For example, most adults can drive well enough it's an unconscious know how to the do's and do nots of the laws of the road. Yet when they have their crush as the passenger they almost crash because their attention subconsciously was more focused on them then the road.

  • That's known as the crush-or-crash dilemma. Tell the crush to find another ride or risk death.
    – TimR
    Commented Feb 5 at 20:43
  • You are distracted :) and M-W says harassed, confused, or disturbed especially by strong feelings. Commented Feb 5 at 21:49
  • While not crush-specific, your example could be described as choking. Commented Feb 7 at 1:20
  • In nearly 70 years of listening, reading and watching I've never met any such phrase, term or word. If this is about focussing on the road, read Weather Vane, above. Everyone fit to hold a licence not only knows, but always follows the rules of the road. Who are 'they' whose crush as passenger means they almost crash because their attention was more focused on the crush than the road? Is that you? People you know? People you've heard about in a survey? Who else? Commented Mar 12 at 20:17