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Questions tagged [matlab]

Use of Matlab to solve engineering problems.

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How can I find deflection in a member that doesn't have a constant area moment of inertia?

I'm trying to calculate the maximum deflection in a simply supported member with a uniformly distributed load. The trouble is this member does not have a constant area moment of inertia. I've drawn a ...
Hi-Polymer Eraser's user avatar
-1 votes
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Regressor-passivity robot control. Help with simulation (Simulink/Matlab)

I'm trying to simulate a 2DOF planar pendulum with a regresor-passivity control, the thing is I've been having some issues with my simulation, I'm using Simulink, but in theory I know my control law ...
Daniel Arevalo's user avatar
-1 votes
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sinking speed of particle in water

For a Newtonian fluid the sinking final speed of a metal particle is given by this equation : while g is Gravitational acceleration , $\rho_P$ = is particle density , $\rho_F $ = is fluid density ,...
Mahajna's user avatar
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Root Locus and Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion

A satellite launcher has a unit feedback system, whose TF global open loop is given by: $$G_c(s)G(s) = \frac{K(s^2-4s+18)(s+2)}{(s^2-2)(s+12)} $$ a) Draw the root locus for this function b) ...
Alessandro Melo's user avatar
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Mathematical transformation of a heading angle to a roll angle

I'm trying to understand a function in a SIMULINK example of a path following UAV simulation. The gist is that, the UAV Waypoint Follower block provides a required heading from a list of waypoints and ...
Chryron's user avatar
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How to find closed loop transfer function and use it to identify τ and k?

I have to answer a few questions on transfer functions using Matlab. The first question, which I solved without Matlab, gives a time response graph for an LR circuit, and asks me to find the first ...
Sam's user avatar
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Slow integration of system ODE under specific conditions in adsorption problem

I am trying to solve the system of ODEs below. I am applying the finite differences to z, so I get a system of ODE that I can solve with a solver like ode45. The problem is that under the conditions ...
Synergix's user avatar
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LQR Implementation in MATLAB

I am trying to implement a simple LQR controller in MATLAB for a purely deterministic system. The code is shown below: ...
Josh Pilipovsky's user avatar
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Finding coefficients for a PID controller that minimize the integral of the squared error (ISE)

The problem The problem is to find the coefficients for the P, I and D terms of a PID controller used to regulate the object that minimize the the integral of the squared error (ISE): $$Q = \int_0^\...
user24139's user avatar
-2 votes
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Limiting PID controller's output making the plant unstable and untunable

I am using the PID block in Simulink and limiting the output to (+/-)5. The plant becomes unstable and untunable after putting these limits. The plant is stable and tuneable otherwise if no limits are ...
Munish kumar's user avatar
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How to calculate initial concentration of first-order reaction in CSTR?

(This question comes from a Chemical Engineering background, but basic Math and Programming knowledge is also required. I hope it still falls in the scope of If not, ...
winkmal's user avatar
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how to implement an encoder in matlab

How can I encode a quantized vector in matlab ? This is a part of a problem where I am asked to implement a communication block using matlab.
user23713's user avatar
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Unexpected Closed-Loop System Response of Longitudinal Aircraft Dynamics

I have a closed-loop system that represents the longitudinal dynamics of an aircraft with states x velocity, z velocity, pitch rate, pitch, and x and z inertial positions. The outputs of the system (...
ian.cooke's user avatar
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Problem with performances of a control scheme

I am trying to prove with Matlab that if I have an improper system and I place poles at higher and higher frequencies the performances of the system improves. In particular I am considering the ...
J.D.'s user avatar
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How to obtain transfer function of servo?

I am using a servo motor and controlling it via arduino. Servo motor is part of a control system and I have to use System Identification techniques in order to obtain the servo's transfer function. ...
Teo Protoulis's user avatar
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effect of coupling in MIMO systems

I have a MIMO system with a 2x2 transfer matrix, for example consider: $\begin{pmatrix} \frac{2}{s+1} & \frac{1}{(s+1)(s+2)}\\ \frac{1}{(s+1)(s+2)}&\frac{2}{s+2} \end{pmatrix}$ I would ...
J.D.'s user avatar
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Solving a linear mass balance equation in the form of Ax = 0 with variables in vector x

I have been tasked with solving a series of linear equations in the form of Ax = b, where b is the zero vector. Specifically, I have a matrix E which is 4x7 and a column vector r which is 7x1, as ...
Luke Pretzie's user avatar
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Tool to simulate sensor data

Say I have a light source at a distance of 1Km from a light detector (photo detector). Right in front of the sensor, I keep a rotating reticle with some sort of pattern. To better appreciate the ...
Ashwin Kumar k's user avatar
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Is it possible to have open loop with same input term as the output?

For example, i have this differential equation: $$\dot{y} = 1.8 + 0.58u \sqrt{y}$$ Is it possible to model this system in open loop?? My understanding is that since the term $y$ is in the output ...
DryRun's user avatar
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How can I measure the impact of noise on a FFT?

Please, I have to solve a problem and I really need some help. I have to give an efficient method to consider a maximum amplitude as a starting point to consider as noise the whole spectrum below ...
André Rocha's user avatar
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How to find Performance assessment (IAE and ISE) of a PID Controlled system?

The Integral Absolute value Error (IAE) and the Integral Squared Error (ISE) is to be analysed. A PID Controller is given as follows: \begin{gather} C(s)=K_p+K_i\frac{1}{s}+K_ds \end{gather} where $...
Lifestohack's user avatar
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How to input amplitude on a second order transfer function?

I have some samples of readings from an accelerometer (unit: g) and I did a FFT (on MATLAB) on the vector generated from these samples to see its frequency spectrum. Then I have isolated the peaks and ...
André Rocha's user avatar
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Stabilization of telescope on gimbal using data from encoders and gyroscope

I'm designing a control system for a balloon-borne telescope experiment. As the balloon is constantly moving and the gondola is rotating, I want to stabilize the telescope which can be controlled in 3 ...
asmialek's user avatar
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Designing a PID Controller for Satellite Control

As an Aerospace Engineering Student, I have been trying to make a project of a PID Controller to control the attitude response of a satellite using the parameters from a project called Kufasat. The ...
user3081005's user avatar
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How to use lsim in matlab for a closed loop system

I have designed a system using a minimum realization. I have the A, B, C matrices and I have assigned closed loop poles for the system. I used the place command to find my K matrix. I am wondering ...
DarkLink's user avatar
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Solving Hertz Impact ODE with Simulink

I have a question about modelling a nonlinear 2nd order ODE for an impact of a sphere on a thin plate in Simulink. Depending on the solver and solver options, my results in Matlab vary a lot. Some are ...
H. Fisher's user avatar
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Design of a lead compensator with root locus in matlab

For the transfer function $G(s)$, I tried to design a lead compensator for the function to have a response to the step with the following specifications: $$\%OS = 10\% \ \rightarrow \ Overshoot $$ $$ ...
Max's user avatar
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Analizing Vibrations Influence on Dynamic Weighing

I have a very sensitive scale used for dynamic weighing (by dynamic I mean that the scale and load cells are actually beneath a belt conveyor that actively weight product when it´s being transported ...
spe4ker's user avatar
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Temperature not changing in my code for 1-D heat equation: Explicit Scheme

I am trying to solve the following 1-D heat equation with provided boundary conditions using explicit scheme on Matlab. I have been trying to plot the results but I realized that my temperatures are ...
Elias's user avatar
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Get results of output for each one value of the input - MATLAB ODE

I am simulating a mass - damper - system in Matlab and I have the following vector (1x100) as input to my system: ...
Teo Protoulis's user avatar
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3 DOF SISO state space control

As part of a control systems course I have to implement control for a 3 DOF SISO mass spring damper model of a robotic cutter arm. The arm is to follow a 5Hz triangle wave reference which is ...
Hieronymus Blois's user avatar
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Simulating a mass - spring - damper system

I have a mass - spring - damper system with external force and I am trying to simulate it using Matlab. I want to have a linearly parameterized form and use the least squares method to find the ...
Teo Protoulis's user avatar
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Method to simulate a dipole antenna in salt water?

I am looking to simulate the radiation pattern of a 2.7Ghz half-wavelength dipole antenna immersed in salt water. I've been using Altair FEKO software to try and accomplish this. I've tried two ...
Scott Hall's user avatar
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Model Reduction - Export matrices from ANSYS to MATLAB

I am trying to reduce my model in ANSYS using Craig-Bampton Method. My ultimate goal is to read system matrices, stiffness, damping and mass matrix with MATLAB. The size of stiffness matrix that I ...
breza's user avatar
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Maintaining constant speed of a CVT engine during a slope

I am not sure if this question is related to this community. But nevertheless. I work on CVT engines, I had a new idea of modifying my controller during a slope or a gradient on the road so that the ...
user5603723's user avatar
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classify ECG signal using neural network

I am looking to classify ECG signal using with neural network. I have never done signal analysis before. From the samples of data I have, I have noramlised, transformed using the FFT , get the pics, ...
Camus's user avatar
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simulation of an attitude optimal Backstepping controller based quaternion for a UAV in MATLAB

I'am trying to implement this open access research article Attitude Optimal Backstepping Controller Based Quaternion for a UAV I did not find the same result in this paper Can anyone tell me where my ...
James Dilaw's user avatar
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Modeling the stiffness of a membrane

I'm trying to model, in MATLAB, a membrane in 2D which has an initial triangle-like shape. This membrane has pressure acting on it from the inside. There are also some pulling forces in random ...
Tejas's user avatar
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Is Matlab old versions usable with Win 10 on core i3 [closed]

About Matlab (a software very useful for engineerinng, too), Is "Matlab 2008" or "Matlab 2012a" usable on laptop with core "i3" with "Win 10 Home"?
p.pensopositivo's user avatar
4 votes
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Convolution with RTD laminar flow

I have laminar flow in a tube. Consider the tube to be 0.2 m long and with an average velocity of 0.05 m/s. The analytical expression for my transfer function is: $E(t)= \frac{\tau^2}{2*t^3}$ for $t$>=...
Gesetzt's user avatar
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How to design the right input to obtain a desired output for a linear system?

If I have a state-space model, so that matrices $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ are known, how can I design the right input $u$, so that $y$ is a desired signal, say, a sine wave with constant amplitude? $$\...
Alessandro's user avatar
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How to solve LMIs with equality constraints using MATLAB?

I would like to find n by n matrices P and Q that minimize J = norm(P) + w*norm(Q), where w is a given weight, subject to P>=0, Q>=0, and f(P,Q)=0, where f(P,Q)=0 is a given function of P and R. I ...
David's user avatar
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Discretise this transport equation

I am trying to discretise the PDE: $$\phi \frac{\partial c}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial j}{\partial x}=0$$ where $c$ is a function of $x$ and $t$, and $j=qc-D(q)\frac{\partial c}{\partial x}$, $q$ is ...
Vincent Tang's user avatar
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Laplace Equation -- Heated Plate -- Heat Flux Boundary Condition

I am having a problem with transferring the heat flux boundary conditions into a temperature to be able to put it into a matrix. I understand that deltat = deltax*q''/k but I do not know how to code ...
FailingEngineer's user avatar
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Temperature distribution

First of all I am just a starter in Matlab, so the program is not optimized. For now I just want to get it running. This is a 3D heat problem with boundary conditions. Fixed temperature from the north,...
Rachid Brah's user avatar
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How to choose reference signal in a state space model?

I am a bit confused about choosing reference signal in order to control state space models. I have read(however without deep math explanation) that one has to scale his reference signal for to make ...
Long Smith's user avatar
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Simulink analysis of data parallel to generation

I would like to simulate the following scenario with Simulink/Matlab(/Stateflow): A random number generator is running. Every 10 seconds the numbers that were generated during the last 10 seconds are ...
ec-m's user avatar
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Linear Guidance law into X-Y axis

Im currently writing a model for a guidance law named Maintaining Guidance law. The law looks as following: $$ a_{M} = [K_1,K_2]*[\dot{\lambda_T} ,\dot{\lambda_D}]'$$ Since im using a linear model I ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to generate a NACA 6-Series Airfoil analytically?

I asked this question over at Aviation.stackexchange but after that I figured it might be better to place it here. Especially since there were really good answers on the NACA 5-digit-Series airfoil ...
rul30's user avatar
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Unachievable motions because of singular Jacobian

This is the Jacobian of a robot arm (IBB IRB 120) with already specified joint angles (0,0,0,0,0,0). This Jacobian is singular for this configuration. ...
jkf's user avatar
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