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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 31, 2011
I'm not sure if this is iOS6 related, as it wasn't an iMessage, but thought this was still the best place to post. I have an iPhone 5 and recently sent the following text to someone:

"You finishing off that white chocolate today, or is that all gone? x"

Although I have proof that this is the message that was sent in my inbox, the person said they received the following:

"You finishi've seen the woman actually naked. Ha ha. X"

I thought it could have been some autocorrect thing, but the first message is what appears in my conversation history. As you can imagine, the second text almost got me in trouble when I'm completely innocent! Ha. I have no recollection of ever sending "I've seen the woman actually naked. Ha ha. X" previously, but can't be certain! :)

Any comments appreciated.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 31, 2011
As in a screenshot back from her? I don't think her phone has that feature and I can't really ask her to take a pic of her phone screen. The conversation has moved on now, and she's a close friend, so wouldn't make it up.


macrumors 65816
Oct 23, 2007
As in a screenshot back from her? I don't think her phone has that feature and I can't really ask her to take a pic of her phone screen. The conversation has moved on now, and she's a close friend, so wouldn't make it up.

well as you have proof that you didn't send a txt saying that, it isn't your problem.

personally, i don't believe it.


macrumors newbie
Oct 9, 2012
Hi, I just came on the net looking for someone who had this problem. I just sent a message off my iphone4 to my partners Samsung. I sent him that a message and at the end wrote I should go to castletown and he received please leave me alone or I'm gonna smash my phone. We both took photos of the screen and the messages that are sent and received are completely different. Did you find an answer I'm actually a little freaked out cause I've never sent him a message or anyone a message saying that so I don't understand where it came from


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Hi, I just came on the net looking for someone who had this problem. I just sent a message off my iphone4 to my partners Samsung. I sent him that a message and at the end wrote I should go to castletown and he received please leave me alone or I'm gonna smash my phone. We both took photos of the screen and the messages that are sent and received are completely different. Did you find an answer I'm actually a little freaked out cause I've never sent him a message or anyone a message saying that so I don't understand where it came from

Please post the screen shots of both....


macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2006
Southern California
When iMessage was first introduced, i had a brand new iPhone, no one had ever owned it, factory sealed box, etc, and a person I was iMessaging with received an iMessage from me that I never sent.
There were other posts dealing with this and similar issues, but I never had the problem repeat itself and I never read about a potential cause.
Obviously, i don't know if this is related to that or not, but there have definitely been some odd situations involving iMessage over time.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2008
When iMessage was first introduced, i had a brand new iPhone, no one had ever owned it, factory sealed box, etc, and a person I was iMessaging with received an iMessage from me that I never sent.
There were other posts dealing with this and similar issues, but I never had the problem repeat itself and I never read about a potential cause.
Obviously, i don't know if this is related to that or not, but there have definitely been some odd situations involving iMessage over time.

Not an iMessage problem seeing as neither of these two cases above involved iMessage but regular SMS. Could be any number of reasons such as someone messing with you to a carrier problem.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2012
I've had that happen too. Completely changed my SMS message. Sending from iOS 6 to latest Android and from Verizon to T-Mobile. I had to take my brother's phone to check as I could believe him.


macrumors newbie
Oct 9, 2012
I'm not able to upload them but I'll paste what it said. So I sent him... I know but I don't think I'm gonna like this job. I'm nervous about driving and I'll have to work till 10 at night. I should of just kept that interview for castletown today. And he received... I know but I don't think I'm gonna like this job. I'm nervous about driving and I'll have to work till 10 at night. I should of just kept that interview me. Please leave me alone. I'm gonna smash my phone soon.

That was it. I'm pretty freaked out I don't know where it came from


macrumors newbie
Feb 26, 2013
I am a Verizon Wireless customer and have IPHONE4 and on February 24 2013, I sent a text message to my girl friend. The text message I sent her was completely different than the text message she received , which caused us to get into a big argument , and put some unnecessary stress in both our lives; Ruined our plans on the 24th because she thought my message was meant for another person. I do not blame her , because it made me look shady. I called Verizon and they could not explain what happened. Offered no compensation and really did not care. This is the 2nd time this happened to me and first time , I just let it go but now I am irate. Any assistance or advice would be appreciated. I attached screen shots that I sent them as proof.


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macrumors 6502a
Dec 19, 2011
I am a Verizon Wireless customer and have IPHONE4 and on February 24 2013, I sent a text message to my girl friend. The text message I sent her was completely different than the text message she received , which caused us to get into a big argument , and put some unnecessary stress in both our lives; Ruined our plans on the 24th because she thought my message was meant for another person. I do not blame her , because it made me look shady. I called Verizon and they could not explain what happened. Offered no compensation and really did not care. This is the 2nd time this happened to me and first time , I just let it go but now I am irate. Any assistance or advice would be appreciated. I attached screen shots that I sent them as proof.

I still don't believe it. Photos look photoshopped to me and this isn't widespread. You have her name in your phone and she just has your #?? And your boyfriend girlfriend? Seems shady.


macrumors 68030
Oct 14, 2011
This has happened to me once before, and only once. It was several years ago, I don't remember when, but it was before iMessage came out. It was a text between my wife (g/f at the time) and I thought it was just a messaging glitch, since it only happened once and never again. We both had AT&T at the time.
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Brian Y

macrumors 68040
Oct 21, 2012
I am a Verizon Wireless customer and have IPHONE4 and on February 24 2013, I sent a text message to my girl friend. The text message I sent her was completely different than the text message she received , which caused us to get into a big argument , and put some unnecessary stress in both our lives; Ruined our plans on the 24th because she thought my message was meant for another person. I do not blame her , because it made me look shady. I called Verizon and they could not explain what happened. Offered no compensation and really did not care. This is the 2nd time this happened to me and first time , I just let it go but now I am irate. Any assistance or advice would be appreciated. I attached screen shots that I sent them as proof.

So somebody elses text got sent to your girlfriend's phone? And the person who wrote that text also wrongly puts a space before exclamation marks?

Pull the other one ! ;)


macrumors newbie
Feb 26, 2013
I have the IPHONE 4 and she has droid razor. We both have Verizon service. The same thing happened about 6 months ago but i let it go because thought it was one time thing. Weird that on my message 'to' is lower case and her its capital 'T' and one word. Only the last sentence is kind of similar.
My next steps is to write a letter to CEO of Verizon and apple for some kind of explanation.

Thanks for replying.

PS : I have better things to do then Photoshop 2 photos to post above.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 31, 2011
Comforting to see others have this problem and that I'm not the only one being asked to provide screenshots to prove the recipient of my texts or I aren't lying. Ha ha.

It happens occasionally with me to my friend who has a HTC phone. It's happened often enough that I've figured out the first half of the texts get through as usual, and the second half of the text is part of a message I've sent that person previously. The messages seem to join by a common word or letter in a type of crossover.

Brian Y

macrumors 68040
Oct 21, 2012
I have the IPHONE 4 and she has droid razor. We both have Verizon service. The same thing happened about 6 months ago but i let it go because thought it was one time thing. Weird that on my message 'to' is lower case and her its capital 'T' and one word. Only the last sentence is kind of similar.
My next steps is to write a letter to CEO of Verizon and apple for some kind of explanation.

Thanks for replying.

PS : I have better things to do then Photoshop 2 photos to post above.

So you expect us to believe that you didn't write the text "she" received? Dude - the writing style is identical to YOURS (both the style you use here, and the style in your messages)? Lol.


macrumors newbie
Feb 26, 2013
So you expect us to believe that you didn't write the text "she" received? Dude - the writing style is identical to YOURS (both the style you use here, and the style in your messages)? Lol.

I am just telling you what happened and screen shot. My texts messages and times are exact same right after that. Believe what you want dude.

Verizon offered to send me a new IPHONE 4 and tech girl on the phone said based on privacy laws can not look at the actual text message. I would have to get a lawyer to get those records. I am going to write a letter to verizon and apple.


Oct 9, 2005
If these are going over standard SMS and not Apple's iMessage, it sounds like the carrier's error. Definitely call and have them check your account, reset the internal messaging IDs, etc. Although the error could be at the receiving end and not at your end.

Replacing the phone might help if only to re-associate your account with an all-new ESN. But since you don't know if the errors lie with your account or the other party's, replacing your phone may not help (it may be at the other end).


macrumors regular
Apr 28, 2011
To those calling shenanigans on the pictures posted look at the time stamps it checks out on both screens.

I've had something similar happen to me in which the iMessage I sent out and the one received were not the same.

I've also had my phone type out phantom messages an example of this was I left a message on someone's instagram picture that said "c'mon you horn dog" about an hour later when I pull my phone from my pocket I see the messages app open already selected a conversation (I had just unlocked the phone to make a call a few moments before) and in the message field were the words Horn Dog. My pocket didn't type that, I never copied the text so that it would be pasted either.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 11, 2013
This just happened to me. I see there are some trolls about. Nevertheless, it was so weird and a total disruption of communication. Telecom must have installed their tap incorrectly.


macrumors newbie
Jul 1, 2013
This just happened to me, it was unexplainable and to be very honest a bit freaky.


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