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Nguyen Duc Hieu

macrumors 68030
Jul 5, 2020
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Here in high tech-land Germany an excavator did cut the cable that provided our allegedly 700MBit Internet.
I could have a look in it's construction: a post-WW2 cable with tar-paper isolated copper wires !
The repaired the damage and we still use this museum-ripe cable...for 2014's Internet.

This is just my speculation, but perhaps what you saw was just the metal cover and extra protection for the very thin fiber cable at the very center of it. Or maybe those are multi-purpose cables, and the metal wires serve some other purposes as well.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2022
This is just my speculation, but perhaps what you saw was just the metal cover and extra protection for the very thin fiber cable at the very center of it. Or maybe those are multi-purpose cables, and the metal wires serve some other purposes as well.
No, no. I have seen the old cable as it was repaired wire by wire. You may not be able to figure, but living in an old developed country has its drawbacks.
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macrumors 68040
Dec 14, 2010
I pay for 1GB fibre, up and down.
When I do a speed test its around 980MBps up and down consistently.


macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2017
I pay 60 euros for 8Gbps (up and down) and an additional 16 euros per line for unlimited 5G on my mobile. Honestly I never need the 8Gbps. The provided router by my ISP includes a 2.5Gbps switch which is what I get in my speed tests (PC with an 2.5Gbps port) and another SFP port for 10Gbps which I don’t use. This plan includes Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime which is nice to have.


macrumors 68000
Mar 28, 2019
I pay 60 euros for 8Gbps (up and down) and an additional 16 euros per line for unlimited 5G on my mobile. Honestly I never need the 8Gbps. The provided router by my ISP includes a 2.5Gbps switch which is what I get in my speed tests (PC with an 2.5Gbps port) and another SFP port for 10Gbps which I don’t use. This plan includes Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime which is nice to have.
Holy moly 8Gigs? Wow.


Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
I'm probably overpaying too. I was originally on 100/20 and upgraded to 1000/500 for the extra upload speed... but they've subsequently introduced a 300/100 plan which is probably more cost-effective! I should actually get around to talking to my ISP one of these days...
Since this thread is "active" again and reminded me... I switched ISP a few weeks ago, and while I'm still on 1000/500 I'm now paying $15/month less for it.
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Oct 9, 2005
Ting fiber is being installed in my neighborhood over the next few weeks. Symmetric 1Gbps down/up.

Currently have Xfinity 1.2Gbit down, 30Mbit up. The upload speed is too slow for me.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2017
Holy moly 8Gigs? Wow.
It's pretty awesome, although I don't max out my connection, I probably use 4Gbps at most when a server is running a backup and I am downloading a fast torrent. My ISP has a 5Gbps (down) 700Mbps (up) plan but it does not included any streaming services, hence the 8Gbps (down/up) in my case which is overkill.

At best on my PC I get the max of what my ethernet port allows :

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macrumors 65816
Nov 27, 2019
I live in Thailand and pay about 700 baht (US$20) for this:

Download:   568.71 Mbps (data used: 633.7 MB)
Upload:     478.09 Mbps (data used: 458.6 MB)

That was using Ookla's command line version of their Speedtest on an MBA about three meters from the router.

It's fiber to the house.
Who are you using? DTAC? Or 3BB?
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macrumors 65816
Nov 27, 2019
It’s TOT
Is TOT still blocking "those" websites? You know, the one with the now King, his then girlfriend, and Air Marshall Fufu at the Air Marshall's birthday party, where he was being fed cake by his girlfriend topless?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 4, 2007
I live in a rural area where fiber was deployed throughout spring & summer of 2021. Service utilizing that fiber has been available through a local co-op, and I finally switched over (from DSL) in July 2023.

I get 100 mbps down/20 mbps up for $60 + change (my total out of pocket) per month. I realize that to people in metro areas, this is hardly significant, but 'round these parts, to get *reliable* (I have yet to experience any kind of outage) service at these speeds, which is never throttled, is really nice. I bought my own router, and no longer have to pay my DSL provider's monthly modem/router rental. Thus far, it's been zero headaches, and actually cheaper than the ~60 mbps down/10 mbps up DSL I had.
Quoting myself here, but my local fiber co-op has implemented symmetrical service over the past couple weeks. Now I am provisioned for 100 mbps up/100 mbps down, still for ~$61.00 USD, total out-of-pocket each month. I do note, however, that since this rollout, the highest sustained download (and upload for that matter) that I get is ~95 mbps. Not a huge deal, but it was always ~100 mbps download speed prior to this switch to symmetrical service. 🤷‍♂️

I continue to marvel at the speeds/cost people in other parts of the world get.
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macrumors 65832
Mar 24, 2010
I have AT&T fiber 300mbps up/down, and it tends to be higher than that by 30-50 or so whenever I've checked. It's $55 with paperless billing currently.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 21, 2010
I see a lot of 'fast enough' perspectives and 'I/you don't need that much speed' and 'I downgraded my bandwidth to save a few bucks because I don't need extra speed'.

I do not understand these words.


macrumors 6502
Oct 9, 2021
Currently at 100/100. Used to have 1000/30, and at a former house had 1000/1000.

Frankly, in our two person household I can’t tell the difference between 100 and 1000 except when downloading very large files (e.g., MacOS and iOS updates).
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macrumors regular
Jan 10, 2024
Verizon unlimited data
1 Gig. 4.0. 940/880 Mbps

$170 per month including cable. However, it’s been super slow and crashes all the time?


macrumors 68030
Aug 2, 2009
Verizon fiber , 1gig. , around 950-980 up and down connected to the router ; 400 or so down and 500 or so up wireless

120/mo with VOIP landline .

Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
f you are using a Cable ISP, then there could be some benefits from increasing your speeds, maybe not with the download speeds, but with the upload speeds.

Most Cable ISPs have asymmetric download and upload speeds, meaning that the upload speed is sometimes a tiny fraction of the download speed.

Comcast is one of the worse, only have 5Mbps upload speeds on a lot of their Internet Service tiers. If you need a decent upload speed, you often have to pay for download speeds that you don't need.

Me for example, I need more upload speed than what Comcast currently offers, but I am stuck with them in my new home. My family could totally get by on 200Mbps download speed, probably less, but I am forced to pay for the Gigabit speed tier to get the 35Mbps upload speed.
Not sure when it changed, but since my post Comcast's upload speed on lower tiers have improved.

After buying my current home, I was stuck with only Comcast for a ISP, and to get a decent upload speed, I had to purchase Gigabit service. My family only needs about 100Mbps download speeds, but for Comcast's lowest and cheapest tier option, the upload speed was only 5Mbps, which was way too low for my family.

My discounts that I got when I sign up for for the service ended this month and when I was looking for potential options, I saw that the upload speeds improved a lot, 400% faster for the lowest tier.

I signed up for the no-contract, 150Mbps download, and 20Mbps upload tier for $58 a month. Price isn't great, but it is cheaper than paying for the Gigabit service which was overkill for my family.
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