For admission into bachelors programs in Germany, often third world nationals have to first attend a prep course. One can only enter this prep course through clearance of an exam. Typically one applies for a student applicant visa to write the exam.

One of my friend applied for the student visa and didn't get it in time. Hence, they applied also for a tourist visa, wrote the exam and are one month into the course.

The question is, can she turn the tourist visa into a study one or must she go back and reapply?

Country of origin: Belaruss

  • Impossible to say without actual data. For example, what country are they from?
    – nvoigt
    Commented Apr 16 at 6:29

1 Answer 1


Visa nationals have no right to convert a German ‘C’ visa into a residence permit to stay because of education, training, or economic reasons.

Source: https://www.germany-visa.org/immigration/residence-permit/converting-schengen-visa-into-residence-permit/

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