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Prophecy World


Prophecy is a fantastic medieval role-play published for the first time by Halloween Concept, in which Dragons and human lives together. The players incarnate the human ones who will choose their destiny…

The Beginning of the World


The paramount being gave rise to 9 Large Dragons guards of an element of the world: stone, fire, water, magic etc Together, they breath life into the man. They taught him all. The humanity was then eternal. She discovered the power of the Dragons and divided it. The world lived in total harmony with the Large Dragons, these small beings were surprising: they learned quickly with a remarkable creativity. But later, of the quarrels the Dragons opposed. Wars burst and peace was broken. Against these beings, the human ones fell. The humanity failed to disappear.

The Large Dragons carried out their errors and reflect fine with their arguments. They then decided to let live their children alone, without mingling them with their quarrels. The Men took a new departure and without bond with their creators, they became weak, and mortals.

They started to rebuild the world which they had lost. They created tools to replace their lost powers, they fought to survive. But against this difficult situation, certain men remembered the Dragons and left to their research. Once found, they dedicated worships to them.

Against such a determination, the Large Dragons were disturbed and rewarded most faithful. And gradually, the Dragons took again their place in the human society. And the world fell down in the war…

Again Humanity saw its end arriving, but the wars stopped once again.

Still more weakened by these new confrontations, the men are reflected to rebuild. The men forgave with the Large Dragons but a handle refused this authority and fled in the moved back areas where the dragons would not come to disturb their existence. The Dragons were anxious in front of these Tendencies which they hardly understand: their sons disavowed them, replaced them and sometimes even were opposed to them.

Through Castes, the players will be able to choose the way of their character: Scholar, Craftsmen, Combatants, Magi, Guards, Wonders, Tradesmen or Travellers. Their Tendencies and their discoveries then will be confronted with the judgments of the Large Dragons. This world is in full upheaval: humaniste independence is opposed to the Draconique devotion dedicated to these higher beings and the insidious plots of the ninth Large Dragon are organized in the middle of stellar Prophecy.

The Dragons

  • Brorne is the first son of Moryagorn. His element is the stone and, with the image of the latter, Brorne is wise, patient and considered. Its laconic words are always listened because the Lord of Stone never speaks anything to say.
  • Kroryn is the second son of Moryagorn. His element is fire. Kroryn is the incarnation even of ardor. Unpredictable, he lives only for the war and the combat.
  • Ozyr is the first girl of Moryagorn and his third child. Her element is the ocean and she is the guardian of any knowledge. Formerly extremely wise and calm, Ozyr became a paranoiac being which protects her oceanic territory jealously.
  • Kezyr is the third son and fourth child of Moryagorn. His element is metal. Kezyr is before a whole creator and a legendary craftsman able to work metal better than whoever. Majestic in the past, Kezyr seems to be corroded by a tragedy of the past and blindly seeks the forgiveness of his/her son.
  • Heyra is the second girl and the fifth child of Moryagorn. Her element is nature. When Heyra was born, the world was covered with a luxuriant flora. Heyra is thus naturally good and proves extremely protective towards any form of life.
  • Nenya is the third girl and sixth child of Moryagorn. Guardian of the dreams and the desires, Nenya is the gasoline of the Magic in Kor. Impregnated mysteries and of hallucinations, Nenya is soft and reigns on Ether, world where each dream takes life.
  • Khy is the son of Kezyr and the seventh Large Dragon which was born. With his birth, Khy did not have any element on which to reign and is a long time to question on many questions that his pars were not posed. When that the human ones were create, Khy became the Large Dragon of the Cities, guard of the human race. He is peaceful although very enigmatic. Even the other Large Dragons have evil to encircle Khy.
  • Szyl is the son of Nenya and the eighth Large Dragon. His element is the air and, with its image, he is free and off-hand. Hate by some of his pars because of this ease, Szyl does not hold account and traverses indefatigably of it the skies, his kingdom, in search of palpitating adventures.
  • Kalimsshar is the last son of Moryagorn and the ninth Large Dragon. Born from the doubts and the nightmares of his father, Kalimsshar is the lord of the shade. Far from being the incarnation of the evil, Kalimsshar asserts what all its pars reject “because they are necessary for the balance of the world”. He perpetually seems plotting and, for a long time, was rejected by his brothers and sisters. Today qualified of Herault of Fate, Kalimsshar works in the shade in order to arrive at a goal that only knows to him.

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