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Abby Cadabbys Rockin Wave

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Abby Cadabbys at Sea Wolrd of Texas, Texas.
File:Https://youtu.be/abFjAG i8l8
Video of Abby Cadabbys at San Antonio, Texas, United States of America.

Abby Cadabbys Rockin Wave is a flat ride manufactured by Zamperla. The ride is manufactured in both traveling and park versions. It is the first of a line of new "halfpiperides". Zamperla's popular ride for the "family".

Design and operation

Abby Cadabbys Rockin Wave

Twenty four riders are loaded into a bug shaped gondola, in six rows of four. The rows face into the center of the ride. The ride is driven back and forth along a track shaped in a concave arc, rocking back and forth. While this is happening, the entire carraige rotates around its center.