
The book I'm referring to says that a shaft with a circular cross-section in pure torsion will have its cross-sections flat during the loading. The cross sections won't deform; they will rotate.

It then says that this is not the case for non-circular cross-sections. In a non-circular c/s shaft, the c/s distort and are not flat during the loading.

I wanted to know why that is so.

  • $\begingroup$ Check out lemon shafts used in pto $\endgroup$
    – Solar Mike
    Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 9:49
  • $\begingroup$ Same reason we don't use square wheels. Relative to adjacent cross sections, a rotated circle is the same. A rotated square is not. $\endgroup$
    – DKNguyen
    Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 14:16

3 Answers 3


We say and write what we observe. In history, when an axisymmetric cross-sectional beam (i.e. the beam's cross-section still remains the same when rotated about its longitudinal centroidal axis) was subjected to torsion, the cross-sections of the beam remained plane/flat. This is true for both, solid beam and hollow beam. However, when a non-axisymmetric cross-sectional beam (i.e. the beam's cross-section DOESN'T remain the same when rotated about its longitudinal centroidal axis) was subjected to torsion, it was observed that the cross-sections didn't remain plane/flat. In fact, they warped when subjected to twisting. The general equation for calculating stresses due to pure torsion for a solid circular beam is shown below:

enter image description here

where T: Torque applied, r: distance from the centroid, J: Polar moment of inertia. Now, the derivation of this equation involves an assumption that the plane section must remain plane, i.e. the cross-section cannot warp. Therefore, this equation cannot be applied to any other non-axisymmetric cross-sectional beams.

Warping basically refers to one-half of the cross section (above/below the neutral axis) being subjected to compression, and the other half to tension. This behavior is what we usually see in a beam subjected to bending, however, this behavior is also observed in non-axisymmetric cross-sections subjected to torsion only. Calculating shear stresses for a non-circular cross-section is somewhat more complex and complicated than the circular ones.

  • $\begingroup$ No, J is not the polar moment of inertia, it is the torsional constant. For axisymmetric circular shapes it happens to be the same number as the polar moment of inertia. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 10 at 21:55

not so much a formal answer (more like an answer for the intuition), is that during torsion on non circular shafts, the stresses tend to deform the material in such a way that the cross-section resembles more that of a circular.

In order for that to happen , material needs to be deformed/pulled from adjacent section. The end result is that it contracts.


A non-circular section under the torsion deforms in both St Venant shear and also by warping.

For example, an I beam deforms both by warping and shear deformation. Warping creates tension and compression in flanges. so the plane of the flange does not remain flat anymore.


warping of open section




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