Are non-US citizens studying in the US with an F1 visa allowed to sign a statement of work with some US-based company with no fee/payment attached but only gives them access to the company's account on some third-party website (e.g., Amazon MTurk for the student to perform data collection for their own research projects but paid by the company)?

I looked at some websites on working as a non-US citizen while studying in the US with a F1 visa, such as:

but I don't know what the answer is for my use case.

  • I'm a little confused. Are you trying to provide services on Amazon Mturk or is your company the one hiring other people through Amazon MTurk and having you as a manager? If the second, are you working for them using your CPT?
    – IanDan
    Commented May 14, 2020 at 16:57
  • @IanDan the second. Part of the question is indeed whether a cpt must be established. Commented May 14, 2020 at 17:01

1 Answer 1


In summary, Company A will hire someone from Amazon MTurk to provide services for them under your management. Therefore, you are acting as a manager for company A but you will not be compensated for this management work.

To me that is a work relationship and therefore requires work authorization, CPT if pursuing a degree or OPT if you're done with your degree. An exception for that is if Company A is in fact the university that you're attending. In this case you will follow the guidelines for on-campus work, which does not require authorization from USCIS.

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