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macrumors newbie
Nov 23, 2014
Same thing happened to me - I sent a message to 3 friends - 2 of them received the message ok, the message was asking if they wanted me to get them tickets for a concert at a particular theatre... the dodgy message said the concert was in Fiji not at the theatre! I haven't seen her message yet to see the whole message but it was very confusing at the time... I have an iphone - not sure what she has but I know it's a fairly new phone... the message was sent as a text message not an imessage...


macrumors newbie
Nov 23, 2014
There's no bs here at all. I never had a reason to be in this page till today but let me tell you that when it happens to you its not a joke or game. This happened to me today and it ruined my whole day. I'm on Verizon so is she I have an android maxx she has a razor. I'm fuming!!! This isn't right and not sure why its happened but I do know that this kinda tech mess up could ruin a relationship for sure.


macrumors newbie
Dec 23, 2014
The same thing happened to me yesterday when my girlfriend received different message than the one I sent her. Glad I found this thread because I thought I lost my mind and didn't know what happened.
Message sent from iOS and received on Android, both phones with Irish Vodafone.
Part of the message remained the same.
Message sent:
In Starbucks again for cup of coffee and going for little shopping in penny, posh!#
How are you my dear? X

Message received:
Hahaha, you got dirty mind alright haha, me only loves it# x
Can'tin penny, posh!#
How are you my dear? X

Huge fight after that followed by break up as she thinks I'm up to something and that message was meant to be send to someone else.
Is there any explanation?
Vodafone customer service told me they cannot check contents of the messages so I have no way of proving I didn't send anything like that apart from showing her screenshot from my phone with message I wrote and it was sent.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 23, 2015
OMG THANK GOD!! im freaking out this happened to me and my best friend last night. She is totally religious but i thought she was drunk. Whole top half on my phone different then what she sent i saw with own eyes this morning when i teased her for hitting the bottle too hard she was upset i read her my text she couldnt believe it we are still totally freaked out though. Are there people who transcribe them how can words totally be different? I have android she iPhone. Very upsetting for thoes who havent had this happen question authenticity of pictures proof. You should be quiet if it is none of your business not attack but then again not much of life if trolling sites on problems you have no knowledge of. For thoes who had guts share experiences after idiots who dont have a clue have to put there unsolicited two meaningless cents in. You put my anxiety at ease a bit. :)


macrumors newbie
Jan 23, 2015
I was calling BS on this whole "text received vs text sent" issue... until today. I typed a simple text to my wife, (THINGS ARE FINE between us!!) --telling her I had to practice for my role in a Christmas play tonight, and somehow, from my iPhone 5 to her Android HTC plus phone, there was a complete sentence added at the end of my typed text to the effect that I wanted a divorce and was looking into how much i would get from a judge! INSANE, and caused my wife to burst into tears, even after I showed her ON MY PHONE that I never typed what her phone was displaying! (And I never have typed those words to her!)

Come on, someone who understands the techie side of this--it's serious when it's affecting people's lives in this way. We've been married for 30 years, and things are fine, but you can imagine how that hit her, even after I showed her my phone and the actual text I sent!!

I need answers too happened to me last night. I can see maybe mixing words typed around. But changing ,adding, deleting sentences i cant wrap my head around and fact seems getting people in trouble as well seem intent behind. I thought my good religious friend was drunk and very disappointed went there to see why text when drunk showed me phone its two intentional to be glitch i feel .very freaked out thanks posting


macrumors newbie
Feb 9, 2015
I have a partial solution/explanation that worked in my case. It seems when texts get over 160 characters they get split up and then there is potential to get recombined with chunks of previous texts over 160 characters.

I was very confused like everyone else until I started to recognize some of the context of the second, and weird, half of the message. Luckily for me it contained a reference to a date, so *all* I had to do was scroll way back in my message history to find the exact wording in the old text.


macrumors newbie
Aug 2, 2015
I think ive been dumped through a message my gf received which only partly resembled what I actually sent!
I sent "Lol v big word x thought you were resting your hip lass!!!!" this was followed by emoji's and x's.
The message she received read "V v worrying x something is going on x think she might have trouble"
The emoji's were different but the x's exactly same.
I can see from this forum and other sites that this problem is more common than I imagined.
Is it possible that it is simply part of a problem with part of a previous message being sent or packet switching errors?
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macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2015

This just happened to me! My boyfriend thinks I'm a liar now and nothing that I've tried all day is making him think otherwise.

I sent him text messages explaining what Slut Walk is, about the police chief in Toronto and politicians who made anti-woman statements and why the movement started. What he got was a message about honking and "wooing" and someone setting stuff on fire, and at the end of the message it said "because there was trukt walk" with a smiley face.

He is convinced I meant to send it to someone else, BUT I NEVER EVEN TYPED THAT TO ANYONE EVER.

He received it at 1:03, but my message history says that nothing was sent at 1:03. It says I didn't send anything between 11:57 am and 3:15 PM. Text message histories cannot be tampered with. I can't change them on my files, Verizon can't change them.

I don't know what to do or how to explain this to him or get him to believe that I'm not lying. What do I do?!
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Knowlege Bomb

macrumors G4
Feb 14, 2008

This just happened to me! My boyfriend thinks I'm a liar now and nothing that I've tried all day is making him think otherwise.

I sent him text messages explaining what Slut Walk is, about the police chief in Toronto and politicians who made anti-woman statements and why the movement started. What he got was a message about honking and "wooing" and someone setting stuff on fire, and at the end of the message it said "because there was trukt walk" with a smiley face.

He is convinced I meant to send it to someone else, BUT I NEVER EVEN TYPED THAT TO ANYONE EVER.

He received it at 1:03, but my message history says that nothing was sent at 1:03. It says I didn't send anything between 11:57 am and 3:15 PM. Text message histories cannot be tampered with. I can't change them on my files, Verizon can't change them.

I don't know what to do or how to explain this to him or get him to believe that I'm not lying. What do I do?!

Show him this thread. Copy the link in the address bar and text it to him.


macrumors newbie
Nov 15, 2015
So I know this was originally posted a long time ago. Did you ever come to a conclusion? The same thing happens with my phone I don't even have an iphone. I have a Samsung galaxy but this was the only thing I could find. My phone sends different messages then I send. It once told someone I was pregnant( I have just had a baby like a month ago) so you can imagine the surprise there. It has done it twice recently saying something off the wall things to relatives things that I never sent. I use this phone primarily for work so I need to make sure it's not doing this. Any help?

I'm not sure if this is iOS6 related, as it wasn't an iMessage, but thought this was still the best place to post. I have an iPhone 5 and recently sent the following text to someone:

"You finishing off that white chocolate today, or is that all gone? x"

Although I have proof that this is the message that was sent in my inbox, the person said they received the following:

"You finishi've seen the woman actually naked. Ha ha. X"

I thought it could have been some autocorrect thing, but the first message is what appears in my conversation history. As you can imagine, the second text almost got me in trouble when I'm completely innocent! Ha. I have no recollection of ever sending "I've seen the woman actually naked. Ha ha. X" previously, but can't be certain! :)

Any comments appreciated.


macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2015
So I know this was originally posted a long time ago. Did you ever come to a conclusion? The same thing happens with my phone I don't even have an iphone. I have a Samsung galaxy but this was the only thing I could find. My phone sends different messages then I send. It once told someone I was pregnant( I have just had a baby like a month ago) so you can imagine the surprise there. It has done it twice recently saying something off the wall things to relatives things that I never sent. I use this phone primarily for work so I need to make sure it's not doing this. Any help?

I actually found out what this is, so here's a little PSA for fellow users of iphone and Android: Sometimes, depending on what carrier you have (CDMS, GMS, etc) your carrier may have an SMS text limitation of 160 characters. If it exceeds that limit, the message will be broken up into smaller ones. Usually, this is fine. HOWEVER, sometimes different carriers that have these hard limits will not communicate well with carriers that don't have these limits. Example Verizon communicating with T-Mobile. Verizon is a CDMS with an SMS hard limit of 160, this is for SMS, not imessage. T-mobile tries to re-assemble broken up SMS messages into one long form text because it's a GMS carrier.

What can happen is long text messages are either not received, received out of order, or (this is common with iphones trying to communicate with Androids) messages will get REALLY mixed up and the receiver will get chunks of old messages mashed together with pieces of a new message. This is what has happened when you get weird messages you never typed. It can assemble any number of old messages with new ones, so you'll either get indecipherable frankenmessages, or you'll get messages mashed together that look a hell of a lot worse than what they are.

So everyone who said this was "shenanigans," no, actually, it isn't.

My situation thankfully resolved itself. After searching for answers all day, I found the apple discussion forums on which someone had asked the same question about the same problem. I also searched the T-Mobile site for answers. That's how I learned about the difference between CDMS and GMS carriers. The message my boyfriend received consisted of the last word and a half of what I MEANT to send him, and the first half of a text I had sent him back in June about the people in the street partying after the Hawks had won a game.

Now, he is still on T-mobile as a carrier, and I still use Verizon, however, he now has an iphone 6, and is able to use imessage, so this problem has not happened again.


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2016
I actually found out what this is, so here's a little PSA for fellow users of iphone and Android: Sometimes, depending on what carrier you have (CDMS, GMS, etc) your carrier may have an SMS text limitation of 160 characters. If it exceeds that limit, the message will be broken up into smaller ones. Usually, this is fine. HOWEVER, sometimes different carriers that have these hard limits will not communicate well with carriers that don't have these limits. Example Verizon communicating with T-Mobile. Verizon is a CDMS with an SMS hard limit of 160, this is for SMS, not imessage. T-mobile tries to re-assemble broken up SMS messages into one long form text because it's a GMS carrier.

What can happen is long text messages are either not received, received out of order, or (this is common with iphones trying to communicate with Androids) messages will get REALLY mixed up and the receiver will get chunks of old messages mashed together with pieces of a new message. This is what has happened when you get weird messages you never typed. It can assemble any number of old messages with new ones, so you'll either get indecipherable frankenmessages, or you'll get messages mashed together that look a hell of a lot worse than what they are.

So everyone who said this was "shenanigans," no, actually, it isn't.

My situation thankfully resolved itself. After searching for answers all day, I found the apple discussion forums on which someone had asked the same question about the same problem. I also searched the T-Mobile site for answers. That's how I learned about the difference between CDMS and GMS carriers. The message my boyfriend received consisted of the last word and a half of what I MEANT to send him, and the first half of a text I had sent him back in June about the people in the street partying after the Hawks had won a game.

Now, he is still on T-mobile as a carrier, and I still use Verizon, however, he now has an iphone 6, and is able to use imessage, so this problem has not happened again.
[doublepost=1452694461][/doublepost]I would like to mention that those might not really be the answer to the problem in all cases as this happened to me today. This has not been a big issue when it happened but has made me reevaluate what people have sent and to confirm anything I am suspicious on prior to responding. I have a Sony experia z5 with Vodafone my fiance has iPhone 6 with Vodafone the message she sent was only 88 characters long including spaces and emoji's. I do not need to detail the messages as I know those on here who this has happened to do not need evidence.


macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2015
I would like to mention that those might not really be the answer to the problem in all cases as this happened to me today. This has not been a big issue when it happened but has made me reevaluate what people have sent and to confirm anything I am suspicious on prior to responding. I have a Sony experia z5 with Vodafone my fiance has iPhone 6 with Vodafone the message she sent was only 88 characters long including spaces and emoji's. I do not need to detail the messages as I know those on here who this has happened to do not need evidence.

I've never even heard of Vodaphone so I can't speak for it as a carrier.

I know what I described is exactly what happened to me because when I read the thread on the apple forums, I searched back through my phone and was able to find the original text the new one was spliced with. I came home and showed it to my boyfriend. Then he (finally) looked at the rest of the text thread on my phone and saw there were several long form messages he didn't receive.

Keep in mind the limit only applies to standard SMS. If you don't have iMessage, which if you have a Sony, then you won't, iMessage won't work. So if she sends you something in IMessage, it will be converted to SMS.


Jan 20, 2016
Registered to report that I just had this issue between a Galaxy S5 and an iPhone, both on AT&T. Sent the same 320 character message twice and both times it cut off half away and displayed something else. Very odd.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
okay explain this please

A couple things, first that was a post from over 3 years ago. Second you should remove the phone number from that second pic.

Was that error (for 5th period and....) something that was said somewhere else but either of the people in the conversation just at a different time?


macrumors newbie
May 22, 2016
I just had my phone do it...


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macrumors newbie
May 27, 2016
Happens every day between me and my girlfriend for the past month now. I changed SIM cards yesterday at AT&T but that didn't help at all. On the line now with Apple.


macrumors newbie
Aug 26, 2016
A Hill
well as you have proof that you didn't send a txt saying that, it isn't your problem.

personally, i don't believe it.
Believe it because its the only reason i found this thread. Wanting to know if this **** only happens to me or what.
I call BS on all this.
No you cant because it happens. The only people who should claim not to believe it and call us crazy and or liars are the people who have enough tech power or knowledge working behind whatever phone company or apps with permissions to edit and change texts just to **** with people for entertainment or whatever

pancake monster

macrumors newbie
Oct 12, 2016
same thing has been happening to me and my girlfriend for months, recently it escalated into changing from English to a Chinese/random text character combination. its now doing that for any text that has an emoji and exceeds the sms character limit
[doublepost=1476335135][/doublepost]for reference I have the nexus 6p and she has the iPhone 6. we also had this problem when I had the htc one m8 before June this year. it has been happening since January 2016
[doublepost=1476335266][/doublepost]it most recently replaced her short-ish text with this:
in my experience it was untranslateable in google translate even at the most basic particle
very strange


macrumors newbie
Jan 18, 2017
I have the IPHONE 4 and she has droid razor. We both have Verizon service. The same thing happened about 6 months ago but i let it go because thought it was one time thing. Weird that on my message 'to' is lower case and her its capital 'T' and one word. Only the last sentence is kind of similar.
My next steps is to write a letter to CEO of Verizon and apple for some kind of explanation.

Thanks for replying.

PS : I have better things to do then Photoshop 2 photos to post above.
As in a screenshot back from her? I don't think her phone has that feature and I can't really ask her to take a pic of her phone screen. The conversation has moved on now, and she's a close friend, so wouldn't make it up.
HELP!!!!! My iPhone 6 text I sent, looks different than the text my boyfriend received from me on his android. Obviously I wouldn't text someone to "lick my balls"!!! Is it possible my boyfriend is cheating and text that to someone and the messages in sent/received got scrambled?!!
I'm not sure if this is iOS6 related, as it wasn't an iMessage, but thought this was still the best place to post. I have an iPhone 5 and recently sent the following text to someone:

"You finishing off that white chocolate today, or is that all gone? x"

Although I have proof that this is the message that was sent in my inbox, the person said they received the following:

"You finishi've seen the woman actually naked. Ha ha. X"

I thought it could have been some autocorrect thing, but the first message is what appears in my conversation history. As you can imagine, the second text almost got me in trouble when I'm completely innocent! Ha. I have no recollection of ever sending "I've seen the woman actually naked. Ha ha. X" previously, but can't be certain! :)

Any comments appreciated.
[doublepost=1484809692][/doublepost]HELP!!! My iPhone sent a message to my boyfriends android that is not the same as the original message I sent!!! Look at screen shots above!!
Same thing happened to me - I sent a message to 3 friends - 2 of them received the message ok, the message was asking if they wanted me to get them tickets for a concert at a particular theatre... the dodgy message said the concert was in Fiji not at the theatre! I haven't seen her message yet to see the whole message but it was very confusing at the time... I have an iphone - not sure what she has but I know it's a fairly new phone... the message was sent as a text message not an imessage...
Believe it because its the only reason i found this thread. Wanting to know if this **** only happens to me or what.
No you cant because it happens. The only people who should claim not to believe it and call us crazy and or liars are the people who have enough tech power or knowledge working behind whatever phone company or apps with permissions to edit and change texts just to **** with people for entertainment or whatever


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macrumors 6502a
Oct 7, 2011
HELP!!!!! My iPhone 6 text I sent, looks different than the text my boyfriend received from me on his android. Obviously I wouldn't text someone to "lick my balls"!!! Is it possible my boyfriend is cheating and text that to someone and the messages in sent/received got scrambled?!!
[doublepost=1484809692][/doublepost]HELP!!! My iPhone sent a message to my boyfriends android that is not the same as the original message I sent!!! Look at screen shots above!!

I would look at what apps you have on your phone especially anyone on android, many times when you agree to the term of the apps you are giving them permission to see what's in your phone, read emails, read your text messages, **change text messages***, use your camera to take photos, listen to your mic, see your photos..... Delete any apps you don't need and check app permissions. There was a show two weeks ago called Marketplace on CBC that had an episode on this.

Look at all the permissions on the android Google app, it's quite frightening what they have control of when you agree to the terms of their apps.
I would look at what apps you have on your phone especially anyone on android, many times when you agree to the term of the apps you are giving them permission to see what's in your phone, read emails, read your text messages, **change text messages***, use your camera to take photos, listen to your mic, see your photos..... Delete any apps you don't need and check app permissions. There was a show two weeks ago called Marketplace on CBC that had an episode on this.

Look at all the permissions on the android Google app, it's quite frightening what they have control of when you agree to the terms of their apps.

Here's the story from Marketplace CBC
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