Answers from the Ethereum forum can be formatted quite poorly.

Example of one that's been cleaned up: https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/posts/344/revisions

I don't know if we'll be able to continuously format such answers. Should such answers initially be downvoted, with a comment to clean them up?


1 Answer 1


I don't think these should be allowed, or possibly just downvoted. Getting information from the forums is fine, but copy+pasting (especially without bothering to format) is bad. What often happens is that a series of posts are copied, which is not a good format for answers. Answers should get straight to the point rather than being a conversation.


Bobjoe520 said: Why do we do the thing with the stuff?
JoeBob said: because it's better that way.
Bobjoe530 said: but why is it better?
BobExpert said: It's better because the foo of the bar and complicated explanation.


From http://example.com/forumpost:

It's better because the foo of the bar and complicated explanation
— BobExpert


The reason why the foo of the bar is because the bar of the foo is barry of the fooing <complicated explanation>

More info here: http://example.com/forumpost

The key point I'm trying to make for "better" is to read and then re-word the post to answer the question in stackexchange style and to directly answer the question.

  • so Should such answers initially be downvoted, with a comment to clean them up? or what to do to "disallow"?
    – eth Mod
    Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 21:17

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