confusing. For user sanity, it would make sense to me that if they want to split the Macintosh HD into a read only and write capable halves, then the write capable half must be distinguished with a designation like “data” like it shows when you look in Disk Utility- Macintosh HD-Data. That makes complete sense. It’s illogical and confusing to have two seperate or split volumes with the same name when you look at them in the Finder.
Absolutely, it makes no sense whatsoever.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 5, 2008
Brockton, MA
Someone made a 64-bit compile of the MacOS MS-DOS game emulator Boxer, sort of like a more easy-to-use DOXBox meant for playing old games on, as the "official" version is still 32-bit only. I downloaded and tested it, and it works pretty well!

And with that, all my 32/64-bit Catalina worries/problems are no more! (Not that I had many to begin with...)


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2006
You need to show the "Sidebar" to see those options.

View attachment 870628

My sort by due date seems to stick okay.

View attachment 870629

Thanks for the clarification.
But the confusion goes on, at least for me, in this new form factor.

In all previous years, when I marked a reminder as completed, it automatically gone to the new time position, for example tomorrow etc.
Now I cannot understand how it goes.
I manually delete the completed tasks, in order to get rid of them instead of having them in front of my eyes all the time (another glitch in this reminders' version), and then what?
I just deleted the today's' completed tasks, and instead of being able to see tomorrow's, I see that the next ones are on Friday! Which is wrong, as I have daily tasks!
Somebody to explain me how to escape from this confusing situation?

Unbelievable that I have to ask for help for such a simple app like reminders. Bravo Apple! :(


macrumors regular
Jul 20, 2018
I've had a quick search, in the whole Catalina section, and couldn't find anything...

1. In iTunes when I added TV shows to my own library they would display rudimentary artwork; they now don't in the TV app.

2. Time remaining now seems to have disappeared from my library TV shows which makes it impossible to see what I'm currently watching unless I switch to list view. Even then it doesn't show time remaining but does at least show what hasn't been watched.

3. The TV app shows artwork in landscape format, as opposed to 3:2 portrait. Apps like Meta-X could be updated to fix this but why the change?
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macrumors 68040
Mar 1, 2018
Somewhere between 0 and 1
All of that is fine, but the menu doesn't go away when you move your mouse away from maximize button. You have to click somewhere for it to disappear.

How do you even forget to add something simple as that?


macrumors newbie
Oct 8, 2019
Just in case if someone's thinking the same as me: if You are using the old iTunes Match and make an Apple Music subscription, the iTunes Match subscription becomes outdated..


macrumors 68000
Nov 15, 2007
After updating to version 10.15 I find my computer lags in general performance. Notably, WIFI seems significantly slower. When I place the cursor in the Safari search box, there is a very definite and annoying lag of several seconds until I am able to type. Anyone else notice this? Prior to this update, everything was speeding along quite nicely.


macrumors newbie
Oct 8, 2019
With Catalina, the Adobe launched an update for Photoshop CC - its now 20.7.

And its a massive disappointment so far; it is sooooooo slow. For example, saving the changes on the light files takes about 20x longer than in previous version.

Plus the old actions imported from Photoshop CC2018 do not work at all anymore..


May 13, 2010
Firefox. But it's only because that was the app to hand. I get the same with the stock Mail app.

Interesting. I don’t see 4 options straightaway in any app on my Air 2017. Which device are you on? Do you get those 4 options straightaway on all apps without using Option?

Like I said, I have always had 3 options with the first option changing to Zoom when Option key is pressed.


macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
Interesting. I don’t see 4 options straightaway in any app on my Air 2017. Which device are you on? Do you get those 4 options straightaway on all apps without using Option?
Late 2013 MBP. I've just opened up MS Word, held my pointer over the green dot and the same four options appear. The wording "Tile Window" changes to "Move Window" for the bottom two options when pressing alt, and the default action changes from full-screen to zoom.


macrumors newbie
Oct 8, 2019
Could you clarify this please? As in, does Apple Music already have the 'Match' functionality?

Yes it seems. As I made the Apple Music Subscription, all the music there in my home library ("kirjasto" in photo below) with playlists is now available in all my devices which I use with the same Apple ID:


Working this simple and elegant way Apple Music is to me much much more useful than the Spotify which has also the ability to play Your own music.


macrumors 68000
Aug 9, 2013
Late 2013 MBP. I've just opened up MS Word, held my pointer over the green dot and the same four options appear. The wording "Tile Window" changes to "Move Window" for the bottom two options when pressing alt, and the default action changes from full-screen to zoom.
I only get three options too, regardless which app I'm using.


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    Screen Shot 2019-11-08 at 20.03.58.png
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Apple Knowledge Navigator

macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2010
Just in case if someone's thinking the same as me: if You are using the old iTunes Match and make an Apple Music subscription, the iTunes Match subscription becomes outdated..
Yes it seems. As I made the Apple Music Subscription, all the music there in my home library ("kirjasto" in photo below) with playlists is now available in all my devices which I use with the same Apple ID:

View attachment 875757 '

Working this simple and elegant way Apple Music is to me much much more useful than the Spotify which has also the ability to play Your own music.
Yes Apple Music includes all the iTunes Match features.
I had no idea about this! Not sure if it's my stupidity or Apple's marketing, but that's really changed my mind on Apple Music value. Thanks for the heads up.


macrumors 65816
Apr 21, 2017
Where are the preorders in the TV app? In iTunes, you could see all the upcoming movie preorders based on release date. I can't find it in the new TV app.
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