Easy FancyBox Pro

Get the brilliant new Pro lightbox for WordPress, Pro features for free lightboxes, and dedicated Pro support with same day responses.

Introducing the New Pro Lightbox


Thumbnails in Lightbox

Show thumbnails in lightbox. Multiple styles. Toggle to show/hide.

Fullscreen Lightbox

Enable (or not) ability to toggle lightbox fullscreen.

Customize Toolbar

Show toolbar buttons: thumbs, slideshow, fullscreen, zoom, transformation.

Open Everything

Open most image formats, videos, PDFs, maps, inline content, iframes.

Automatic Media Detect

Automatically detect media to open in lightbox.

Customize Appearance

Fully customize appearance and lightbox behavior.

Slideshows & Transitions

Optionally enable slideshows. Customization transition styles.

Perfect on Mobile

Perfect mobile & touch optimization including swipe, drag, pinch-to-zoom.

Image Zooming

Zoom images with toolbar buttons + pinch-to-zoom on mobile.

Image Transformation

Optionally enable image transsformation controles

Open Google Maps

Open Google Maps (with full functionality) in a lightbox.

Easily create Modals

The easiest way to create modals and popups on your website.

Pro Features for Free Lightboxes

Easy Fancybox Pro also adds great new features to our free lightboxes:
Fancybox Classic, Fancybox Reloaded, Fancybox V2.

Additional Styling Options
Additional Transition Effects
Additional Slideshow Effects
Lightbox Spotlight Effect
Advanced Gallery Detection Options
Additional Metadata Options
Advanced Automatic Popup Options
Third Party Integrations

(Elementor, FacetWP, Gravity Forms, TablePress, WP Bakery)

This is a modal!

Easy Fancybox allows you to add modals easily! Add a group block, give it an html anchor like #uniqueID, add content using the block editor, and add the “fancybox-hidden” class to hide it initially.

Then add a link or button that links to same anchor to open it.

Extra tip: The close button below is a normal button block with the “data-fancybox-close” attribute, which makes it close this modal.