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Questions tagged [building-physics]

The physics of buildings, specifically thermal conduction, convection, & radiation; heating and cooling; ventilation; transmission and management of water vapour & pollutants

5 votes
2 answers

How to build apartment floors/ceilings to not transfer sound?

How do new apartment buildings build their floors/ceilings to prevent the transfer of sound between people living above/below each other? Note: I'm not asking about how to soundproof an existing ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

"Increasing the water pressure" in the old pipes in the Palace of Knossos

In the Palace of Knossos, Crete, Greece there is an old piping system partially preserved, with the following commentary: Series of clay pipes with one end narrower than the other so that they could ...
Honza Zidek's user avatar
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How to go about designing a window that can selectively allow light, air, and sound in depending on the occupant's preferences?

The usual combination of window + blind today allows occupants to pick between allowing in external light, blocking external light, allowing external air exchange, blocking air exchange. I'm curious ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Techniques to make residential buildings more blast resistant

There are generally two approaches: First: use stronger materials (e.g. thicker RCC with fibres, go underground, etc). Second: for any given material, use a superior design. The First approach is ...
caveman's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How does a church built from stones survive 70 years under water?

Following the recent news about the Sau reservoir in Spain, the draught revealed an 11-century stone church which has been under water for 70 years since 1962 when the reservoir was built. How is it ...
Honza Zidek's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Simulating falling and moving wooden house?

In Sweden, a newly constructed 150 m2 wooden residence built atop a mud foundation has exhibited significant structural instability. Over a period of 500 days, the house has settled by 90 millimeters ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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How did gothic church architects/builders properly scale up their models to full size churches?

In this video the author explains how ancient church builders used models to determine the proper shape and order of installation of architectural elements in gothic churches. From the little I know, ...
geeheeb's user avatar
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How to design safely collapsing buildings?

Background—Currently, buildings seem to be designed to be strong enough to not fall upon dangerous events, such as earthquakes. This makes them expensive, and out of the reach of poor places. Poor ...
caveman's user avatar
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How to make a galilean cannon with balls falling/rebounding straight

Here is what I mean by galilean cannon, simply letting balls fall, but hard to experiment though... First, I tried to drop 2 balls with my hands, but balls do not rebound straight and I get enormous ...
Dlouna.J's user avatar
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Washing machine in apartment

I live on a second floor of 4 story apartments building and I'm planning to change my old washer+dryer tower for a new one, however it is bigger and heavier. I'm worried that the weight could cause a ...
Giope's user avatar
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2 answers

Can a buckling steel column fracture on multiple points?

When a column buckles, then yields, and finally fractures fractures, along the most stressed point, this will initially reduce the axial and bending strains along other points. The apparent conclusion ...
Abdullah is not an Amalekite's user avatar
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How to compute the resistance of this metallic part (steel angle iron), for a joist fitted in an I-profile beam?

Let's say we have an oak joist (15 cm x 15 cm x 370 cm), which is "fitted" in the profile of an I-profile beam (height 140 mm, width 66 mm), and the surface where the joist is laid is too ...
Basj's user avatar
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1 answer

Doubt about Reynolds number formula

In fluid dynamics, when I have to compute Reynolds number, I was taught to differentiate between two cases: $$ 1)\space \frac{\rho\cdot v\cdot d}{\mu}$$ or $$2)\space \frac{v\cdot d}{\mu}$$ but, why ...
Gabriel Burzacchini's user avatar
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Mechanism to even out force from linear motion

Not sure exactly how to explain this, but I am looking to use a threaded rod connected to a motor, to push and pull open a gate valve. My idea for this is to attach a nut to the handle of the pull/...
drew wood's user avatar
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Advice needed on how to cool 50 ml liquid from 60 °C to 30 °C

In Short: I'm working on a project where we need to cool 50 ml of liquid from 60 °C to 30 °C or 20 °C. The liquid will be in a 150 ml copper container with an open top. Due to the lack of skills in ...
MrBear's user avatar
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how to find final temperature of a fluid in an heat exchanger?

I have to find final temperature of water in an heat exchanger. the heat exchanger must cool down air using water, meaning initial temperature of water must be cold, initial temperature of air is 298....
Gabriel Burzacchini's user avatar
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What design could fit this egg drop challenge?

My class is doing the egg drop challenge as a school project, but the rules are a little different than normal. First of all, the construction needs to contain a microbit connected to a battery pack ...
5TableLegs's user avatar
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After how many days can concrete framework be removed?

After how many days can concrete framework be removed? Do admixture chemicals like superplasticizer or accelerating admixtures allow early removal of concrete framework?
Anas Shakib's user avatar
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what speed must a bullet be fired at to turn into gas when hitting a steal plate

what speed must a bullet be fired at to turn into gas when hitting a steel plate. from watching this video on 9gag, i see that the bullet almost turns into liquid, what speed would it need to hit it ...
X3R0's user avatar
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Impact of decreasing weight from a part of body w.r.t tipping

If I decrease the weight from top portion of the body keeping all dimensions same, the center of mass shifts downwards, but does it makes it more stable against tipping from perpendicular forces ? ...
pxm's user avatar
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Would pyramid shape buildings prevent people from falling to their deaths? [closed]

If a building the shape of pyramids slops downwards, wouldn't it minimize the risk of fall from heights, whether intentionally or by accident (like fire/bomb scare), from a balcony or window opening? ...
Nederealm's user avatar
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5 answers

Reinforced concrete by steel, poor durability, why?

I've been reading up about reinforced concrete, as it is one if not the cheapest way how to build (with some solid foundation). I found out that it actually has quite poor durability (50-100 years or ...
eXPRESS's user avatar
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Who takes care of structural health monitoring of civil structures?

There are numerous studies about the possibility of structural health monitoring (SHM) of tall structures, like bridges, skyscrapers, water towers, wind turbines, where, for example, inclination or ...
BartoNaz's user avatar
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4 answers

Would a larger building more safely or smoothly ride the seismic waves of an earthquake?

If larger ships are less affected by ocean waves, and tend to ride smoothly through them, would that same principle influence the survivability of a larger building when weathering the seismic waves ...
Polyhat's user avatar
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3 answers

Tensile Force on Line of Bolts

I'm presented with a problem requiring some analysis to determine if an antenna bracket mounted to a concrete blockwork wall is sufficiently strong enough to endure a wind load given the known surface ...
TMcC's user avatar
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4 answers

How are these bricks being supported?

My question is how can all of these bricks be supported by the thin columns on either side? How can there be that much empty space under all of the bricks that the arrow is going through? Looking at ...
Jamaal's user avatar
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What would happen if the air conditioning failed in a skyscraper for an extended period?

I'm writing some fiction which involves the AC in a modern glass curtain skyscraper (50-80 floors?) in an American city failing for a period of weeks, maybe even for up to two months. Could anybody ...
Reverend Speed's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Modeling rigid body dynamics: Trouble with equations, encountering nonsense answers

Hi, I am working on modeling a simple rigid body dynamic system through a certain range of motion. Here is the picture of the system. I am trying to solve the system for the variables $x_1'', y_1'', ...
Adam Reddy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Investigating the potential of generating energy from moving water in pipes on a water production site

I work on a water production site, we have a staggering amount of water flowing, much of which is just using gravity pressure and feeding into reservoir tanks. (flow on various sites ranges from 100 ...
bradley hall's user avatar
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Which will be stronger for securing a cantilever umbrella in a deck

I am securing a cantilever umbrella baseplate to a deck. The decking timber will be reinforced with a pine nog between the deck joists. The options that I have are to use 10mm stainless steel coach ...
Shaneel's user avatar
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1 answer

Why did they move ancient Egyptian temples to prevent them from water damage instead of encircling them with a dam?

Specifically I'm talking about Abu Simbel temple and Philae temple. Which are close to a reservoir created by Aswan dam. It seems to me easier to build a dam than to move a temple.
ronenfe's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Is it just surface area alone that causes bridges to freeze?

Scenario: Object 1, a bridge freezes over do to the surface area exposed to the below freezing air. Object 2 has the same surface area exposed to the same air, but its base sits on the ground that is ...
Justintimeforfun's user avatar
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1 answer

Could Tesla have REALLY shaken a building with a little oscillator?

I came across this story while reading about Nikola Tesla ground-power scheme. Supposedly, he created a little oscillator that could be plugged into the ground, tuned to the right (resonant) frequency,...
Palbitt's user avatar
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One dimensional U-Factor Calculation - How to determine indoor / outdoor film resistances

Can someone clarify the ASHRAE Fundamental 2017 (SI Units) (See Below) Indoor and Outdoor film resistances. The manual states that it comes from Table 3 and in the description of table 3 it states &...
rh0dium's user avatar
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Sun light illumination on a lower floor vs high building closely

there is an investor that wants to build very close to our building. In case we agree, the buildings will stand like on the pictures below, 3 meters apart from each other. I tried to draw them in ...
akostadinov's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

calculating energy usage with measuring the temperature

I am an electrical engineer working on a project. My goal of this project is to make an IoT solution where I continuously measure the temperature of room in a building. I want to calculate the amount ...
barbarossa52's user avatar
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What does Leonardo da Vinci mean in his statement on arches?

I was recently reading some of Leonardo da Vinci's notes on architecture. One passage on arches states: An Experiment to show that a weight placed on an arch does not discharge itself entirely on ...
radkins's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

can ceramic be used as a building material?

From what I read, concrete has much lower compressive strength than ceramics. So why aren't we using ceramics to build? Is it because ceramic failure is difficult to predict? Because it's hard to ...
ABJX's user avatar
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Increase in target emission rate (TER) when using a air source heat pump (ASHP) in standard assessment procedure (SAP) calculation

I am running a SAP calculation on a proposed building which will be utilising a 8.5 kW ASHP for space and water heating. I am also running a comparative analysis against a mains gas boiler to show the ...
H.B. Finn's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is a single large impact better than several small impacts for breaking ice

I'm designing a device that uses impact to remove ice from sidewalks. I have a question about how to best design the impact mechanism. I can design it to deliver several light impacts or fewer harder ...
henradrie's user avatar
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What is the minimum height of a chimney needed in a camper?

Like a lot of people nowadays, I'm fitting a log fire into the back of a camper van but can't find the minimum height above the roof for the chimney. Ideally, it should be as low as possible for ...
Mike's user avatar
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Why are/were sewers made large enough for somebody to walk down in there?

Today, I have been reading a lot about sewer systems on Wikipedia, in the hope that I would find information or at least photos showing what I think of as sewers, namely somewhere under the streets in ...
hurd dimension's user avatar
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How deep do you have to check for problems underneath a building site?

When you're putting up a new building, you have to check the soil underneath for stability. How deep do you typically have to check? What's the extent of your "due diligence" when ensuring that a ...
Raffi's user avatar
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Inertial Forces while analysing forces on a Piston in a Slider - Crank Mechanism?

I get that we are analysing the Piston in a non-inertial frame of reference, but the point of my question is that according to D'Alembert's Principle, whenever an inertial force comes in the line of ...
user464141's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can temperature gradient keep concrete wall below 100% RH in 100% RH atmosphere?

Consider a high and wide concrete wall of say 30 cm thickness, covered with a sheet of vapor barrier on one side, and a sheet of say 30 cm thick and effective insulation on the other side. The vapor ...
Enselic's user avatar
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Do concealed door closers exacerbate wear on a door's hinges?

Not being of an engineering background, I was first inclined to think that a door closer would reduce horizontal load on all hinges and not contribute any support in the vertical dimension. However, ...
Trend2019's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can a crisscrossed metallic skeleton resist earthquakes for buildings?

To follow up with my previous question on the seismic design of buildings, I would like to ask if it makes sense to support buildings with strong thick 'crisscrossed' metallic frames. I have the ...
Chong Lip Phang's user avatar
2 votes
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Can a horizontal foundation safeguard against earthquakes?

I have not taken any course in civil engineering. What I was taught was that a broad base would prevent something from toppling. So it makes me wondering instead of nailing the foundation of a ...
Chong Lip Phang's user avatar
3 votes
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Cooling tower for nuclear power plants

Cooling towers for nuclear power plants often have the shape of a hyperboloid. At first glance, I thought that an obvious reason for this would be the smaller sectional area, meaning the tower would ...
Philipp Imhof's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What approaches are there for demolishing a structure and how is an approach chosen?

From my office on the 21st floor of a building in Vancouver, BC two parking garages in the process of being demolished are visible. A third is just out of view a few more blocks away. One of these ...
cclark's user avatar
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