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macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2021
Kirin 9000s is made using 7nm. Not hard to produce at all. Snapdragon X75 is 4nm. Qualcomm design team just not top notch.
I bet Huawei team cannot produce enough of those modems for Samsung, Apple, probably over 150mil pieces per year...that means Huawei design team just not top notch
QC just operates on another level in to Huawei so it takes a lot more time to cover the new extra features


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
i was telling about you about many QC modems has to made for the entire industry and how many Kirin 9000s has Huawei to make?!
TSMC was just an example that as an silicon maker it barely has the manufacture capabilities to make N3 just for Apple alone

Make what? Qualcomm and Huawei design it once. Then it gets stamped out by the millions at TSMC and SMIC.

TSMC 7nm utilization is below 50%.



macrumors 6502a
Aug 26, 2008
While my new 15 pro max has been an absolute battery champ - the one thing I can still do to guarantee burning the battery out quick is stream YouTube over 5G UW, which I do at work often. Combined sub-6 and mmWave sounds like it would be the ticket for this final scenario of quick draining


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
nah, not top notch, sure, whatever you want to believe

I believe in facts. 5G speeds using Kirin 9000s exceeds iPhone 15 Pro using Qualcomm X70. Lack of satellite voice and two-way SMS is obvious.

You're the one trying the excuse of "lack of demand" for satellite voice/SMS.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 26, 2008
5G has been the biggest dud in recent tech memory. I'm not saying it's not an improvement, but it was marketed as a game changer and it certainly doesn't seem to have lived up to that billing.
I disagree. Ever since Verizon launched their midband in my area it’s crazy, like I have WiFi everywhere. 4k videos load up instantly, uploads are fast. LTE could never
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macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2021
Make what? Qualcomm and Huawei design it once. Then it gets stamped out by the millions at TSMC and SMIC.

TSMC 7nm utilization is below 50%.

Ok, is not what i meant...if you dont want to understand what i was saying, ok whatever makes you happy


macrumors 6502a
Aug 25, 2010
New England
5G is still not available in various parts of New England, esp. outside of the big cities, like Boston. Checked the 5G coverage for ATT and for T-Mobile. It's still slowly rolling out.
Not everyone lives in or near (large) cities.
Even near Portsmouth, 5G is generally within the city center's close perimeter and still have spotty cellular service.
For example, you can be on a call in a park but walk about 10 ft. in any direction, you literally lose your call due to lots of dead zones. 🤦‍♂️
In many suburban and urban areas, we're lucky to have 4G/LTE with at least 1 bar.
Also, in some areas, some people have to step outside of their houses/aptms/condos into the open to get better reception and must use Wifi Calling for assistance.
Having the latest cellular tech doesn't mean much if you can't use (much).
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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
Ok, is not what i meant...if you dont want to understand what i was saying, ok whatever makes you happy

You don't seem to understand the difference between silicon design and silicon fab.

Apple designs the chip. Qualcomm designs the chip. Huawei designs the chip. TSMC fabs it. SMIC fabs it.

Huawei 9000s uses 7nm. There is plenty of 7nm capacity at TSMC. There is plenty of 7nm capacity at SMIC. You keep pretending modems use 3nm. No, they use 4nm and above.


macrumors 68030
May 16, 2006
Waterbury, CT
5G is still not available in various parts of New England, esp. outside of the big cities, like Boston. Checked the 5G coverage for ATT and for T-Mobile. It's still slowly rolling out.
Not everyone lives in or near (large) cities.
Even near Portsmouth, 5G is generally within the city center's close perimeter and still have spotty cellular service.
For example, you can be on a call in a park but walk about 10 ft. in any direction, you literally lose your call due to lots of dead zones.
In many suburban and urban areas, we're lucky to have 4G/LTE with at least 1 bar.
Also, in some areas, some people have to step outside of their houses/aptms/condos into the open to get better reception and must use Wifi Calling for assistance.
Having the latest cellular tech doesn't mean much if you can't use (much).
I have 5g everywhere in CT aside from the very rural areas... it just depends how much signal there actually is... 5g at my house sucks and I get 7mb/s if I'm lucky... but if I go up the street a couple blocks I'm getting 700mb/s🤷‍♂️


macrumors 604
May 20, 2010
5G has been the biggest dud in recent tech memory. I'm not saying it's not an improvement, but it was marketed as a game changer and it certainly doesn't seem to have lived up to that billing.
Agree. The first time we went to a concert, I was excited because 5G was supposed to ignore user density. Didn't do any good. Internet still crawled


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2014
Never have grasped why having Gigabit download speeds on a cellphone a big thing. It may take you a few minutes to download a movie but it still takes 2hrs to watch one on a tiny screen.
Because thinking of the things you do now with internet will not answer the question of why we need more bandwidth. Apple is creating the devices so developers can create services and devices with them. We are barely scratching the surface of the IoT world and what you can do with your phone. The biggest limitations to progress are processing power and data transfer speeds. Which is why creating 3nm processor, then 2nm processors and using 5G and then 6G will open up more possibilities. Processing power and data transfer speeds are for future needs not current ones.
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macrumors 68020
Aug 4, 2008
Will it finally be able to get signal through walls on US network providers not named Verizon, or will it just let everyone gloat about having faster speeds, but have same low quality signal?


macrumors 65816
Nov 13, 2015
Never have grasped why having Gigabit download speeds on a cellphone a big thing. It may take you a few minutes to download a movie but it still takes 2hrs to watch one on a tiny screen.

What's the point of faster and faster download speeds lol Feels like 200-300 is more than enough on a phone

I guess as 4K HDR+ video becomes more and more common on social media

You're both looking at it wrong.

Airwaves are a shared resource and only 1 device can be using a slice of spectrum at a time. The longer a download takes that means the network is "busy" and it can't be serving someone else.

Faster and faster speeds mean each customer needs to tie up valuable spectrum for much less time. Making the network better overall for everyone.

Then there are the technological advancements to make better use of the tech, but that's still in its infancy. It takes time for new products and new ways of doing things online to be invented. That's why the "practical" uses lag.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 27, 2017
5G has been the biggest dud in recent tech memory. I'm not saying it's not an improvement, but it was marketed as a game changer and it certainly doesn't seem to have lived up to that billing.
Sorry to hear it, but in areas where it’s actually supported, it is a game changer. I get 600-700 mb/s down and 400-500 mb/s up on T-Mobile in some areas of NYC.
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macrumors 603
Jul 20, 2011
Agree. The first time we went to a concert, I was excited because 5G was supposed to ignore user density. Didn't do any good. Internet still crawled
If it was 4G, your phone likely wouldn’t have even been able to connect at all. Speeds slowed to a crawl is better than zero connection. That’s a specific 5G improvement - additional capacity on the RAN and core.

There’s no such thing as ‘ignoring user density’, as laws of physics related to spectrum capacity and backhaul bandwidth still apply. Even to 5G.


macrumors 65816
Nov 13, 2015
Will it finally be able to get signal through walls on US network providers not named Verizon, or will it just let everyone gloat about having faster speeds, but have same low quality signal?
T-Mobile is positioned for the best in this area as their low band 5G spectrum is in the 600 and 700Mhz bands. Lower than Verizon and AT&T.

One of the reasons their coverage has been improving so much and the others are now struggling.

5G is shifting the fundamental coverage story in wireless for the first time in a very long time.

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macrumors 6502
Oct 7, 2011
This will give TMo a new reason to kill legacy plans and force users to upgrade… unless you opt out. 🙄


macrumors 65816
Jun 20, 2010
We’re already talking about 6G when AT&T can’t even get 5G working? In general this has been such a flop. Where I live unless you’re on T-Mobile the tower upgrades to enable 5G made 4G slower and 5G is slower than LTE was before they touched anything. Alas.

LTE Advanced mentioned in the article required tower upgrades so I’m assuming a tower upgrade would be required.
Yeah the FirstNet(AT&T) 5G where I'm at I've got up to 200 one time on a speed test most of the time it'll say 5G and you only get basic LTE speeds at around 45.
Now my iPad mini 6 cellular on TMo speed test have hit 800.

I upgraded from an X but at least my LTE is more solid indoors. Used to on my X at the gym towards the back it would just sit there and spin when I tried streaming music or sports talk. Now on the 15 I can pull up my Spectrum app and stream college football while I work out if the gym doesn't have it on the tv.
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