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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 14, 2012
I'm wanting to make a slideshow of some wedding photos that I've taken, photos are high res from a 50mp camera but when I go to export (share > file) the maximum quality if 1080p, is there a way that I can export at 4K please?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 14, 2012
The maximum resolution you can export is that of your project. So…
Well the project files have far more resolution than 4k so.... ;)

I have actually found a workaround for now, if I add a 4k movie first then add the photos the project is then 4k, I can then remove the movie and it stays 4k. What I don't understand is why it won't recognise photos as anything over 1080?
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