Dragon Ball Super

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Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese manga and anime series, which serves as a sequel to the original Dragon Ball manga, with its overall plot outline written by franchise creator Akira Toriyama. The manga is illustrated by Toyotarou, with story and editing by Toriyama.

God of Destruction Beerus Saga


[1]A peace time reward,who gets the 100 million zeni

Goku: [pulling a branch from the ground] You're as stubborn as Vegeta. [starts to laugh] Hahahaha grrr. [gets it out of the ground] Phew, man.
Goten: [flying] Dad, here's some food.

Satan: Here's some 100 million zeni for my... You know my role as Hero

Goku: okay but are you sure
Satan: Of course it belongs to you

(Somewhere In deep space,a figure named Beerus emerges and with his attendant Whis to search for a worthy adversary)

[2]To the promised resort! Vegeta takes a family trip!

Goku:(As he uses instant transmission to reach King Kai's planet)hey King Kai.
King Kai:(surprised) Goku what are you doing here.
Goku:(excited)I am here to train.
King Kai: okay, just don't destroy my planet okay or in your case destroy us.

Vegeta:(to himself) I can't believe I have to do this.
Trunks:(excited) This is going to be awesome.
Bulma:I still can't believe your father agreed to join us.

Trunks: This is awesome look the cute Teddy Bear.
Bulma:Do you want one?
Trunks: yeah sure.
Vegeta:I can't believe Goku went to train while I stay here and enjoy some stupid chatter.
Bulma: Something bothering you Vegeta.
Vegeta:Non of your concern women.

Vegeta:(at the beach)(to himself)why am I still doing here when I could just be training right now.
Beach host:hey that guy needs some cheering from the crowd it looks like he is in a Moody mood.
Vegeta:(the crowd still chanting)(annoyed)EEEENOOOOOGH(flies away)
Bulma: At least he lasted this far.
Trunks:(to Vegeta) Bye Dad I had a wonderful time.

Beerus:hmmm,whis you sure this planet might have dinosaur meat.
Whis: Positive.
Whis:hiiyo hiiya
Beerus: What's he saying.
Whis:He doesn't want us to take the meat and I think he is angry.
Beerus:(the Dweller attacks, and Beerus blocks the attack with ease)hmm I thought you be more of a challenge.(the Dweller transforms and attacks again only to be effortlessly defeated by Beerus.) that was interesting I guess.
Whis:So you still want the dinosaur meat.
Beerus:Nar the meat is overrated anyway.(destroys the planet,at that moment he sees a figure on the explosion) the Super Saiyan God.

[3] Where does the dream pick up!?Find the Super Saiyan God!

Old Kai:Oh no the god of destruction has awaken, this is bad.
Kaibito: We better warn of the impending Doom and make sure Goku not find out about the destroyer.
Old Kai: Precisely.

(On King Kai's planet)

King Kai:hey Goku be careful where you launch that thing (referring to the Kamehameha)
Old Kai: King Kai, you must make sure that Goku may not know about the destroyer.
King Kai: The destroyer is awake already. okay I will make sure right away.
Kaibito: you must do what ever it takes.
king Kai: okay
Goku: (after overhearing King Kai and the Kais' conversation)wow, I wonder who this destroyer guy is.

Beerus: I wonder who could be the Super Saiyan God.
Whis:Are you sure this guy is real and not some kind of fairy tale?
Beerus: of course whis why would you think such a thing?
Whis: Okay who am I to judge.(notices Goku and his achievements)my Lord I found a Saiyan named Goku and he has a streak of defeating lots of powerful villains and warriors like Frieza and Majin Buu.
Beerus:(intrigued) We should pay him a visit.
Whis:As you wish my Lord.(they teleport away)

(On Earth everyone is gathering for Bulma's birthday party except for Vegeta and Goku) (At capsule Corp)

Vegeta:(still training) I will surpass you KAKAROT.

[4]Bid for the Dragon Balls! Pilaf and Crew's Impossible Mission!

Bulma:arg,were start the party without them. Its time to have some fun.

Trunks: Look Goten that's were my mom put the dragon balls. He closes them with this security feature pretty cool huh.
Goten: yeah very cool

Pilaf:[hungry]aaah man I'm very hungry.

Pilaf:oh yes we finally found the Dragon balls yes yes yes yes. What are you waiting for get paddling.

Trunks:[to the Pilaf gang]hey,you want some help?
Goten:yeah, you want some help?

King Kai: Listen Goku and listen carefully, Lord Beerus is a counterpart to the Supreme Kais who helps to maintain the universal balance.
Beeeus:[he and Whis land]hello Kai.

[5]Showdown on King Kai's World! Goku vs. Beerus the Destroyer!

Whis:[detecting Goku's presence] there he is.
Beerus:[also detecting Goku's presence]yep that's him alright, hmm excuse me, Goku, why are behind that brick wall.
King Kai: yeah Goku are you crazy?[hits Goku]
Goku:[after getting hit by King Kai]aaahhu, King Kai why?
King Kai: come on introduce yourself.
Goku: Hi I'm Goku, is an honour for you to meet me [nervous, also excited]
Beerus:if I bother asking,do you know a Super Saiyan God?
Goki:a Super Saiyan God you say, nope never heard of him.
Beerus:ha! I should have known.
Goku:mr Beerus sir I want to spar with you just to test your power please.
beerus: okay Saiyan.

Goku: okay let's go [transforms to Super Saiyan, tries to land a fist but misses]huh?[tries to punch multiple times but fails, transforms to Super Saiyan 2,tries to land 7 blows but got punched back, charges up to Super Saiyan 3 and manages have a 5 minute battle, but Beerus defeats him in two blows (one flick,and a hand to shoulder)]aaaaaahhhhh[lands on the ground, injured]
King Kai:Goku

Beerus: let's go whis.
Whis: okay me lord.

Beerus and Whis arrive on King Kai's planet and detect Goku's presence, and while the former is initially disappointed that Goku knows nothing about the "Super Saiyan God", he nonetheless agrees to test his strength in a sparring match. Goku attempts to fight him in all of the Super Saiyan transformations, but Beerus effortlessly defeats him in two blows. Beerus and Whis head for Earth shortly afterwards, while King Kai uses his telepathy to warn Vegeta ahead of their arrival and ensure Beerus does not get upset.

[16]Vegeta Becomes a Student?! Win Over Whis!

Krillin:Whoa Goku I'm surprised to see you here,I thought you'll be at King Kai's planet right now but it's a good thing your here

Krillin: do you remember the time we used to train together under Master Roshi. But now,you've grown strong enough to be a match for even the God of Destruction Beerus.

Vegeta:(thinking)how will I surpass Kakarot and everyone else.

Vegeta:(to Whis) where's Beerus?
Whis:He's still sleeping back on his planet
Vegeta:I demand that you take me there so that I can show Beerus the true power of the Saiyans
Bulma:(angrily pulls Vegeta aside) I'm planning to bribe Whis with food, which I think is the only surefire way to keep our family safe. After all Goku couldn't beat Beerus so you'd definitely would not stand a chance
Vegeta: take me to Beerus, uh(senses an unknown power coming from Whis) who or what are you?
Whis:I am Beerus' martial arts master

Vegeta:(to Whis) list all the things Bulma has had you eat

Vegeta:Bulma cannot go for more than a week without eating some, and it is the tastiest food on Earth.

Bulma:(after giving vegeta new battle armor)i don't want you to be the laughingstock of the universe.

[17]Pan is Born! And Goku Goes on a Training Journey?!

Gohan:(to Chi-Chi)Pan has Saiyan in her blood she should be fine with a little rough housing
Chi-Chi:, pan should be a gentle girl instead of a battle-loving idiot
Hercule:I dream of Pan becoming a great martial artist who can serve as my successor and have over a hundred disciples.

[18]I'm Here, Too! Training Commences on Beerus' World

Champa: do it(vados destroys the meteor)

Golden Frieza Saga


[19]Despair Redux! The Return of the Evil Emperor, Frieza!

Sorbet:I've decided that we should resurrect Frieza with the Dragon Balls on Earth.

Sorbet:I wish to revive Frieza
Shenron:The only problem is that when Frieza was cut up, only the pieces of him remained

Mai:I wish for the best ice scream in the world
Shu:I wish for one million zeni

[20]A Warning from Jaco! Frieza and 1,000 Soldiers Close In

Frieza:if I want to defeat Goku and that boy, I need to train for the first time in my life, I had not trained for much in my entire life

Jaco:Frieza has been revived and is approaching Earth with an army of one thousand soldiers

Bulma:I've decided not to tell Goten & Trunks because of their safety concerns me, and their recklessness would be the death of them, or worse

[21]The Start of Vengeance! The Frieza Force's Malice Strikes Gohan!

Beerus: Whis take them to that place

[22]Change! An Unexpected Return! His Name is Ginyu!!

Tagoma:the reason why you cannot hurt me is because I was Frieza's training partner, so now I have a body of steel

Frieza:they look like Goku and Future Trunks and, (about Goten)that's Goku's brat, your face looks familiar, you must be son of that boy who slew me to pieces
Future Trunks:(flashback) hey Frieza (slices Frieza in half)
Frieza:(angrily) the Saiyan race have multiplied since my death like a monkey virus filthy

Trunks: I'm not scared but I think we should run

Tagoma:change (Ginyu switches bodies with Ginyu)

Ginyu:I'm Captain Ginyu and I've returned.(does his signature pose)Ginyu
Frieza: yes nobody else in the universe can do a stupid pose like this, so it Is you captain Ginyu
Ginyu:that's what I've been trying to tell you my lord and made this pose just for this day

[23]Earth! Gohan! Both on the Ropes! Hurry and Get Here, Goku!!

Goku:how long it'll take to get back to Earth and save everyone
Whis:an hour
Goku:an hour but everyone would be dead by then

Sorbet: (after Frieza destroys the whole soldiers while powering up)noooooo the Frieza force

[24]Clash! Frieza vs. Goku! This is the Result of My Training!

Goku:Frieza wants me,you should stay out of vegeta

Vegeta: (referring to Frieza)finish him or I'll do it myself

[25]A Full-Throttle Battle! The Vengeful Golden Frieza

Frieza:(after Goku transforms into a super saiyan blue)what type of transformation is this?
Goku: this is a Saiyan with the power of Super Saiyan God in the Super Saiyan form

Whis:apologies my lord but I encountered someone unexpected and am afraid your want know whom(Beerus' lookalike arrives)
Beerus: I heard of people getting lost Champa but your taking to new heights
Champa: snoozy Beerus is awake for once,I guess there is such things as miracles

Champa: I'm taking a stroll I like the view
Beerus: look at your belly champa your not the strolling type
Champa: oh,grrrr
Beerus: grrrrr
Champa: you wanna battle then (Beerus assumes battle stance) Vados get him(Beerus and Whis are surprised)
Vados:wouldn't it be better if you fought him your self my lord
Champa: he's not worth my time
Beerus: hey that should be my line
Frieza: what Beerus is here
Beerus: You forgot to say Lord I guess your thinking even more highly of yourself Frieza
Frieza: yes sorry lord Beerus but why are here?

[26]A Chance Appears in a Tight Spot! Launch a Counteroffensive, Goku!

Goku:I refuse to give up

Vegeta:Kakarot let's switch places,I'd like to kill Frieza myself.
Goku:I almost got him

Goku:you came to Earth as soon as you unlocked your form, therefore your burning more stamina and power than your body can regulate it and should have waited until you got used to it before you can exact your revenge

Frieza: your excessive strength makes you careless

[27]The Earth Explodes? A Decisive Kamehameha

Vegeta:(to Frieza) I cannot afford to let Kakarot be killed as it is because of him that I pursue the path to power, and because he is my rival.

Goku:(about vegeta transforming super saiyan Blue) this power is purely his own

Vegeta:(to Frieza) I'll send you back to hell

Frieza:it is not me, but everyone on this planet are going Hell

Whis:Frieza is likely still alive

Goku:I did not kill Frieza when I had the chance
Whis: I have the power to redo time but only three minutes into the past.

Frieza:(getting obliterated by Goku's god Kamehameha) curse you Goku

Goku:I had no choice vegeta

Gohan:I vow to train, and get stronger to protect my family

Trunks: I'll cut Frieza in half

Gohan: piccolo will you train me again
Piccolo: that's what i like to hear

Goku:you and me should work together

Universe 6 saga


[28]The 6th Universe's Destroyer! His Name is Champa

Goku:hey vegeta super saiyan blue was off limits (goes super saiyan Blue)

Vados:I am Whis' sister and Beerus and Champa are twins

Vados:universe 6 also has the planet Earth but the Earthlings were wiped out by warfare

Champa:(to Beerus) I challenge you to a five on five tournament between universe 6 and universe 7

[29]Combat Matches Are a Go! The Captain Is Someone Stronger Than Goku

Shenron:it's beyond my power

[30]A Run-Through For the Competition! Who Are the Last Two Members?

Vegeta:how bout Gohan, he has the highest potential
Goku:nah Gohan is too focused on studying

Goku:hey vegeta you wanna train in the hyperbolic Time chamber
Vegeta: were close to our limits
Goku:I will train alone and become stronger quicker

Goku:hey piccolo you wanna train with me
Piccolo: I'm good

[31]Off to See Master Zuno! Find Out Where the Super Dragon Balls Are!

Jaco:as a galactic patrolman Bulma, I'm busy

Goku:we both have feisty wives
Vegeta: I don't mind saiyan women are strong-willed
Goku:(referring to Chi-Chi) I like her the way she is

Goku: (After Bulma hits Jaco so hard in the space pod before they leave to space to see Master Zuno) Wow! Bulma sure is strong.
'Vegeta: To be honest I actually like her ferocity.
Goku: l hear you there. That's the only reason I'm still with Chichi.
Vegeta: Of course you are, Sayans only like strong women.
Goku: Looks shocked Really

(Piccolo still shocked about what Vegeta said)

Piccolo: (To himself) So that why. Its all makes sense now! No wonder they're like this.

Zuno attendant: you cannot go meet Master Zuno because you haven't arranged a meeting and somebody Else is already there.

Jaco:(to Zuno) what size Bulma's breasts are?

Zuno:The super dragon balls were created around the beginning of time by the dragon god Zalama. He created them to be the size of planets, then he used a technique to make them look like stars from far away. And that they are scattered across the sixth and seventh universe.

[32]The Matches Begin! We're All Off to the Planet with No Name!

Goku:I wonder if the warriors from Universe 6 will be strong.
Vegeta: Champa is confident in his warriors even though he saw us train before.
Goku:I'm excited to see them and even the fighter Beerus has been talking about.
Vegeta:Kakarot act up your age.
Goku: I am acting my age. You said saiyans stay young until they reach a certain age.
Vegeta: I'm talking about your mentality,let's quit talking and resume our training (goes super saiyan blue along with Goku)

Vegeta: I wonder who's the mysterious attendant
Whis:this gentleman is the strongest being Beerus ever face,his name is Monaka

Goku:(to monaka) what does your name mean?

Whis: Juri-Juri
Goku:what does that mean?
Whis:it's a bird from my planet

Goku:I wonder why Supreme Kai and Kibito are separate

Vegeta:it's Frieza

Goku:(referring to Auta magetta) I wonder if that big metal guy is human

Vegeta: what your wearing resembles the style the saiyans wore before getting taken over by Frieza
Cabba:who's Frieza

Vegeta:what's your planet based on in your universe
Cabba:planet sadala does planet Sadala still exist in your universe
Vegeta:it has been destroyed because of an internal conflict between Saiyans

Goku:where is your tail
Cabba:we had tails long ago but don't now because we have evolved
Vegeta:I'm wondering if you'll still a warrior race
Cabba:we are but we do not steal planets but our main objective is to get rid of evil doers

Vegeta:I demand you take me to planet Sadala when you are able to and don't worry we do not steal planets any longer
Cabba: okay

Goku:I'm going up first so I can see how strong the universe 6 team is,it may end with me only

[33]Surprise, 6th Universe! This is Super Saiyan Goku!

Beerus:what is Goku doing?
Goku:I'm just trying to exercise my meal off

Goku:good luck
Frost':good luck to you as well (shakes Goku's hand),

Announcer: let the battle begin

Goku:(after kicking frost to the ground), your trying to test my power
Frost:I'm not doing so
Goku:I'm eager to see your final form
Frost:how did he know I can could go to my final form
Goku:I fought someone to you, I think you should transform so you wouldn't be defeated without you using your full power

Goku: (surprised) I haven't seen that form since forever
Frost: I wonder if me in universe 7 has beaten you
Goku:I rather not say
Frost:I assume he didn't

Goku: I think Frost is hiding another transformation (goes super saiyan)

Goku:(after Frost transforms into his true final form)I'm glad to see the form I remember

Bulma: Krillin is all your fault for showing sympathy to Frost

Goku:I thought Super Saiyan was enough for Frost,I didn't think I needed to push him any further

[34]Piccolo vs Frost! Stake it All on the Special Beam Cannon!

Piccolo: can I beat him
Goku: you stand no chance but you should at least try to wear him down for vegeta
Piccolo:thank you for your support

Piccolo:I allowed you to pierce my leg in order to create this chance

Jaco:Frost is cheating by putting a poison needle in his arm, that made the person he stabbed dizzy, and that's how he defeated Goku and Piccolo

Vegeta:let Frost continue the tournament I want to beat him myself

[35]Turn Your Anger into Strength! Vegeta's Full-Bore Battle

Frost:I'm going to kill you and since there are no restrictions in using my needle I will use it as well

Frost: if I take the cube no gods of destruction nor the Galactic Patrol would not be able to chase me

Frost:Did Champa send you or even survivors from a planet I destroyed paid you off to kill me?

Beerus:Monaka will remain the trump card of the team no matter what

Beerus:if Monaka is disturbed during his meditation, he will incinerate you, regardless of position

Vegeta: your slow because of your size

Trunks:that robot dude is using a weapon
Announcer: it's a natural fart

[36]An Unexpectedly Uphill Battle! Vegeta's Great Blast of Fury!

Vegeta: I'm gonna have to finish this quick

[37]Don't Forget Your Saiyan Pride! Vegeta vs. The 6th Universe's Saiyan!

Vegeta: you have my identical fighting stance

Vegeta:(to Cabba) transform into a super saiyan
Cabba: I cannot transform into a super saiyan, how do you do this?
Vegeta: how could you ask me that question?

Vegeta: your disgrace
Cabba: (after being pummeled by vegeta) I surrender
Vegeta:if you surrender I will kill you

Vegeta: I'll destroy planet Sadala once the tournament is over

Piccolo: Vegeta is struggling to combat against Cabba

Vegeta: don't forget the feeling of anger

Vegeta: the super saiyan transformation is achieved through anger
Cabba: I understand, you only provoked me to archive the super saiyan transformation.

Vegeta: transform again

Vegeta: you'll become this powerful one day (Knocks Cabba out cold with a single) never forget this anger as it is your fuel to your super saiyan power
Announcer:Cabba of universe 6 is knocked out and unable to continue which means vegeta is the winner

Vegeta: bowing down to your enemy is the same as giving up,the saiyan pride is the strength of the saiyans

Vegeta: I want you to surpass me in strength but I won't be training you though, and you must train relentlessly
Cabba:the Saiyan King of Universe 6 is a strong and prideful person just like you master
Vegeta:I hope to meet you again someday

[38]The 6th Universe's Mightiest Warrior! Engage the Assassin Hit!

Goku:can you see hit's movements
Jaco:I cannot
Galactic King:he is using a time stopping technique that stops time for 0.1 of a second, and that's why no one can see his movements
Bulma:why you can't arrest him, because time travel is against the rules according to the time patrol rules?
Jaco and Galactic King:because we don't want to die

Vegeta:the light attacks you use are your main weakness, (shouts)I will beat you with a head on attack
Hit:(after vegeta faints) is killing illegal
Announcer: yes
Hit:if Vegeta does not surrender, I don't know what to do, what do I do?
Announcer: ah hit is the winner

Goku:Krillin get me a senzu bean

Goku:hey vegeta is the any advice you can give me
Vegeta: do what you can
Whis:when are you going to tell the truth that Monaka was actually just a random alien that you found and said was all powerful and way stronger than Goku and vegeta
Beerus:I don't want to tell them because I want them to continue training and think that there is always someone stronger than them

Hit:why aren't you transforming into your super saiyan Blue form
Goku:it uses a lot of stamina, so I'll save it for later in the match,I'll wait to transform until I figure out a way to beat you
Hit:how incredibly young and naïve you must be to reveal your plan so easily.

Hit:your attempts are futile, and that no matter how strong you are, if you continue to get hit in your vital areas, you will die, you should surrender.
Goku:I won't surrender,I figured out a way to counter your attacks

Goku:since Hit's Time-Skip lasts 0.1 seconds, I was able to predict Hit's moves after the technique was used
Hit: I'm gonna have to fight at my full power
Goku:I'm gonna fight at my full power too

[39]A Developed "Time Skip" Counterstrike? Here Comes Goku's New Move!

Vegeta: I remember when Kakarot used that technique on our first battle on earth

Champa:I order you to finish him off finish him off hit
Hit:I refuse

[40]A Decision at Last! Is the Winner Beerus? Or is it Champa?

Hit:I'm not using my full power because I don't want to kill you.
Goku:hey Beerus can you change the rules and allow killing so that I can see Hit's full power.

Goku:we can fight another time(jumps out of the ring)

Goku:That's the last time I'll use Kaio-ken for a while

Hit:I no longer want the cube, but I simply want to be returned home immediately
Champa:I cannot allow you to return alive for repeatedly ignoring my orders and losing the final match so easily.

Champa:all of you so called fighters disgraced and embarrassed me with your seemingly pathetic performances

Beerus:it isn't in your place to interfere, and that your place and role in the tournament is over

Supreme Kai:(to Old Kai)who's Zeno?

[41]Come Forth, Divine Dragon! And Grant My Wish, Peas and Carrots

Zeno:you were having the tournament without my permission so he came to warn you

Zeno:these god of destruction are bad we need new ones
Beerus and Champa:huh
Zeno:just kidding

Zeno:I was watching the tournament,I actually really enjoyed it and I want to do it again, but this time with fighters from all twelve universes

Zeno:it's alright

Beerus: I have the Super Dragon Balls champa
Champa: I don't care, it's gonna take you awhile to find the last one,hurry up
Cabba:(to vegeta) master so when will you be coming to planet Sadala
Vegeta: don't call me master,I'll be coming soon
Goku:(to Hit)when will we fight again?

Future Trunks saga


[1]SOS from the Future: A Dark New Enemy Appears!

Goku: (after showing Chichi his garden)so what do you think
chichi:it looks great

Goku: so piccolo wanna harvest with me
Piccolo: nope

Chichi: (After Krillin tells Goku about Vegeta going with whis to train) Krillin you'll be taking his place see piccolo is having fun
Piccolo: (Holding cabbage)aahhh (blinks)

(After arriving at Lord Beeru's planet)

Goku: Hay Lord Beerus
Beerus: I hope you didn't come empty handed
Goku: how about this, it's called lettuce, it's sweet and tasty
Beerus: I'll be the judge of that

Goku: (Eating ramen) man I can't wait to fight that Zeno guy
Beerus: that's going to be problem
Goku: what!?
Whis: allow me to explain,Zeno is not fighter but has the ability to erase an entire universe, their used be 18 universes
Vegeta: (surprised) no way he just erased the other six
Whis: Correct

(arriving at the hidden lad)

Future Trunks: Hey mom your done
Future Bulma: yep,after all these years I finally did it,but
Future Trunks: But what mom!?
Future Trunks: it's enough for a one way trip but trust me you'll be fine

Future Bulma: (While Being grabbed by Black)go on without me your our only hope
Future Trunks: Mom NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Future Bulma: Trust me my son (disintegrates instantly and dies)

Future Mai: where's Bulma (looks both Left and right quickly) Huuuh
Future Trunks: Mom is no longer with us

Future Trunks: (After Black seemingly killed Mai) BLACK YOU! BASTARD
Black: (lands on the ruble and the screen begins to show half of his body)
Future Trunks: tch
Goku Black: (in background shows a Goku look alike) you've been running around and making a mess for too long and now I'm going to put a stop to it (smiles maniacally) it's all over Saiyan!

[2]Hope! Redux Awaken in the Present, Trunks

Goku Black: Your useless Trunks,you couldn't save your loved ones
Future Trunks: (angry) YOU! BASTARD! (charges in anger)

Trunks Trunks: (After throwing his sword) good (prepares his attack and launches) MASENKOOOOOOOOO!

Future Trunks: (while traveling 17 years in the past) I'm my Future's only hope I have to huh (becomes unconscious from the pain)

Trunks: (after noticing the time capsule)huh is an alien or something

Pilaf: the person has both the same name and face strange don't you think hm hm
Mai: (same time as Pilaf and Shu) hm hm
Shu: (same time as Pilaf and Mai)hm hm

Bulma: Trunks charge your power level as high as you can
Trunks: (confused) what's going on Mom

Goku: I got it
Beerus: we should tag along

Vegeta: Kakarot go get some senzu beans
Goku: Okay (uses instant transmission to Korin Tower)

(On Korin Tower)

Goku: Hay Korin
Korin: Hay Goku,got a present for me
Goku: Sorry Korin I'm in a hurry,can I get some senzu beans
Korin: Sure there right over there

Future Trunks: (After regaining conscious) huh (See's Goku and becomes devastated) YOU! (glares at Goku again and gets up from the bed strikes at Goku but Goku grabs his fist) YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOUR DONE!

(Everyone becomes surprised)

[3]A Message From the Future - The Incursion of Goku Black

Future Trunks: After I prevented the revival of my timeline's Majin Buu,Goku Black appeared and massacred most of humanity with only me and few remaining people fighting him in a losing battle.
Bulma: I deduce that you came here to gather some reinforcements

Beerus: I can't believe it Whis
Whis: It's astonishing
Beerus: these mortals are bold enough to mess with the affairs of time and space

Goku Black: huh, impossible he just vanished huh (looks at he's time ring)ha ha I see so Trunks travelled back in time too can play that game.

[4]Goku vs. Black! A Closed-Off Road to the Future

Goku Black: so your Goku, I can't wait to fight you

Whis: Black used a time ring that only supreme Kais process
Future Trunks: The machine it's Destroyed
Beerus: aww well good riddance now you can't meddle with time
Bulma: tadaa! I kept the other version of the Time Machine that Cell used to travel back in time, I'm intending to use my future self's journal to repair it.
Whis: ooh what another surprise
Beerus: Just when I think you mortals aren't that bad you sure find ways to surprise and disappoint me, I guess your worst than saiyans (eats his weener)

[5]Feelings That Transcend Time: Trunks and Mai

Goku: (to Beerus and Whis) come on guys please train me
Beerus: No is a no and don't make me say it again Goku, speaking of Goku I sense something familiar about this guy
Whis: Yes this Goku black fellow is quick a pickle (eats the last weener) hm hmm hmm ha ha
Beerus: What!yey that's my weener

Tournament of Power Saga


(After Android 17 defeats the poachers and Goku goes to him to recruit him.)

Goku: You must be Android 17. Wow! You and Android 18 really are the same. Explains why you're twins. Same eyes too. Hhuh! A park ranger just like she said.

A.17: Well aren't you informed, seeing as we've never met.

Goku: Hi, my name is Goku, but I'm sensing you already knew that didn't you?

A.17: Let's just say I've heard it before.(Smiles)

Goku: You have to join, if you don't join this whole universe will be obliterated in a blink of an eye! Surely you don't want that?

A.17: If we're doomed then so be it, that'll mean everyone will be obliterated altogether and not just the helpless, it's a fair price, that I can except.

(Last lines)

A.17: Life is strange don't you think A few years ago I was programmed to hunt and kill you, but now I'm fighting alongside you in your team.

Goku: Nah, don't beat yourself up, most of my friends started out as my enemies too, Piccolo, Tien and Vegeta.

(Android 18 comes to Android 17 who is lying down relaxed)

A.17: Can I help you with something?

A.18: Just came to see if you needed any help.

A.17: (getting up with his upper body) No need. Fighting her made me think about the animals I left back in the island, so I became careless around her. Now, I'm serious.

(Goku launched a spirit bomb against Jiren but Jiren repelled it against Goku, defeating him. With Goku engulfed by the spirit bomb and his energy not being sensed or seen, Goku was declared eliminated and Jiren safe for the spirit bomb was Goku's.)(Just as when the omnikings were about to mark Goku as eliminated)

Beerus: (shouting for Goku) Goku! Is this really the end for you!?!(Just then a wind of energy was felt in the Arina with no one knowing who it's coming from)

(The energy was coming from Goku but no one knew where he got all of the power from until Whis deduced that he might know)

Whis: (shouting due to excitement) Ooooh! This is so Amazing! Oh! I've waited so long for this!

Krillin: Wait. You mean you know what happened to Goku?

Whis: Oh, yes I believe I do. Oh! This is so amazing I never knew that the sayan would achieve this form. Lord Beerus. Will you tell them or should I? This is so amazing!

Beerus: Autonomous Ultra Instinct.

Champa: (who was listening gasped in suprise) Aahhhh!(All the deities gasped in shock too)

Kattela: No, Way! That's not possible! How can he achieve the God form!?!

Beerus: Out of all people, why does it have to be him!

(Shows Goku fighting Jiren and seems to be dodging his attacks and can now go to toe-to-toe with him)

(Last lines)

A.18: So who do you think has the upper hand now?

A.17: Hard to say. Before there used to be a huge gap between them but Goku automatically closed that gap, now with his new power he can go toe-to-toe with him.

(A.18 is approached by the th universe's justice warrior who took advantage of her leg until A.17 came and got in between just as he was about to punch her)

Warrior: You're not welcomed here villain?

A.17: Says a guy who's wearing a mask and is about to punch a lady.

Warrior: There's no pity in the battlefield.

.17: I'll try to remember that next time. Bye now.(shoots an energy ball at him that sends him spiralling through the rocks)

18: I didn't ask for your help.

17:(leaving) Sorry about that, I'll try to call next time.

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