Validators for ETH2.0 have a pair of keys: 1 for validation (hot wallet) and another one for withdrawal (cold wallet). It looks like the tx data for depositing the stake requires both public keys for which I assume a Gnosis safe wouldn’t do for any of these keys. Is there any solution for using a multi sig wallet in the withdrawal side of the validator key pair?

1 Answer 1


It is possible to use a 1multi-signature (multisig) wallet1 for the withdrawal key, but it requires a bit of extra setup. One option is to use a smart contract-based multisig wallet, such as Gnosis Safe, that supports Ethereum 2.0 withdrawals. However, currently, Gnosis Safe does not natively support Ethereum 2.0 withdrawals.

To use a multisig wallet for the withdrawal key, you will need to deploy a custom smart contract that acts as a proxy between the validator and the cold wallet. This contract would hold the cold wallet withdrawal key, and the validator's multisig wallet would hold a share of the key.The contract would be programmed to require a certain number of multisig wallet owners to approve a withdrawal before the withdrawal key can be used to execute the withdrawal transaction.

  • But a multi-sig contract doesn’t have a public key for me to plug in the transaction data Commented Mar 18, 2023 at 4:59
  • How can a multisig hold part of a withdraw key? Won't that just be public information on chain that anyone could just steal?
    – Bruce
    Commented Mar 21, 2023 at 2:01
  • 1
    @Bruce Yes you're right but In the case of an ETH2.0 validator withdrawal key, one approach to using a multi-sig wallet would be to use a smart contract that requires the approval of multiple parties to initiate a withdrawal transaction. Each party would hold their own private key outside of the blockchain, and would need to sign off on the transaction using their private key. Commented Mar 21, 2023 at 6:17

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