What is the difference between a hammer curl and a regular curl? I understand the form differences. I'm looking for an anatomical answer.

More specifically, what differences in muscle groups (in the bicep) does a hammer curl and a regular curl workout?

Are there specific benefits between executing a hammer curl and a regular curl?

2 Answers 2


Hammer curls are supposed to target the brachioradialis and brachialis muscles more directly than a standard curl due to pronation.


My perception is that the hammercurl builds the width off the bicep as supposed to the regular curl. i do them infront of my chest and never higher than a 90 degree angle. if you go higher you target different muscles.

  • Note from the future: it doesn't target different muscles, but once you've passed 90deg it's less efficient because the lever is reduced. That's one reason people like bent-over curls; gravity can work at full effectiveness through a larger range of motion. Commented Mar 25, 2022 at 15:25

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