
I am trained as a seismic geophysicist but really enjoy getting to translate what I know into what other people can understand and use for their applications, if necessary.

For those with working in and/or retain practical knowledge of Oil/Gas E&P in terms of the engineering side, what is a usable or comprehensive list of terms to know in order to read (and understand) data from my engineer colleagues? For example, I know terms such as Water Cut, GOR, etc. I want to learn more and expand this list.


1 Answer 1


There are a number of online reference. I entered "dictionary oil terms" into a search engine & came up with these as an example:

The Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary

Glossary of Oil and Gas Terms -

Bruin Glossary of Oil and Natural Gas Terms

Oil and Gas Glossary of Terms for Production Financing

OPIS Glossary of Terms

Oil & Gas Dictionary of Historical Terminology

There are many more references.


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