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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
View attachment 2393949
14 times for me as well. But the goal isn't much of a challenge as I achieve this virtually every day.
Why are some months so easy while others so challenging? I can't figure out Apple's system for coming up with these.
I can’t remember the last time one of my challenges was hard. Fortunately I set my own.


macrumors 65816
Nov 27, 2013

Poor-little side-button + dial (iWatch 6) don't seem to play-party anymore . . . I had to snap an exterior photo.

I live/work in an extremely-labourious industry on-the-daily, but it often seems that the Goals are (on the surface) easy, but obnoxiously difficult to attain (in practice).

Hopefully, the forthcoming AAPL Intelligence will understand, and better-explain things with the Fitness app ;)


Sep 25, 2018
It seems fairly random. Mine one month was bike five times for at least five minutes apiece.
It is random, like I do indoor cycling every day and never gotten a challenge in that ;)

But, up until I guess watchOS 9 the challenges were real, ever increasing and there was lots of complaining on these threads about it, eg you had to hit a move goal every day of the month, say 800, and you beat it, next time it was 850 and so on.

So Apple changed the algorithm and it’s been “easy” ever since…

Best would probably for those who are really wanting to be challenged to have the option to set their own goals (not that you can’t do that anyway ;)), in the app, so, maybe, maybe watchOS 11 will have a surprise for us…


macrumors 6502
Jun 9, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Sorry for the duplicate post. I cannot see a way to delete it.

I had thought that an algorithm could look at a persons personal data e.g. age, weight..etc and their activities and present a reasonable challenge based on that. My 5 min walk 5 times this month could be an good start for some people but I can do it walking to the mailbox or from the gym to my car.
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