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Talk:Arrow's impossibility theorem

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first sentence


I don't get that first sentence at all: "demonstrates the non-existence a set of rules for social decision making that would meet all of a certain set of criteria." - eh? (Sorry if this was discussed already, don't have time to read it all now, nor rack my brains on trying to decipher that sentence.) --Kiwibird 3 July 2005 01:20 (UTC)

That was missing an "of", but maybe wasn't so clear even with that corrected. Is the new version clearer? Josh Cherry 3 July 2005 02:48 (UTC)

From Dr. I.D.A.MacIntyre


I make three comments. Firstly the statement of the theorem is careless. The set voters rank is NOT the set of outcomes. It is in fact the set of alternatives. Consider opposed preferences xPaPy for half the electorate and yPaPx for the other half. ('P' = 'is Preferred to'). The outcome is {x,a,y} under majority voting (MV) and Borda Count (BC). (BC allocates place scores, here 2, 1 and 0, to alternatives in each voter's list.) The voters precisely have not been asked their opinion of the OUTCOME {x,a,y} compared to, say, {x,y} and {a} - alternative outcomes for different voter preference patterns. All voters may prefer {a} to {x,a,y} because the result of the vote will be determined by a fair lottery on x, a and y. If all voters are risk averse they may find the certainty of a preferable to any prospect of their worst possibility being chosen. This difference is crucial for understanding why the theorem in its assumptions fails to represent properly the logic of voting. As I show in my Synthese article voters must vote strategically on the set of alternatives to secure the right indeed democratic outcome. Here aPxIy for all voters would do. ('I' = 'the voter is Indifferent between'). Indeed as I show in The MacIntyre Paradox (presently with Synthese) a singleton outcome evaluated from considering preferences can be beaten by another singleton when preferences on subsets (here the sets {x}, {x,y}, {a} etc) or preferences on orderings (here xPaPy, xIyPa, etc) are considered. Strategic voting is necessary because this difference between alternatives and outcomes returns for every given sort of alternative. (Subsets, subsets of the subsets etc). Another carelessness is in the symbolism. It is L(A) N times that F considers, not, as it is written, that L considers A N times. Brackests required. In a sense,and secondly, we could say then that the solution to the Arrow paradox is to allow strategic voting. It is the burden of Gibbard's theorem (for singleton outcomes - see Pattanaik for more complex cases) (reference below) that the Arrow assumptions are needed to PREVENT strategic voting. The solution to the Arrow problem is in effect shown in the paragraph above. For the given opposed preferences with {x,a,y} as outcome voters may instead all be risk loving prefering now {x,y} to {x,a,} and indeed {a}. This outcome is achieved by all voters voting xIyPa. But in terms of frameworks this is to say that for initial prferences xPaPy and yPaPx for half the electorate each, the outcome ought to be {a} or {x,y} depending on information the voting procedure doesn't have - voters' attitudes to risk. Thus Arrow's formalisation is a mistake in itself. The procedure here says aPxIy is the outcome sometime, sometimmes it is {a} and sometimes were voters all risk neutral it is{x,a,y}. These outcomes under given fixed procedures (BC and MV) voters achieve by strategic voting. We could say then that Gibbard and Satterthwaite show us the consequences of trying to prevent something we should allow whilst Arrow grieviously misrepresents the process he claims to analyse

Thirdly if you trace back the history of the uses that have been made of the Arrow - type ('Impossibility') theorems you will wonder at the effect their export to democracies the CIA disappoved of and dictatorships it approved of actually had. Meanwhile less technical paens of praise for democracy would have been directed to democracies the US approved of and dictatorships it didn't. All this not just in the US. I saw postgraduates from Iran in the year of the fall of Shah being taught the Arrow theorem without any resolution of it being offered. It must have been making a transition to majority voting in Iran just that bit more difficult. That the proper resolution of the paradox is not well known (and those offered above all on full analysis fail to resolve these Impossibilty Theorems and in fact take us away from the solution) allows unscrupulous governments to remain Janus faced on democracy. There certainly are countries that have been attacked for not implementing political systems that US academics and advisors have let them know are worthless.


Moved from the article. --Gwern (contribs) 19:43 11 April 2007 (GMT)

From Dr. I. D. A. MacIntyre.

I am at a loss to understand why other editors are erasing my comments. Anyone who wishes to do so can make a PROFESSIONAL approach to Professor Pattanaik at UCR. He will forward to me any comments you have and, if you give him your email address I will explain further to you. Alternatively I am in the Leicester, England, phone book.

I repeat: the statement of the theorem is careless. For a given set of alternatives, {x,a,y} the possible outcomes must allow ties. Thus the possible outcomes are the SET of RANKINGS of {x,a,y}. The other editors cannot hide behind the single valued case of which two things can be said. Firstly Arrow allowed orders like xIyPa (x ties with y and both beat a). Secondly if only strict orders (P throughout) can be outcomes how can the theorem conceivably claim to represent exactly divided, even in size, societies where for half each xPaPy and yPaPx.

Thus compared with {x,a,y} we see that the possible outcomes include xIyPa, xIyIa and xIaIy. In fact for the voter profile suggested in the previous paragraph under majority voting and Borda count (a positional voting system where,here 2, 1 and 0 can be allocated to each alternative for each voter) the outcome will be xIaIy. The problem that the Arrow theorem cannot cope with is that we would not expect the outcome to be the same all the time for the same voter profile. For for the given profile, and anyway, voters may be risk loving, risk averse or risk neutral. If all exhibit the same attitude to risk then respectively they will find xIyPa, aPxIy and xIaIy the best outcome. (Some of this is explained fully in my Pareto Rule paper in Theory and Decision). But the Arrow Theorem insists that voters orderings uniquely determine the outcome. Thus the Arrow Theorem fails adequately to represent adequate voting procedures in its very framework.

To repeat the set of orderings in order (ie not xIyPa compared with xIaIy, aPxIy etc). Thus all voters may find zPaPw > aPxIy > xIaIy > xIyPa if they are risk averse. ({z,w} = {x,y} for each voter in the divided profile above). The plausible outcome xIaIy is thus Pareto inferior here to aPxIy. In fact any outcome can be PAreto inoptimal for this profile. (For the outcomes aPxIy, xIyPa and xIaIy the result will be {a}, and a fair lottery on {x,y} and {x,a,y} repsectiively. The loving voter for whom zPaPw prefers the fair lottery {x,y} compared with {a} and hence xIyPa to aPxIy.

The solution is to allow strategic voting so that in effect voters can express their preferences on rankings of alternatives. Under majority voting such strategic voting need never disadvantage a majority in terms of outcomes, and as we see here, can benefit all voters. (Several of my Theory and Decison papers discuss this).

We are very close to seeing the reasonableness of cycles. For 5 voters each voting aPbPc, bPcPa and cPaPb the outcome {aPbPc, bPcPa, cPaPb, xIaIy} seems reasonable. This is not an Arrow outcome but one acknowleding 4 possible final results. But then the truth is, taking alternatives in pairs that with probability 2/3 aPb as well as bPc and cPa. What else can this mean except that we should choose x from {x,y} in every case where xPy with 2/3 probability.

(In the divided society case above if all voters are risk loving the outcome {aPxIy} is preferred by all voters to some putative {xPaPy, yPaPx}. The possible outcomes for voting cycles are to be found in my Synthese article.)

I go no further. Except to make five further comments. Firstly those who like Arrow's theorem can continue so to do, as a piece of abstract mathematics, but not as a piece of social science, as which it is appallingly bad. Arrow focuses on cyclcical preferences and later commentators like Saari have fallen into the trap of thinking opposed preferences not a problem for the Arrow frame. In fact both sorts of preferences are a problem for the erroneous Arrow frame. That is the way round things are. The Arrow frame presents the problems. The preferences are NOT problematic.

Secondly I reiterate strategic voting, which is a necessary part of democracy, need never allow any majority to suffer (see my Synthese article for the cyclical voting case). Indeed majorities and even all voters can benefit. Majority voting with strategic voting could, then, be called consequentialist majoritarian.

Thirdly, and if this is what is getting up the other editos noses then leave just this out because it is most important that everyone stops being fooled about MAJORITY VOTING by Arrow's theorem and his Nobel driven prestige, anyone who thinks Arrow has a point has been led astray. If US academics and advisors believe he has then why do we bomb countries for not being demcracies? And if no one does then why was the theorem taught unanswered to Iranian students here in the UK during the year of the fall of the Shah? If Iran is not a demcracy to your liking, I am speaking to the other editors, a good part of the reason is the theorems you are protecting, I can assure you. No one can be Janus faced about this. paricualrly not by suppressing solutions to the Theorem in a dictatorial way.

Fourthly to restrict the theorem to linear orderings which Arrow does not do is pointlessly deceptive. For it hides the route to the solution (keeping 'experts' in pointless but lucrative employment?). For even in that case the set of strict orders on the set of alternatives is NOT what voters are invited to rank.

Lastly the hieroglyths above are wrong too. The function F acts on L(A) N times. L does not operate on A N times as the text above claims. Brackets required!

From Dr. I. MacIntyre : Of course any account of the Arrow Theorem and its ramifications is going to please some and displease others so I add this comment without criticism.

It seems to me that strategic behaviour in voting (and more generally) is such an important part of human behaviour that how various voting procedures cope with it will turn out to be the most useful way of distinguishing between them.

Indeed one could go so far as to say that strategic behaviour, properly understood and interpreted, also provides the key to resolving the Arrow 'Paradox'.

To that end, and anyway because of its importance I think it would be useful in this Wikipedia article to indicate, at least, the tight connection between the constraints Arrow imposes on voters in order to derive his theorem and what must be imposed on them to avoid the logical possibility of 'misrepresentation' or strategic behaviour. That is, the role of Arrow's assumptions in Gibbard's Theorem should, I think, be spelt out at least informally.

Many writers have suggested resolutions to the Theorem without paying any real attention to strategic voting. As a result they have missed what is certainly majority decision making's best (and I think decisive) defence. For under majority decision making strategic voting can benefit majorities, even all voters (sic!) (see my Pareto Rule paper in Theory and Decision) and no majority ever need suffer. No other rule (eg the Borda Count rule) defends its own constitutive principle in this way.

As a result of these omissions (of any acknowledgement of the ubiquity of strategic behaviour and of the Arrow - Gibbard connection) the technical literature in recent years has lost realism in its accounts of democratic behaviour and leaves its readers with the impression that democracy is best saved by abandoning majority voting. (As Borda Count does). Such an odd view of best voting practice is likely to encourage dictators and discourage even the strongest of democrats. Perhaps that is the intended effect. For one could argue that the way majority mandates have been de - legitimised is the worst legacy of the Arrow Theorem so that just redistribution has been thwarted in South Africa, Northern Ireland and elsewhere in localities better known by you readers than I.

I. MacIntyre n_mcntyr@yahoo.co.uk 27th April 2007

Spoiler effects and IIA


This article, and the spoiler effect article, should carefully distinguish between an election method as such not changing its output when a candidate who didn't win is removed from all input ballots; and the stronger effect that a candidate deciding to enter the race where a particular election method is being used, and then losing, does not change who wins. It's a subtle distinction, but normalization issues can cause cardinal voting methods to fail the latter even though they pass the former, even if the voters use von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities.

It's a bit off topic for this article, but the article's phrasing should still make clear that the former definition is what's being talked about, and that it doesn't imply the latter.

The rank-order voting section of this page might be relevant. Wotwotwoot (talk) 13:10, 29 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I'm not sure that I understand the distinction. Suppose under a given voting system candidates A, B, and C are running and A wins, but B would have won if D joined. This seems to be your second ("stronger") type. But if we rephrase it as A, B, C, and D are running and B wins, but then if D drops out A wins, this seems to be your first type. - CRGreathouse (t | c) 19:19, 29 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
If we're dealing with ordinal voting, then the two types are the same. But here's an example for Range voting:
Suppose that the three candidates are A, B, and C. We have three blocs of voters.
The first bloc has 31 voters who score A 10, B 5, and C 0.
The second bloc has 28 voters who score B 10, C 7, and A 0.
The third bloc has 27 voters who score C 10, A 3, and B 0.
In total, A has 391 points, B has 435 points, and C has 466 points. So C wins. Now if we remove A from the input data, then C still wins, because that doesn't change the other candidates' scores: Range passes IIA. But for that to translate to an immunity to spoilers, we must presume that in a counterfactual election where only B and C ran, the scores would be like this:
31 voters score B 5 and C 0
28 voters score B 10 and C 7
27 voters score C 10 and B 0
But it's quite possible that if only two candidates had run, the voters would have ranked their favorite 10 and their least favorite zero. In this other universe, A never ran, so the voters might not have been rating according to the same scale. And if the voters instead had voted their favorite maximum and least favorite minimum, we would have got:
59 voters score B 10 and C 0
27 voters score C 10 and B 0
which would have led B, not C to win. Hence A not running changes the winner from C to B, because the second bloc detests A so much that it makes C look better compared to B. In this stronger sense, elections conducted with Range might have spoilers, even though the method itself passes IIA when looked at in isolation.
The direction (going from the two-candidate election to three candidates or vice versa) doesn't play into it, just whether the voters have an "objective" scale they can rate the candidates on, in the sense that their scaling of scores of existing candidates don't change when candidates enter or leave. Wotwotwoot (talk) 21:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I grant that there are normalization issues with cardinal voting systems, but Arrow is just about ordinal system, right? - CRGreathouse (t | c) 17:19, 30 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
User:Mbmiller seems to think otherwise, but to my knowledge, Arrow is indeed just about ordinal systems. Since Arrow is inapplicable, cardinal methods are allowed to pass IIA and some do.
But currently parts of the article are phrased so as to equate passing IIA with eliminating spoilers (e.g. the section titled "Eliminating spoilers: Rated voting"). I think it would be useful to somehow make the distinction more clear so that "passing IIA" doesn't get interpreted as "spoiler immunity". Perhaps in a section describing the relation between IIA and spoiler immunity, or a reference to the spoiler effect article. Wotwotwoot (talk) 19:45, 30 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I've taken a stab at doing this. I think some of the problem lies in that information about different related effects (IIA, Arrow, and spoilers) are duplicated or belong to the wrong article, and some cleanup is needed. The "Non-Arrovian spoilers" section might be more suited to the spoiler effect article, for instance. Wotwotwoot (talk) 20:59, 30 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Wotwotwoot I'm happy to mention tactical/strategic spoilers, but—
  1. From what I can tell, the term spoiler typically refers to IIA failures. This aligns with the original use of the term, which is taken from sports: there, the term refers to one team eliminating another, despite not being eligible to win themselves. (This also seems like a much more common cause of IIA failures than tactical ballot-switching.) I think the average reader is going to be smart enough to understand that, if voters change their votes, this will change the results.
  2. I'd like to keep discussions of tactical spoilers separate from Arrovian spoilers as much as possible; this includes keeping digressions into how tactical voting or human psychology can affect IIA below the fold, or ideally in a different article (with links coming from this page and footnotes).
Mostly I just want to focus on teaching readers one concept at a time and providing more detail in footnotes or linked articles. Trying to discuss both concepts at once is going to create a mess in the average reader's mind. Closed Limelike Curves (talk) 02:34, 2 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
In particular, I really want to avoid the excessive detail that tends to plague Wikipedia voting systems articles. I remember trying to read through these articles maybe 10 years ago as a kid and I had no idea what any of it actually meant. (I've asked friends and family to try and tell me if they can understand what the page is saying; so far, this is the first draft they seem to actually understand, as long as they skip the proofs.) Closed Limelike Curves (talk) 03:09, 2 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
If your concern is simplicity, I'm perfectly happy to remove everything that talks about non-straightforward (strategic) voting, or replacing it with a simple paragraph that says "clearly, under strategy all bets are off". However, that is not all I was doing. My main point is that a straightforward reading of "IIA = spoiler effect" conceals the fact that honest voters may cause a spoiler effect in cardinal methods by not operating on an absolute scale, so that the addition of losing candidates changes the scale they use, making someone else win.
It's important to note that this can happen even if we hold the voters to their von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities, because these are only unique up to a positive affine transformation. The spoilers thus don't need to be tactical spoilers, because even honest voters who don't care about how other people are voting can cause the winner of cardinal methods to change.
Arrow makes the same point in his book "Social Choice and Individual Values" in Chapter III, section 6, "The Summation of Utilities". So if a non-Arrovian spoiler would be relevant to this page, it would be this effect. But I think it would make more sense to just briefly say "there exist non-Arrovian spoilers", move the bulk of the material to the spoiler effect article, and let the Arrow's theorem article (this one) be focused on Arrow's theorem itself. That's why I deleted the material here. If we want to keep it simple, let the spoiler article discuss or describe what a spoiler means, and this article be about IIA and Arrow's theorem. Wotwotwoot (talk) 17:02, 2 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
"honest voters may cause a spoiler effect in cardinal methods by not operating on an absolute scale, so that the addition of losing candidates changes the scale they use, making someone else win."
This is what I'm confused about. Why would a (rational and honest) voter's utility function change based on which candidates are running? The scale constant is, well, a constant. There's nowhere else in welfare economics where we allow the scale constant to vary when an agent's choices change; I can't claim that an economic intervention that causes utility to drop 10 points in my model is actually good, because the scale/units changed after I passed the policy. Closed Limelike Curves (talk) 15:36, 6 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Their internal utilities don’t change, it’s how they translate them to a cardinal ballot expression that does. Sen’s extended Arrow theorem’s assumes a property he calls “cardinality” which informally speaking means that the voter or the election system (based on whether we’re using unnormalized or normalized methods) treat positive linear transformations of the "true" utility function equally.
Another way to put this is that utilities of the von Neumann-Morgenstern type aren’t entirely determined. While B running doesn’t change how much a voter likes A, the voter is in both cases (B running or not) confronted with the problem of what honest ballot to cast. That is, the voter has to find some way to supply the missing information that vNM utilities do not provide.
Sen and Arrow then motivate that if the voter chooses to fill in this ambiguity in a way that depends on the candidates running, then we have IIA failure.
That doesn’t prove that they do. But it seems reasonable that a considerable number of voters would vote majority style in a two-candidate Approval election, no matter who the two candidates are: that they would rate their favorite max and their least favorite min. If so, they’re using relative scales, even if these are consistent with their vNM utilities. So the argument arises from the commonsense notion that that’s what voters in a two-candidate Approval election would do. It would seem strange for a voter to show up only to approve both candidates or neither.
There’s also a second argument: if voters use individually absolute scales, e.g. by anchoring 0% to the end of the world and 100% to a utopia, then we would expect to see a lot of ballots who approve of everybody simply because every candidate is better than a 50-50 gamble on either utopia or the end of the world.
Detailed Approval election breakdowns are rare, so it’s hard to say how many do approve of everybody. But the plausibility of the majority voting scenario, combined with that both Arrow and Sen have written about this problem, would make this information relevant, IMHO.
In addition, it seems that some cardinal designers either make relative voting explicit or try to directly counteract it. As an example of the former, the STAR Voting example ballot states "Give your favorite(s) five stars. Give your last choice(s) zero or leave blank". Of the latter, Balinski and Laraki attempt to deal with the problem in devising MJ.
As for the question "why don’t we see a concern for scales changing elsewhere?", I think that in part that’s due to the history of economics (see and the binary approach of pass/fail criteria in voting (I could give references, but this is already pretty long). The addition or removal of irrelevant alternatives is a bit difficult to bring into a questionnaire context, too. Wotwotwoot (talk) 18:28, 9 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Their internal utilities don’t change, it’s how they translate them to a cardinal ballot expression that does[...] While B running doesn’t change how much a voter likes A, the voter is in both cases (B running or not) confronted with the problem of what honest ballot to cast. That is, the voter has to find some way to supply the missing information that vNM utilities do not provide.
Ahh, OK, I see what you're arguing now. So your argument is voters need to establish some kind of common units? e.g. this problem of reported results when no scale is provided; voters need to figure out a way to choose which units to reply in. (The same way that, if I asked people to tell me how long something is, I'd have no idea if they meant it in millimeters, miles, light-years...)
When rating candidates, voters probably use a mix of approaches. But whatever they're doing, the empirical evidence is it works. If I had to take a guess, one common strategy is probably background comparisons: they're comparing the candidates to other, past winners or candidates (rather than each other). You can see this most clearly in races where voters are unhappy with the choices they have, like in 2016 or 2024. Tons of people say "I don't like Biden or Trump (or any other candidate)"; if I ask them to rate each one on a scale of "Strongly like, somewhat like, ..." or on a scale from 0 to 100, their answers reflect that. This doesn't make sense if voters can only establish a common scale by comparing candidates to each other, but it does make sense in the context of background comparisons: people are saying they're less enthusiastic about Biden in 2024 than Obama in 2012.
Alternatively, people could be approximating some kind of implicit utilitarian algorithm, which allows them to infer utilities from a combination of other people's ordinal preferences and their observed behavior over lotteries. Because we have a lot of experience interacting with other people, and often seeing the same ordinal preferences in many situations, we can infer their cardinal preferences with a high degree of accuracy (far better than could be inferred from rankings of just 5 or 6 candidates).
The Arrow/Sen argument would probably hold in one-shot elections with no common information being shared between voters except the ballots, but that sounds like an extremely unusual case. Closed Limelike Curves (talk) 17:51, 10 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That gets to the distinction that I referred to at the end of my previous reply: between the axiomatic criterion approach often used when describing election methods, and a more statistical approach favored elsewhere. The economic paper notwithstanding, a more pragmatic approach has been used in psychology and for analyzing Likert scale responses, questionnaires etc.
All that Arrow's theorem says is that there exist some situations where IIA must be violated. It doesn't say anything about how often these happen, as that would require knowing voter behavior. Perhaps the probability of a Condorcet cycle approaches zero exponentially fast in reality, say. Or perhaps voters do use a fixed anchor all the time, and not just most of the time, so that cardinal voting election outcomes indeed are independent of losers. But statistical reliability and validity can't answer such questions.
Since Arrow's theorem itself uses the axiomatic or deductive approach, it makes sense to stay with it. And in that context, Arrow and Sen say that if we can't ensure that voters use the same scale no matter who runs, we can't guarantee that the outcome is independent of losing candidates.
Whether and how much that applies in reality can of course be debated, just like the question of whether and how often sincere Condorcet cycles would occur. Personally, I think the chance of rated voters voting majority style when only two candidates are present is quite high, even though that's not proof.
But if we're using Arrow's axiomatic approach to back a statement that Condorcet only has minimal spoilers instead of no spoilers, we should also use Arrow's axiomatic approach to back a statement that elections with Range only has minimal spoilers instead of no spoilers. Cardinal elections shouldn't be able to get off on a technicality just because their method is asking for information that the voter can't supply with the absolute rigor that is necessary for the Arrow-style implications to hold. Wotwotwoot (talk) 16:07, 14 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

But if we're using Arrow's axiomatic approach to back a statement that Condorcet only has minimal spoilers instead of no spoilers, we should also use Arrow's axiomatic approach to back a statement that elections with Range only has minimal spoilers instead of no spoilers. Cardinal elections shouldn't be able to get off on a technicality just because their method is asking for information that the voter can't supply with the absolute rigor that is necessary for the Arrow-style implications to hold.

The voter can't supply all of their utilities with perfect, absolute rigor, but this is a practical limitation, not a result about social choice. In the same way, we could say that ranked pairs fails the Condorcet criterion because sometimes people will miscount ballots, or make mistakes when filling them out ballots. I mean... sure, I guess that in some sense, you could claim no system satisfies the Condorcet criterion, and Condorcet methods just minimize the probability of a Condorcet failure. Then you could say ranked pairs is "getting off on a technicality" by making assumptions that will never hold in the real world. But that would be silly. It'd be like complaining my calculator gives wrong answers whenever I feed it the wrong numbers. If you give the social choice function the wrong utilities, the wrong answer will come out.
It's reasonable to mention interpersonal comparisons of utility are difficult and philosophically contentious, since we don't have direct access to other people's mental states. But people changing their preferences or utility functions in response to changing the set of options doesn't really work within the mathematical framework of welfare economics, mostly because as soon as you change the set of outcomes, you can never compare any policy or decision to any other.
A social welfare function is just a mathematical function that satisfies a few properties, and it has interpretations other than as a set of ballots (in fields like ethics, economics, decision theory, and multi-criteria optimization). Decisions where these algorithms depend on irrelevant alternatives are sometimes called spoiled as well. The mathematical core of Arrow's theorem is just that, if you apply the rank transformation to an aggregation function, the rank-order of your output will depend on irrelevant changes in preferences. –Maximum Limelihood Estimator 18:41, 14 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
There's a critical difference, though. There exists a definition of a single honest vote for ranking - the one consistent with one's preferences. Such a definition doesn't exist for rated ballots because even von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities fail to pin down what the one correct expression for the vote is. Sen thus points out that under the ambiguity that results, we can't ensure IIA.
So when I say "their method is asking for information that the voter can't supply", I mean that literally. There's no way to go from vNM utilities to a rated ballot in an unambiguous way. That's why the analog to someone misfiling their ballot fails. Sen's theorem doesn't assume that there are random perturbations or errors, just that what attempts the voter makes to render their utility is impaired by the invariance to positive linear transforms. Wotwotwoot (talk) 19:07, 14 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
To condense the point: with ranking we can set up theorems that take an unambiguous representation of the will of the voter and then shows that a method that makes use of this representation can pass (random ballot) or fail (minimax) IIA. But what unambiguous representation of the will of the voter can we make for rated voting? If we model the ambiguity by creating an equivalence class of sincere representations, then IIA failure returns. Wotwotwoot (talk) 19:36, 14 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Such a definition doesn't exist for rated ballots because even von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities fail to pin down what the one correct expression for the vote is.

Harsanyi and Vickrey showed the opposite; there's a specific lottery that pins down the comparison, which is preferences over the lottery of birth. If we ask someone how much money it would take for them to accept a 50% chance of swapping lives with another person, their answers imply interpersonal comparisons of utility.
Importantly, these don't imply the interpersonal comparison of utility would be the same across people, so that doesn't get us to a single "objectively correct" set of weights for interpersonal comparisons of utility. Two people with the same life might disagree about how much money they'd need to take that bet. But they do need some set of weights they use to compare their own utility against others', which has to be consistent across different situations. –Maximum Limelihood Estimator 02:49, 16 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
With all the editing that has been going on, let me argue why the parts about generalizations deserve more space in this (Arrow's theorem) article, and why the latest edits in particular have decreased the quality of the article, because it seems like we got a bit sidetracked.
Arrow's theorem does not make a judgment of any nature on methods that are not ranked. It is relatively well known that rated methods pass IIA when the ballot data is held fixed, although this is not a consequence of Arrow's theorem as such.
There exist generalizations of Arrow's theorem that show how elections conducted with rated methods can fail IIA; and more generally, how methods that try to deal with the whole equivalence class of honest cardinal ballots under the assumption of no absolute scale, can fail.
Since Sen's result is a generalization of Arrow's theorem, it is relevant to an article that deals with Arrow's theorem. Furthermore it brings context to how the limited scope of Arrow's theorem have been expanded. The reference showing that Arrow informally made a similar point that with normalization serves as a verifiable background point of context, and shows that Arrow was considering the same problem, even if he didn't formalize it. Whether Arrow currently thinks that rated ballots are better than ranks has less relevance, because he does not directly refer to the point made there.
Further points could be made that authors of cardinal methods are aware of the ambiguity of rated ballots - in particular I'm thinking of things like mean-utility Approval thresholding guidelines - but that might be out of scope for an article about Arrow's in particular.
Cardinal and ordinal advocates may disagree about whether and how often the voters engage in this behavior. Vickrey's observation could be used to argue that the voters making use of it now have a point to fix their scales to, hence avoiding the problem.
But there are, to my knowledge, no sources showing what models voters empirically use (apart from a single section in an Approval paper).
Thus, due to the relevance of extensions of Arrow's theorem to the subject of the theorem and how it may be used, I think that there should be a point in the lead about how, though rated voting is not covered by Arrow's theorem, it is covered by generalizations of it. Reverting this point removes information that is relevant in an article about Arrow's theorem. Reducing, to a few sentences, the distinct point that consequentially there exist models where rated voting fails IIA (and ones where they pass) reduces the quality for a similar reason.
Better would be to have a section about generalizations as such, which the brief mention in the lead would serve as an introduction to.
The question of whether the voters actually have a way to unambiguously fill in a rated ballot, and about vNM on the one hand and solutions like Vickrey's on the other, like what we've been discussing above, could be detailed in that section. Or in some other article, depending on how relevant it is to Arrow's theorem as such. Wotwotwoot (talk) 18:07, 20 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Arrow claiming that rated voting doesn't have normalization-based IIA failures?


User:Closed Limelike Curves, I am responding because you have reverted my changes twice now. Last time you added the following quote to the CES podcast reference:

So I think Approval Voting is a little too coarse. I think if you had three or four candidates the incentives for this would be much less if you had three or four classes. There would be a tendency to approve candidates you don’t think very well of just to avoid somebody you think is a real catastrophe.

This is in reply to Aaron Hamlin asking if Approval would encourage the growth of third parties. The quote seems to be more related to strategy than to normalization problems. If it were related to normalization problems, it could just as easily be read the other way: "There would be a tendency to approve candidates you don't think very well of just to avoid somebody you think is a real catastrophe", implying that if the real catastrophe hadn't run, you wouldn't be approving those candidates you don't think very well of, hence a change in ballots would occur due to irrelevant candidates dropping out. So I would like to ask where you consider the quote, or the podcast reference in general, to imply that Arrow doesn't think Sen-type IIA failures will occur, i.e. that he "reversed his opinion later in life, coming to agree that scoring methods provided more useful information that make it possible for such systems to evade his theorem".

That sufficiently fine-grained cardinal ballots with sufficiently many candidates provide more ways to vote (more information) is not in contention, nor is that some cardinal methods like Range pass IIA when that extra data is held fixed. Indeed, the former is the reason Sen uses the wider concept of an SWFL and not just a plain SWF. Nor does the original Social Choice and Individual Welfare reference assume that data is being held fixed: Arrow directly refers to von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities and their invariance to positive linear transformations. Wotwotwoot (talk) 23:05, 19 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

That’s correct. Yes. Now there’s another possible way of thinking about it, which is not included in my theorem. But we have some idea how strongly people feel. In other words, you might do something like saying each voter does not just give a ranking. But says, this is good. And this is not good. Or this is very good. And this is bad. So I have three or four classes. You have two classes is what you call Approval Voting. Just say some measures are satisfactory, and some aren’t. This gives more structure. And, in effect, say I approve and you approve, we sort of should count equally. So this gives more information than simply what I have asked for [... if] we don’t just rank the candidates. We say something like they’re good or bad or something. [...]

CES:But the system that you’re just referring to, Approval Voting, falls within a class called cardinal systems. So not within ranking systems. Dr. Arrow: And as I said, that in effect implies more information.

Maximum Limelihood Estimator 02:57, 20 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, Arrow does say that there is more information. That's why I said
That sufficiently fine-grained cardinal ballots with sufficiently many candidates provide more ways to vote (more information) is not in contention.
That much is clear. Sincere rated ballots based on vNM utilities give strength of preference, and ranks don't: that's the whole point. But he doesn't say nor does he imply that this invalidates Sen-type IIA.
We later have
But we have some idea how strongly people feel. In other words, you might do something like saying each voter does not just give a ranking. But says, this is good. And this is not good. Or this is very good.
Which implies again that there's a strength of preference ("not just give a ranking"), and that he sees a need for more ratings than just approve and disapprove, so that the voters may provide information about how strongly they feel about each candidate on some scale (good, very good, etc). But that is an orthogonal issue.
How fine-grained the rating resolution is doesn't itself validate or invalidate Sen-type IIA failure - unless you're thinking that Arrow, by using grade-like terms like "good" and "very good", is referring to Balinski and Laraki's MJ reasoning which is intended to reduce Sen-IIA type behavior. But that seems like somewhat of a reach. And were that the case, it's likely that he would have referred to MJ by name, given that he names Balinski elsewhere in the podcast.
In short, while the source shows that Arrow considers cardinal voting an improvement since such ballots can represent more information, Arrow does not specifically counter the point made in Social Choice and Individual Welfare. Wotwotwoot (talk) 17:31, 20 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I'm citing this to support the claim that Arrow, later in life, agreed cardinal voting is an improvement because it provides additional, meaningful information relative to ordinal ballots; and that this meaningful information allows such methods to evade his results. (Setting aside practical limitations like human psychology, which Balinski & Laraki take pains to minimize; I'll try and add your reference to their work back in.)
My issues with the previously-suggested edits:
1. The sentence raises a technical point that can only be properly discussed in the body (not the lede). The result is also only indirectly related to Arrow's theorem (enough to warrant mention in the article, but not the lede). Discussing these results in the lede serves to reinforce the common misconception that Arrow's theorem (either directly or in an only slightly-modified form) applies to cardinal methods.
2. The sentence makes it sound like the authors are proving another rigorous impossibility result, rather than raising a philosophical objection.
3. The sentence seems redundant, given the already-existing sections covering limitations caused by human psychology and philosophical disagreements about interpersonal utility comparisons.
4. The sentence makes it sound like rated methods are exempt under a technicality, or there's a similar result applying to rated methods under a different name (like how Satterthwaite technically doesn't apply to cardinal methods, but Gibbard's theorem proving only a slightly weaker result still does). Arrow, Vickrey, and Harsanyi would all disagree with the claim, and argue these kinds of numeric scores are meaningful in a way that allows score voting to avoid independence failures (up to practical failures). (Sen also might agree, since I've seen him argue elsewhere that interpersonal utility comparisons are possible.) Balinski and Laraki also showed cardinal utilities or grades proportional to aren't actually needed for IIA, so long as voters are allowed to rate candidates independently (median ratings only require ordinal information). –Maximum Limelihood Estimator 02:01, 21 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
If you're using this citation to show that Arrow has changed his mind to that cardinal methods evade (i.e. aren't affected by) his own results, then it does not seem relevant to use this citation when discussing Sen's generalization. "Sen showed X, Arrow had an informal argument along these lines too, but later in life he changed his mind", makes it sound like the "later in life he changed his mind" part is relevant to the informal argument, which it isn't.
That's distinct from using the citation to reference that Arrow says that his own impossibility theorem does not apply to cardinal voting.
I now see you have removed the "informal argument" clause entirely, but I would like to restore it.
As for the rest, I've already given a summary above (under "Spoiler effects and IIA"), but I would like to add a few more points.
I am not proposing that the lead discuss the generalizations, only that it makes the reader aware that they exist. Actual discussion would take place in a separate section, not in the lead. If you'd like, we could add a contingency and say something like "generalizations exist that do apply to rated elections given additional assumptions".
My point is basically the converse of yours.
There are many places on Wikipedia where a footnote or caveat about rated voting says "the IIA result only holds if voters don't change their scales", or something to that effect. These exist because the consensus seems to be that some people do change their scales. The generalizations formalize the argument that if they do, then the broader election does fail IIA, giving a theoretical backing relevant to the theorem for what's being informally expressed in the caveats (as well as elsewhere, in Approval papers discussing how to vote, mean utility, etc.; or even right here on this page with CRGreathouse saying "I grant that there are normalization issues with cardinal voting systems").
So your concern is that discussing generalizations in the lead would risk people thinking that the standard Arrow's theorem applies to rated voting. Mine is that not doing so would risk them thinking that rated voting elections pass, just because the systems do when ratings are held fixed. The references to vNM utilities are intended to give a reasonably common theoretical model to explain such changes of scale. Responses could be dealt with in the section.
The reasons I gave under "Spoiler effects and IIA" give the theoretical relevance of the generalizations to Arrow's theorem. And the behavior seeming natural enough that there are caveats to this effect elsewhere indicate that it's practically relevant as well. Thus for two different reasons it deserves a more broad discussion than just a passing remark in the interpersonal comparison section. Wotwotwoot (talk) 11:17, 21 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

These exist because the consensus seems to be that some people do change their scales. The generalizations formalize the argument that if they do, then the broader election does fail IIA, giving a theoretical backing relevant to the theorem for what's being informally expressed in the caveats (as well as elsewhere, in Approval papers discussing how to vote, mean utility, etc.; or even right here on this page with CRGreathouse saying "I grant that there are normalization issues with cardinal voting systems").

I'd grant there's an issue here in that some voters normalize their ballots, much like how behavioral economics has shown voters use a wide variety of heuristics to make even ordinal judgments (see decoy effect). In that case, no Smith-independent method actually satisfies ISDA: it's possible to introduce a new, strongly-dominated candidate who nevertheless changes the way voters rank other outcomes.
If we want to say "well, the system satisfies this axiom, but some voters act in a way that violates it", we'd have to apply that to every voting system and voting property, and every article's lede will quickly get very, very messy. (Also, we could no longer say that Condorcet methods uniquely minimize the rate of IIA failures.) –Maximum Limelihood Estimator 18:42, 22 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

GA Review


The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

This review is transcluded from Talk:Arrow's impossibility theorem/GA1. The edit link for this section can be used to add comments to the review.

Nominator: Closed Limelike Curves (talk · contribs) 22:22, 3 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Reviewer: Phlsph7 (talk · contribs) 08:32, 5 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Closed Limelike Curves and thanks for all your improvements to this article. However, despite the improvements, the article fails criterion 2b since there are too many unreferenced paragraphs and a whole section lacks references. Examples are the section "Common misconceptions" and the paragraphs starting with "Arrow's theorem falls under the branch of welfare economics", "Arrow defines IIA slightly differently, by stating", and "Arrow's requirement that the social preference". According to criterion 2b, these passages require inline citations "no later than the end of the paragraph". The unreferenced section has the maintenance tag "Unreferenced section" and there are overall 6 "citation needed" maintenance tags in the article. I suggest that you add all the relevant references before a renomination.

A few other observations

  • WP:EARWIG detects no copyright violations
  • Arrow's requirement that the social preference only depend on replace "depend" with "depends"
  • expressing social welfare, leading him focus his theorem on preference rankings add "to" before "focus"
  • https://electionscience.github.io/vse-sim/ is probably an unreliable source

Phlsph7 (talk) 08:32, 5 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Strategic spoilers


@Wotwotwoot Do you happen to have citations on strategic spoiler effects? (It seems obviously correct, but I don't have a source.) –Sincerely, A Lime 23:18, 10 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Previous lede…


[1] … wasn’t great, but it was better than what we have now.

More generally, the theorem isn’t limited to just voting theory and the lede completely misses that. Volunteer Marek 07:26, 13 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Lede included, generally speaking, this article would be shorter if it was longer. I have a CS background, and I've come back to this article like several times to reference it. A lot of conversations about RCV die with this article, because someone says "hey, RCV has these draw backs" and links here, and then it's really not clear to me (or probably anyone in the discussion) what the drawbacks actually are. I'd really have to print this out and follow most of the wikilinks and probably read the source material and other sources if I really wanted to understand the implications here. A longer article with additions from someone who has domain expertise would really go a long way... and/or if I read it and really dig in to it, I'll maybe try to add some clarifying language and citation material where I struggled. - Scarpy (talk) 20:17, 15 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This is the longer article with clarifying language and citations written by a domain expert :) I overhauled it a month ago.
The new version clarifies the main drawback of IRV is it tends to have a lot of spoiler effects—more than Condorcet methods, at least. Graded voting systems don’t have any spoiler effect at all, but some people have philosophical objections to them. –Sincerely, A Lime 03:56, 21 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Is your main complaint that the latest version doesn't cover ML and voting classifiers? I'd be happy to see more material on those added, but I don't think the earlier versions of the article covered this topic either. –Sincerely, A Lime 16:57, 21 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

This may or may not be relevant and non-obscure, but it certainly does not belong in the lede. Volunteer Marek 23:43, 19 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I've modified the sentence to try and clarify the relevance, but further edits are welcome.
However, if your interest is in ML classifiers, I think the last sentence of the lede is probably the most relevant in the article. Arrow is offering an interpretation of his theorem as a proof that model averaging is better than using a voting classifier, because every voting classifier will violate Luce's choice axiom. –Sincerely, A Lime 00:15, 22 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
No, that’s not the issue. The issue is that the lede is supposed to summarize the article and this doesn’t summarize anything in the article. Furthermore, the lede should be general and accessible rather than focusing on esoteric applications. Volunteer Marek 06:41, 22 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I don't know what you're referring to, then. The article contains an extensive discussion on research and results on the meaningfulness of cardinal information.
I'm not sure how voting is more esoteric than the other applications of Arrow's theorem. The vast majority of the hits for Arrow's theorem on Google Scholar are referring to it in the context of social choice. I know it's occasionally discussed in other fields, but most people who come to this article come from other voting theory articles. –Sincerely, A Lime 17:01, 22 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, first problem - and it is a *really big* problem is that this entire article is written as if Arrow’s theorem is just about voting. It’s not. It’s about social choice in general. At the moment it would require way too much effort to rewrite the article to put it in a suitable state.
Second, I didn’t say voting “is esoteric”. What I said is that putting applications to *rated* voting are a bit esoteric.
And to get to basic issue here is the version of the article when I removed that stuff from the lede. The section on “rated voting” is much smaller and does not contain all the original research. I see you NOW added it [2], [3] AFTER I pointed out that the stuff in the lede wasn’t summarizing the article. So your statement of “I don’t know what you’re referring to” seems a bit off. At any rate, this seems backwards - add stuff to the lede, then when someone points out that it’s not summarizing anything in the main body, add it to the main body. Volunteer Marek 00:30, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I think you missed this sub-subsection, in the previous version you linked, which still contains an extensive discussion on research and results on the meaningfulness of cardinal information. The links you provided show me adding a single paragraph referencing a relevant paper to this sub-subsection. –Sincerely, A Lime 03:01, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Can you also explain how the two sources given support the stated text that “”Arrow himself initially dismissed such systems on philosophical grounds, but later considered this a mistake, describing score voting as "probably the best" way to avoid his paradox.” The given quotes do not support this text. The second source is by someone else, about something else. The first source is Arrow but where exactly is he saying that “rated methods” are “probably the best way to avoid his paradox”?
(this seems to be rather the standard issue of ordinal vs cardinal preferences) Volunteer Marek 06:46, 22 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I've added the exact quote in a separate reference –Sincerely, A Lime 20:28, 22 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Sigh, ok.
”Arrow initially asserted the information provided by these systems was meaningless” - where is this in the quote/source provided? All that Arrow does here is describe how consumer choice theory approaches its subject. If I’m not mistaken the given source does not even mention the impossibility theorem. Arrow was a very versatile economist who wrote on a very wide range of topics and just because he said something about one thing - consumer theory - does not mean he said the same thing about another thing - social choice theory. And he didn’t even say it! There’s nothing here where he says “information provided by these systems is meaningless”. This is original research at best.
”therefore could not prevent his paradox” - again nowhere in the quote (which isn’t even about the paradox) and not in the source. IF there is text somewhere else in the Binachi source which supports this, please provide it.
”he would later recognize this as a mistake” - where is that in the quote and or source provided? All that he says is that there’s different ways of thinking about social choice. And calling it a “mistake” is kind of a give away that this is just OR. It’s a theorem. It has applications given by its assumptions. A “mistake” would be if there was a mathematical error in it. There isn’t.
” describing score voting as "probably the best" way to avoid his theorem” - ok, you finally provided a source which is relevant (so the other two sources should be removed as they say nothing of the kind).
Except here is the actual quote:
” Dr. Arrow: Well, I'm a little inclined to think that score systems where you categorize in maybe three or four classes probably (in spite of what I said about manipulation) is probably the best.”
He says he’s “a little inclined”. And he says it’s “probably the best” but NOT that it’s a way of “avoiding his theorem”. What he is saying here is basically that given that his theorem tells you can’t have a perfect system, then having to choose from among all the imperfect systems, scored voting might possibly kind of be the best. That’s a different thing entirely. Volunteer Marek 00:30, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The main problem with this article


… is that it presents the theorem as being exclusively about voting systems. But that’s neither how Arrow or standard texts on the subject characterize it. Arrow himself, in his famous paper, right of the bat mentions market exchange as an example of aggregation of individual preferences into social outcome. Look at how Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy approaches it [4]. The word “voting” doesn’t appear until the fourth paragraph in the very specific context of Condorcet’s Paradox. The whole point - as SEoP makes abundantly clear - of the impossibility theorem is that it’s NOT JUST voting (specifically majority voting) that is subject to anomalies like that of Condorcet, but *social choice* in general.

Presenting this subject as just about voting is both misleading to the reader and does quite an injustice to a very important, even fundememtal, result. Volunteer Marek 00:56, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

If you'd like to add more discussion of the social choice perspective, be my guest! There's a close relationship between voting and social choice—Arrow often referred to his theorem as being about either "social choice" or "voting" interchangeably—but I focused on voting because it's more concrete and easier to understand. –Sincerely, A Lime 18:22, 28 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Voting is just one way that society can make choices. Market exchange is another. The point of the theorem is to treat social choice at a highly general level.
I appreciate that different folks come to this subject from different backgrounds. At the same time we need to be aware of that and not let these backgrounds skew the presentation of the subject. The current problem is that the present version is SOOOOO skewed towards a particular version that it would truly be a great task to rewrite it appropriately. Volunteer Marek 04:57, 9 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I think I've improved on this.
Although, thinking about it more, it seems to me like Arrow's theorem—unlike other theorems of social choice—is in practice limited to voting. Markets etc. rarely (if ever) rely on pure ranking data; there might be a few situations where monetary transfers are prohibited like organ-matching, but generally social choice involves comparisons of utility. –Sincerely, A Lime 16:39, 10 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I think this article is much more clear for talking about voting in the lead instead of immediately plunging into the phrase "aggregation of individual preferences into social outcome". I am sympathetic to OP's view, but we must remember that Wikipedia has a pretty different readership than SEP. Mathwriter2718 (talk) 14:17, 18 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Non-nullity defined incorrectly?


As described here, a null voting system would be one that has an a priori ordering of all candidates, and always returns that ordering regardless of the votes. But there are other voting systems that do not meet this definition but still obey IIA. Here's one:

  • Use an a priori weak order of the candidates, in which (among the entire field of potential candidates) each candidate has at most one other candidate with whom they are tied.
  • Return a linear extension of this weak order, resolving ties between pairs of tied candidates by majority vote.

For a natural example of this, consider a voting system that always chooses the majority winner between the candidates from two major parties, and then lists the third parties in alphabetical order. There can be no spoilers, because they cannot affect the majority-vote tie-breaking system and nothing can affect the other comparisons. On the other hand, there are plenty of pairs of candidates for whom the voters are ignored. I think maybe the correct formulation of non-nullity is: for every two candidates, both outcomes are possible. —David Eppstein (talk) 08:58, 9 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The redefinition you proposed seems to be Wilson's weakened form of the citizen sovereignty (onto) condition, which he drops in the last section, but I think your counterexample is correct (which means I'm missing a condition somewhere). Closed Limelike Curves (talk) 18:42, 12 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Score voting


I am bothered by this article's blatant advocacy of score voting both in the lead and in the "Eliminating IIA failures: Rated voting" section, for three reasons:

  1. it is off-topic.
  2. I am not convinced it is neutrally presented.
  3. In my personal experience (having seen this system in action in certain polarized committee votes) it is a very bad system, not because it can be gamed (all systems can be gamed) but because it is so blatantly obvious that it can be gamed as to put any honest participants at a severe disadvantage. Participants willing to game the system devolve to approval voting, honest participants spread their scores among different candidates, and the approval voters win. If you're going to enforce that voters spread their scores more uniformly you might as well just use Borda, and if you're going to allow approval voting then just use approval voting and put all voters on a more equal footing.
  4. Our coverage of this gaming issue dishonestly mixes the two by talking about it as a voting system but then using sources such as Harsanyi that talk about aggregating utility (without opportunity for voters to misprepresent their preferences) rather than scored voting.

David Eppstein (talk) 19:44, 9 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I've improved the lead, and will work on improving the rated voting section later. –Sincerely, A Lime 01:29, 10 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

ArXiv Pre-prints are not Reliable Sources


Currently FN10: Holliday, Wesley H.; Pacuit, Eric (2023-02-11), Stable Voting, arXiv:2108.00542, retrieved 2024-03-11 is a link to this arXiv page which does not show a publication. This cannot be considered a reliable source as anyone can post there. Czarking0 (talk) 00:12, 19 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Per WP:ARXIV, Arxiv reprints are allowed/considered reliable if published by subject matter experts. That said you can also find a publication here:
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10602-022-09383-9 Closed Limelike Curves (talk) 14:18, 19 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Statement of the theorem, NPOV, and sourcing


I am concerned about how the theorem is stated.

1. The lead says that:

No rank-based procedure for collective decision-making can behave rationally or coherently. Specifically, any such rule violates independence of irrelevant alternatives.

This is highly problematic because a) one might not think that IAA is required for rationality or coherentness, b) there are other assumptions in the theorem statement besides IAA. It would be much more accurate to say that ranked-choice collective decision-making procedures cannot simultaneously satisfy several axioms that we intuitively think fair systems should satisfy. We ought to be careful to take an WP:NPOV and avoid making a definitive judgement about whether IAA is required for "rationality" or "coherentness".

2. The theorem statement in this article appears to say:

Total ordering + non-dictatorship + IAA implies contradiction.

It cites Wilson to support this. However, Wilson's paper does not support this!!! The assumptions are different.

3. The section "Intuitive argument (voting)" uses one source, Iain McLean's paper, to support several claims. However, these claims are more hyperbolic than they have a right to be. For example, it says "many authors" take a certain stance, and cites only that McLean takes this stance. It also says:

Given these assumptions, the existence of the voting paradox is enough to show the impossibility of rational behavior for ranked-choice voting.

which I again believe is an NPOV problem.

I think these problems must be resolved before this article can be considered a Good Article. Mathwriter2718 (talk) 14:10, 18 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

So, I'll first mention on the topic of rationality/coherence that in decision and social choice theory, these have a specific meaning, given by the von Neumann–Morgenstern axioms (including IIA); I've tried making that more clear by linking to them. IIA is considered a requirement for rationality because violating it implies your behavior will be self-contradictory (see spoiler effect) and opens you up to Dutch books.
On Wilson, could you explain to me how I've been misunderstanding him? I thought I was missing something but the paper says he drops the assumption that the function is onto. Closed Limelike Curves (talk) 17:58, 18 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
1. You probably know more about this than I do, but my impression is that the von Neumann-Morgenstern independence axiom should not be thought of as "equivalent to" the IIA axiom. If nothing else, the von Neumann–Morgenstern axioms are about individuals, and IIA is about societal aggregation. Even if the idea is the same, the mathematical content and context are quite different, no? There could be other analogues of von Neumann-Morgenstern independence that also seem reasonable to require. For example, the relevant SEP page (linked below) has more than one non-equivalent formulation of IIA. Now, when I read IIA, it seems like a really strong assumption compared to von Neumann-Morgenstern independence. My impression is that some authors resolve the Arrow dilemma by rejecting that IIA is required for rationality, but I've never heard of someone rejecting von Neumann-Morgenstern independence. (To be clear, I'm not endorsing or rejecting this view, I'm just saying what I believe to be the case in the field.) For some evidence besides just my impression, the relevant SEP page ([[5]]) discusses IIA as if it needs justification. For example:
Gerry Mackie (2003) argues that there has been equivocation on the notion of irrelevance. It is true that we often take nonfeasible alternatives to be irrelevant. That presumably is why, in elections, we do not ordinarily put the names of dead people on ballots, along with those of the live candidates. But [IIA] also excludes from consideration information on preferences for alternatives that, in an ordinary sense, are relevant. An example illustrates Mackie’s point. George W. Bush, Al Gore, and Ralph Nader ran in the United States presidential election of 2000. Say we want to know whether there was a social preference for Gore above Bush. [IIA] requires that this question be answerable independently of whether the people preferred either of them to, say, Abraham Lincoln, or preferred George Washington to Lincoln. This seems right. Neither Lincoln nor Washington ran for President that year. They were, intuitively, irrelevant alternatives. But [IIA] also requires that the ranking of Gore with respect to Bush should be independent of voters’ preferences for Nader, and this does not seem right because he was on the ballot and, in the ordinary sense, he was a relevant alternative to them. Certainly Arrow’s observability criterion does not rule out using information on preferences for Nader. They were as observable as any in that election.
2. Maybe I'm the one misunderstanding, so I'll explain my reading of Wilson and we can discuss. I assume the theorem you are referencing is Theorem 3: Every social welfare function is either null or dictatorial. Take any set and call the set of preferences on (complete and transitive binary relations) . Then to Wilson, a "social welfare function" is any map satisfying two axioms:
I (IIA). If agree on a subset, then also agree on that subset.
II. If , there exists such that .
To summarize, my reading is this: the section Arrow's_impossibility_theorem#Formal statement says
IIA + non-dictatorship contradiction
but Wilson says
IIA + II + non-null + non-dictatorship contradiction.
Mathwriter2718 (talk) 18:56, 18 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
To be clear, I'm not inherently against using the word "rational" or "coherent" to refer to principles such as von Neumann Morgenstern independence that it is widely accepted a rational agent must obey. Instead, I am questioning whether it is really widely-accepted that any social aggregation function violating IIA is incoherent or irrational. Mathwriter2718 (talk) 19:07, 18 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
There's some ambiguity here in what we mean by "rejecting IIA". First, for every widely-accepted axiom there's some fringe philosopher willing to argue against it (same for VNM's IIA).
Second, if it's impossible to behave completely rationally (because you don't have cardinal information), violating IIA becomes second-best and therefore "rational" in a sense. (Assuming you care about >1 person's welfare). If you decide you want to reconstruct the utility function from the orderings, you have to give up IIA. e.g. if you have two ballots, with the first ranking A > 24 candidates > Z, and the second ranking A > Z > 24 candidates, we can't logically prove the 1st prefers A > Z more strongly than the 2nd, but we could reasonably infer it by looking at all of the "irrelevant" alternatives sandwiched between A and Z in the first one. But it would still be better to have the actual utilities for each candidate, so we don't have to use heuristics like that. David Pearce has a wonderful discussion here. Closed Limelike Curves (talk) 20:50, 18 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I very much agree with these NPOV concerns. The suggested edit in #1, or something along those lines, seems good to me. Gumshoe2 (talk) 18:47, 18 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]