
const_cast conversion

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Special member functions

Converts between types with different cv-qualification.


[edit] Syntax

const_cast< target-type >( expression )

Returns a value of type target-type.

[edit] Explanation

Only the following conversions can be done with const_cast.

1) For two similar types T1 and T2, a prvalue of type T1 may be converted to T2 if T1 and T2 differ only in cv-qualification (formally, if, considering the qualification-decompositions of both types, each P1_i is the same as P2_i for all i). The result refers to the original entity.
2) For two object types T1 and T2, if a pointer to T1 can be explicitly converted to the type “pointer to T2” using const_cast<T2*>, then the following conversions can also be made:
  • An lvalue of type T1 can be explicitly converted to an lvalue of type T2 using const_cast<T2&>.
  • A glvalue of type T1 can be explicitly converted to an xvalue of type T2 using const_cast<T2&&>.
  • If T1 is a class type, a prvalue of type T1 can be explicitly converted to an xvalue of type T2 using const_cast<T2&&>.

The result reference refers to the original object.

(until C++17)

If expression is a glvalue, the result reference refers to the original object. Otherwise, the result reference refers to the materialized temporary.

(since C++17)
3) A null pointer value may be converted to the null pointer value of target-type. A null member pointer value may be converted to the null member pointer value of target-type.

As with all cast expressions, the result is:

  • an lvalue if target-type is an lvalue reference type or an rvalue reference to function type(since C++11);
  • an xvalue if target-type is an rvalue reference to object type;
(since C++11)
  • a prvalue otherwise.

[edit] Casting away constness

For two different types T1 and T2, a conversion from T1 to T2 casts away constness if there exists a qualification-decomposition of T2 of the form “cv2_0 P2_0 cv2_1 P2_1 ... cv2_n−1 P2_n−1 cv2_n U2”, and there is no qualification conversions that converts T1 to “cv2_0 P1_0 cv2_1 P1_1 ... cv2_n−1 P1_n−1 cv2_n U1” (same cv-components, different P-components and U-components).

If a cast from a prvalue of type T1* to the type T2* casts away constness, casting from an expression of type T1 to a reference to T2 will also cast away constness.

Only const_cast may be used to cast away constness.

“Casting away constness” implies “casting away volatility”, as qualification conversions cannot cast away volatility as well.

[edit] Notes

Pointers to functions and pointers to member functions are not subject to const_cast.

const_cast makes it possible to form a reference or pointer to non-const type that is actually referring to a const object or a reference or pointer to non-volatile type that is actually referring to a volatile object. Modifying a const object through a non-const access path and referring to a volatile object through a non-volatile glvalue results in undefined behavior.

[edit] Keywords


[edit] Example

#include <iostream>
struct type
    int i;
    type(): i(3) {}
    void f(int v) const
        // this->i = v;                 // compile error: this is a pointer to const
        const_cast<type*>(this)->i = v; // OK as long as the type object isn't const
int main()
    int i = 3;                 // i is not declared const
    const int& rci = i;
    const_cast<int&>(rci) = 4; // OK: modifies i
    std::cout << "i = " << i << '\n';
    type t; // if this was const type t, then t.f(4) would be undefined behavior
    std::cout << "type::i = " << t.i << '\n';
    const int j = 3; // j is declared const
    int* pj = const_cast<int*>(&j);
    // *pj = 4;      // undefined behavior
    void (type::* pmf)(int) const = &type::f; // pointer to member function
    // const_cast<void(type::*)(int)>(pmf);   // compile error: const_cast does
                                              // not work on function pointers


i = 4
type::i = 4

[edit] See also