General Assembly Meetings

ga6 voting

The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the Association and is composed of one (1) Delegate per Member with voting rights and one (1) Representative per Observer without voting rights*.

EOSC-A 8th General Assembly

EOSC-A 7th General Assembly

21 November 2023


GA#7 was an important meeting for the future of the Association, dedicated to decision-making items. More than 150 delegates participated in admitting new members, electing three members of the Board of Directors, approving the Association’s Internal Regulations (bylaws), and approving the Work Plan and corresponding Budget for 2024, among other items.

EOSC-A 6th General Assembly

22-23 May 2023


The 6th EOSC Association General Assembly was held on 22-23 May 2023 in Brussels. Delegates representing EOSC-A’s 251 Member and Observer organisations gathered for a two-day in-person-only meeting  for lively discussions both concerning the development of EOSC-A as an organisation and the strategy, policy and technical issues at the heart of the sprawling initiative to develop and deploy EOSC.

Meeting minutes from previous General Assemblies

*The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the Association and is composed of one (1) Delegate per Member with voting rights and one (1) Representative per Observer without voting rights.

The General Assembly elects the President for a term of three (3) years, who may be re-elected for one more term. The first President may be elected for a shorter term. On the proposal of the President, the Board appoints the Vice-President and Treasurer. The President chairs the meetings of the General Assembly and the Board.

The General Assembly has all powers except those expressly reserved or delegated to the other bodies of the Association by the Code, these Statutes or by a decision passed by the General Assembly (Article 3 EOSC-A Statutes).