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macrumors newbie
Jan 15, 2014
Iphone 4s 6.1.1 Passcode ISSUE !!! HELP

Hey guys,
Ok so I has a customer call me today with an iPhone 4s running 6.1.1 he has no clue what his sons passcode is and needs to get some text messages off the phone. Obvious reasons ? I cant seem to get in to the phone no matter what I try .. PLEASE HELP I need all the data off this phone! I have tried all the programs and youtube videos I could think of !


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Hey guys,
Ok so I has a customer call me today with an iPhone 4s running 6.1.1 he has no clue what his sons passcode is and needs to get some text messages off the phone. Obvious reasons ? I cant seem to get in to the phone no matter what I try .. PLEASE HELP I need all the data off this phone! I have tried all the programs and youtube videos I could think of !
Yeah...not going to be able to get much help breaking into a phone.


macrumors newbie
Jan 7, 2015
Does anyone here still use an iDevice running iOS 6?

If so, do you often encounter compatibility problems or feel like you're missing out on anything brought by iOS7/8?


macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2011
Does anyone here still use an iDevice running iOS 6?

If so, do you often encounter compatibility problems or feel like you're missing out on anything brought by iOS7/8?

I have devices with ios 1, ios 5 and 6. Sometimes I was able to install ios 6 apps (Samsung remote for my NX camera) in a ios 5 device by slightly modifying a file in the app (which can be opened with 7zip).
Plus that Appstore feature which prompts you to download the older version of an app.


macrumors 68000
Oct 12, 2014
My 4s has to go on the 9 beta for the time being for some light bug testing. Though, thanks to the Odysseus downgrade tool, it will be possible to downgrade it back in the future as I do use it regularly as my secondary device (once a JB is released for 8.4.1 or iOS 9) - I am looking forward to that. Its just so much snappier on iOS 6 (feels like a brand new device)

Right now however, I do need it updated

But I loved iOS 6 on the 4s - excellent combination. Big one for me was turn based navigation. Plus there are more apps which supported iOS 6 than iOS 5, and Apple seemed to have sped Safari up a bit too. So for those of us who prefer to have the older style of iOS lying around on a device, iOS 6 is a great way to go. :)


macrumors 68000
Oct 12, 2014
Does anyone here still use an iDevice running iOS 6?

If so, do you often encounter compatibility problems or feel like you're missing out on anything brought by iOS7/8?

For me personally,

What I feel like I'm missing out on:
- The control centre is nice and handy (without jailbreaking for something similar)

- On the flip side, the weather widget in iOS 6 is so much better than what was there in iOS 7 - though iOS 8 fixed that with third part widgets.

- I will say I used several third party widgets on iOS 8 which I would miss if I exclusively used an iOS 6 device, notably the full calendar view and also launcher

- I also use the "quick reply" text message feature often. It is super handy to reply to messages right from the lock screen or from a notification that pops up. That is something I would miss

- Another thing 2 apps that I use, which aren't supported by iOS 6: Google Agenda and Google Photos. I use Google Photos to store a cloud backup of all my photos and videos (15GB uncompressed or unlimited storage (!!) compressed) and Google Agenda when working with others to plan schedules. Very nice and handy to have it there.

As far as compatibility issues/what I like about iOS 6:
- On the other hand, iOS 6 is much better suited to older devices like the iPhone 4s - the aspect of everything fits better to the screen size (its better optimized to 3.5" devices), the phone is significantly faster (feels like a brand new device), and the design is very nice.

- The advantage of iOS 6 over iOS 5 is of course how refined it is; it is very similar to iOS 7 and most of the major apps have versions that work on it just as good as current versions. Some are almost indistinguishable such as instagram or whatsapp. Most apps work fine on iOS 6 and the compatibility is very strong, at least for the apps I use (I don't play games, and the only two apps I use on iOS 8 which aren't compatible with iOS 6 are the two aforementioned Google apps)

- Others like Google Maps allow older phones such as the iPhone 3GS to have turn-based navigation, which did not exist for the phone with the native Maps app.

- iOS 6 is perfect for phones such as the 4s in my opinion. At the time I remember I was frustrated with the "archaic" look of the OS and couldn't wait for iOS 7. It is funny how now I really like iOS 6 and in some ways prefer it to iOS 7 & post design. I'm sure others feel the same way going back.


macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2011
I wouldn't be able to upgrade my iphone 4s from ios5 because of certain very useful tweaks and apps.
For example with RingerX VIP you can assign custom tones for apps, you can customize the mute button, so even if you forgot your phone on mute, your phone will still notify you (with your custom louder tone) about that important ebay sell.
The same with contacts, you can customize which one will still ring, even if your phone is on mute.
You can assign custom ringtones from new options conveniently placed on each contact page .. and more.

And this is just one tweak. Not to mention how awful and unresponsive the 4s would be on the latest ios.

If I need new apps or ios 9 or 10 functionality, I'd rather buy a newer phone, and keep the old one on ios 5.


macrumors 68000
Oct 12, 2014
^ that's a great point.

Snapchat seems to have stopped working on iOS 6 for me now which is a surprise. It was working perfect mere weeks ago.

Now after attempting to log in, there is a message saying one must update to the latest version - even though one can still download the older version of the app.

Disappointing that snapchat would remove support entirely.

EDIT: I should add that my phone was not jailbroken, nor had any snapchat tweaks (which ultimately seems to have lead snapchat to doing this)

Though there aren't many iOS 6 users anymore, I don't feel it fair to lock out those of us who weren't participating in the tweaks
Last edited:

Newton’s Apple

Feb 6, 2018
My 4s has to go on the 9 beta for the time being for some light bug testing. Though, thanks to the Odysseus downgrade tool, it will be possible to downgrade it back in the future as I do use it regularly as my secondary device (once a JB is released for 8.4.1 or iOS 9) - I am looking forward to that. Its just so much snappier on iOS 6 (feels like a brand new device)

Right now however, I do need it updated

But I loved iOS 6 on the 4s - excellent combination. Big one for me was turn based navigation. Plus there are more apps which supported iOS 6 than iOS 5, and Apple seemed to have sped Safari up a bit too. So for those of us who prefer to have the older style of iOS lying around on a device, iOS 6 is a great way to go. :)
iOS 6 was one of the best iOS versions of all time. Two of my iPhones are on iOS 6 and they’re blazing fast.
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