I have an App that shows a timeline. events in this timeline can be relative to each other or absolute from certain starting point.

I want to give this categorizing a name.

If i were to have an option where you could choose between relative and absolute timing, what should be the name of this option?

I came up with "Timing policy", but it feels weird.

Is there better word (not a sentence, prefably single word) to best describe this category?


Timing policy = Relative

This means events in this timeline are relative to each other.

Maybe im over thinking. What about "Is Relative"? So if this property is false that means absolute.

  • 1
    Timing preference is an improvement on timing policy, but I don't think you'll get a single word that gives enough context if the options are just Relative and Absolute.
    – JonLarby
    Commented Feb 20, 2018 at 13:10

1 Answer 1


I suggest that people would understand your use of chronology as a label for the type of measurement (relative or absolute). From MW:


  1. the science that deals with measuring time by regular divisions and that assigns to events their proper dates

So you can give the option as Chronology: Relative or Absolute.

  • 1
    that's exactly what I was looking for. thanks a lot! Commented Feb 20, 2018 at 13:33

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