I'd like to know a word to describe a person who loves celebrities, gossips, trends or anything that is popular and is easily affected by them.

She said she had moved to Paris because she loved "Emily in Paris" on Netflix. It seems that she is such a " "!

I came up with "sheep"(https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sheep), but I'd appreciate it if you could tell me other words to describe such a person better or more accurately.

  • 1
    Words I might use : enchanted , enthralled , influenceable , flunkey , acolyte , groupie !
    – Prem
    Commented Jul 1, 2023 at 8:40

1 Answer 1


She said she had moved to Paris because she loved "Emily in Paris" on Netflix. It seems that she is so starstruck.

Starstruck (adj.)

Fascinated by famous people, especially those connected with the entertainment industry; overwhelmed or greatly impressed by the presence of a celebrity.

1936 Rhinelander (Wisconsin) Daily News 9 Nov. 4/3 Shirley Temple always carries an autograph book, like any star-struck youngster. [OED]

star-struck (adj.)

Often disapproving

Feeling great or too much respect for famous or important people, especially famous actors or performers

It's the story of a star-struck young girl who goes to Hollywood to make her fortune. Cambridge

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