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macrumors newbie
May 9, 2019
BEWARE! This caused my PC to not be able to boot into Windows. I had to delete the driver files and registry entries from the command line. It was not fun. If you don't know how to do that you will be reformatting like others in this thread.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2016
Belgrade, Serbia
BEWARE! This caused my PC to not be able to boot into Windows. I had to delete the driver files and registry entries from the command line. It was not fun. If you don't know how to do that you will be reformatting like others in this thread.

I've followed steps from this post more than 10 times and it is working great.

The thing that everyone should remember is that HFS drivers are no-no in bootcamp if you're running any sort of RAID in macOS.


macrumors newbie
Aug 13, 2019
BEWARE! This caused my PC to not be able to boot into Windows. I had to delete the driver files and registry entries from the command line. It was not fun. If you don't know how to do that you will be reformatting like others in this thread.

Did you have to do anything else from that? I did a system restore, but still stuck into the infinite loop of things..

It shows that my Regsitry Entries are gone, and system32/drivers are gone... still stuck

Patrice Brousseau

macrumors 6502
Dec 14, 2016
Montréal, Canada
A bit late to the game but anyway: updated to Win 10 1909 on my early MBP 2011 (end of Windows 7 support) and found this thread searching for why VSS wasn't working.

Also, thanks to Andraxxus for the workaround using the ext2fsd software to discover names of HFS+ DOS mountpoints and adding them via regedit.


macrumors newbie
Sep 21, 2020
I followed these instructions and it also caused my computer to not be able to boot into Windows. I used System Restore to restore to a point a few days ago, but I lost a significant amount of progress. I think it would be nice if there were a warning about this in the post, along with a recommendation to backup using System Restore before editing the registry.


macrumors newbie
Sep 22, 2020
These are the Read-Only HFS+ drivers that comes with Boot Camp.

They can be installed on any matching Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 machine without the need to install the Boot Camp package (and also easily removed if necessary). - Technically v6.0 should work on Vista/7/8 but it has not been tested.

If you are using the Windows 10 Anniversary update uninstall the driver and use Paragon until things are sorted out.

How to Install:
Uninstall Paragon or MacDrive
2) Copy AppleHFS.sys & AppleMNT.sys to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\
3) Merge Add_AppleHFS.reg
4) Restart
Do you support APFs?


Mar 21, 2011
Copying over these two files worked. but not fully

After i rebooted, Disk Management can see my external 1TB Mac HFS+ drive.. DISKPART can see the drive too : "detail disk" command

But it can only se 200MB EFI,, not the data part, and no letter assign by default. Thus the only assi i can to it to the EFI which obviously user cannot access.

Either i'm doing it wrong, or time to go back to the drawing board...

I inda figured this solution was the easiest as i only need read-only access. Pretty sure MacDrive and othes don't play well with AV software scanning (I might give another try)
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Patrice Brousseau

macrumors 6502
Dec 14, 2016
Montréal, Canada
I followed these instructions and it also caused my computer to not be able to boot into Windows. I used System Restore to restore to a point a few days ago, but I lost a significant amount of progress. I think it would be nice if there were a warning about this in the post, along with a recommendation to backup using System Restore before editing the registry.
I had to stay under 1909 on my MBP Early 2011. Later editions and the workaround don’t play well, unbootable laptop!


macrumors regular
Jul 27, 2008
I boot camped my 2014 mac mini with windows 10 on a separate partition. In the intent to play games and streaming for twitch. I then noticed that afterwards my mac had problems completing the the complete install when it came to drivers. After working on the problem I decided to start up windows separately and do a driver update and all the drivers I needed was downloaded via windows 10, including the drivers need for networking and my rx570 card for my egpu. I then wiped out the other mac partition and dedicated that as another drive. So now I don't have any mac programs on my machine and solely using window 10 on my mac mini without any problems. So now I'm thinking you don't even need mac os on a intel machine as long as you have bootable thumb drive with a full windows 10 and just load straight into a clean partition without the need for boot camp or parallels to work.


macrumors newbie
Jun 17, 2022
To those of you that also got the super annoying and mildly terrifying issue of not being able to log in at all after rebooting it seems to be an issue with Windows Enforcing drivers that it knows.

In my case I got a blue screen warning saying that my laptop couldn’t boot, after trying to reboot several times I went to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart and chose “Disable Driver signature enforcement”.

This allowed me to log in and then follow the deletion instructions.

Hope this helps someone else!


macrumors 65816
Jan 17, 2014
Hello, I've discovered a method which worked for all my hackintoshes. Apple bootcamp 6.0 drivers work fine after 1607 update, they just have problems mounting the drives... Give it a try if you like, this may end up to be the solution
Ok, the thread is nearly five years old. But does the trick still work today?

I'm on Win 11 on a cMP. Sadly Boot Camp 6.1 already installed. Have also a 6.0 package downloaded. Tried to install this, but - as it detects the allready installed newer version - did not let me.

So two questions:

- Does this work at all with Win 11?

- Is there a way to extract and seperately install the needed HFS-drivers of the 6.0 package?


macrumors newbie
Mar 24, 2023

After following the steps and merging into reg and restarting, my PC doesn't produce a video output after restart.
Screen is just black.
Most likely it's a conflict with the new driver.

Don't know what to do, I've been trying to fix this for hours.
Can't enter or do much in safe mode when I can't see anything.

Any help appreciated.....

Tried everything imaginable, but I finally got it to display the screen.
1. Power off and remove GPU entirely
2. Remove CMOS for 2 minutes, put back in
3. Plug HDMI into Integrated Graphics
4. Power up
5. Boot in safe mode

... and thats how far I've come. Now I only have to hunt down that f*n registry key and nuke it


Fixed. Just force PC to use integrated graphics and delete the two drivers in Sys32.

Please edit original post to prevent this from happening to other idiots like myself.
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macrumors newbie
Aug 20, 2023
DON'T do this if you have Windows 11!

I tried and then the system would not boot into Windows. I had to use CMD to delete the files, basically go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\
and delete the AppleHFS.sys & AppleMNT.sys files there which fixed it. As WalterMagnum said it was not fun and scared the hell out of me as I had work to do on this laptop.

If you have Windows 11 just try HFSExplorer, that worked well for me.


macrumors newbie
May 31, 2022
I did this on Windows 11 because it worked really well on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. Immediately after reboot it went to automatic startup repair seemingly without even trying to boot Windows 11 first.

If you have bitlocker enabled and don't have your recovery key you are basically screwed after doing this. I was very lucky to make a backup of my bitlocker key because there was no way to access the data on my disk without it, I had to unlock the drive and then go to the drivers folder and rename both.sys files.

People that aren't prepared or don't know how to solve something that prevents their machine from booting will be in trouble here.

Does Apple still make HFS drivers? I'd be very surprised if they don't have drivers that work on 11.
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