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Questions tagged [starting-strength]

A beginner strength program by Mark Rippetoe.

5 votes
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Do isolated exercises really not work as good as compound movements for increasing strength?

The reason that isolated body-part training on machines doesn't work is the same reason that barbells work so well, better than any other tools we can use to gain strength. The human body functions as ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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bamboo barbells/ unstable loads and research papers [duplicate]

I've been told that there are lots of research papers on this new kind of barbell, but I can't find any of them on google scholar or research gate. Do such papers exist? If so could you give me a list ...
Abijah's user avatar
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What book(s) for beginning routines at PF for 50-year old with 10 years off with strength as a first goal? [closed]

Problem: I have not had an exercise routine in 10 years. I now want to build strength again and look good, and improve my cardiovascular health (stop being winded so easily). I just joined Planet ...
Ungar Linski's user avatar
3 votes
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Should general workouts be done before Starting Strength 5x5?

I'm planning to put my wife on the Starting Strength 5x5 program starting next week. She's 28 years old and has no experience with weight training. Is it a good idea to go ahead and start with the ...
Abhishek A Udupa's user avatar
11 votes
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At the top of the deadlift (i.e., when you have picked up the barbell), are you supposed to roll your shoulders back?

At the top of the deadlift (i.e., when you have picked up the barbell), are you supposed to roll your shoulders back? Or are the shoulders supposed to remain the way they were when you grabbed the bar ...
RoundHouse's user avatar
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What would happen if one added more sets to Starting Strength or Stronglifts?

The number of sets in routines like Starting Strength or Stronglifts seems absurdly low. For example, doing Starting Strength, you are on average doing 4.5 sets per week on the bench press. That's ...
SevenFive's user avatar
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Has any man achieved slow high kicks in their 30s?

My goal is to be able to do a slow, controlled side-kick movement significantly above waist level (ideally, head-height). Is there any evidence-based training program that would lead to that? I have ...
rinspy's user avatar
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Is variation of movement important in strength training? [closed]

Exercise is the thing we must do to replicate the conditions under which physiology was - and still is - adapted, the conditions in which we are physically normal. In other words, exercise is ...
Andy's user avatar
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How should I train strength if I want to stay pain-free and have good mobility?

"My best powerlifting accomplishment in the 275-pound weight class was a 1,000-pound squat, 675-pound bench press, 700-pound deadlift, and a 2,375 total. No, I wasn't strong at all! Sure, I could ...
Andy's user avatar
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Looking for a good rotational exercise to add to Starting Strength program

I follow the Starting Strength program. I like that is built around natural movement patterns. The deadlift for instance is really just picking something heavy up from the ground. This is both useful ...
Andy's user avatar
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Are my forearms too long for a Power Clean?

In "Starting Strength", Mark Rippetoe wrote that there are people who simply cannot rack the bar as required for a Power Clean due to an "abysmal anatomy". I am indeed having a hard time racking the ...
Paul K's user avatar
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Starting Strength without a power rack in a home gym

As a 28 year old desk worker, I'm noticing I'm getting fluffy around the waist and my strength has diminished even more over the years. I used to do aerobic sports so I wasn't out of shape during my ...
Eriol's user avatar
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How can I split Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5?

Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5 and Madcow 5x5 are popular and similar barbell strength training programs. They all use the same lifts and use sets of 5 and trains the full body 3 days a week. ...
Andy's user avatar
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What to do after joining the gym?

I am sorry if the question was very vague, Ill clear it out here, I am 26 soon turning 27 by August, I weigh 70 Kgs, I have thin arms but a very fat belly, all I want is a healthy body, maybe work out ...
Jatin's user avatar
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What to do after failing the Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression

I've been doing LP for 4 months. I've gained 10kg in the first 3 months (from 83-93kg), rest between sets, enough sleep, no injuries, and adding weight on the bar. I did not get weaker on any of the ...
Looft's user avatar
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