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OECD Global Science Forum – ESFRI Workshop on assessing public expenditures committed to RIs

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Research infrastructures (RIs) play a critical role in the scientific enterprise. They are now an essential component for all scientific domains and not only allow to push the boundaries of existing knowledge and the production of breakthrough research but they also play a major role in structuring the research system through the development of networks, of user communities and of rich ecosystems that bring together many research and innovation stakeholders.

This increasing role of RIs in the science system, and the increasing complexity of RIs, has led to a steady increase in their funding requirement: not only have RIs become a necessity in all scientific disciplines, but the cost of individual RIs can reach billions or even tens of billion euros. While data is readily available on total research funding in each country, the same cannot be said for the share of funding specific to RIs.

This Workshop, which is co-organised by the OECD (Global Science Forum) and the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), would be investigating what are the demands from relevant stakeholders regarding RI funding data, existing data-gathering mechanisms for RI funding and their limits, what funding could reasonably be assessed and how better standardised RI funding information might be generated.

You may read more about the issues to be discussed in this Workshop and the provisional agenda on the dedicated Workshop webpage.

This workshop will be virtual only (Zoom). Participants need to register using this link.

You may contact info@str-esfri.eu for any questions.