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Geng Ding

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Kang Ding (康丁) or Geng Ding (庚丁) was a king of the Shang dynasty of China His given name is Xiao (嚣). He got his throne in the year of Jiawu (甲午) and his capital was at Yin (殷).[1]

Regin disputes


Different sources suggest different lengths of reign for the king. Bamboo Annals suggest a 8-year reign. ZizhiTongjianwaiji(A supplement to the Zizhi Tongjian) and Tongzhi suggest a 6-year reign.[2] The DiwangbenJi (帝王本紀) quoted in Tongzhi suggests a 11-year reign.


  1. ^ Bamboo Annals
  2. ^ <<通志>>,<< 資治通鑑外紀>>
Geng Ding
Preceded by King of China
c. 1173 BC – c. 1150 BC
Succeeded by