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gomadeng's user avatar
gomadeng's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • asia
8 votes

Is COVID pronounced as /ˌkəʊ vid/?

3 votes

Prepositional Phrases used as Noun Phrases?

2 votes

Why is "whatsoever" used here?

2 votes

"All that was left was a triangular piece of metal"

1 vote

Can you tell me proper words in this situation?

1 vote

What day will (it) be tomorrow?

1 vote

"Human motives are an involved affair" - meaning in a sample text

1 vote

What is the difference between "when we are" and "when we will be"?

1 vote

Do native speakers really hear the lyrics in rap songs?

1 vote

Modal verb 'May'

1 vote

Is there a simple and clear way to explain the difference between past simple and present perfect?

1 vote

Does "by the time" require the Future Perfect tense?

0 votes

Working in / for / at?

0 votes

The meaning of "out of question" vs "out of the question"?

0 votes

Time for change verses time for a change

0 votes

How can I negate or confirm a question tersely using negation?

0 votes

If I knew where she <lived><lives> now, I'd go and see her

0 votes

What type of dependent clause is "just so you know"?

0 votes

"I'm looking for a shop with clothes"

0 votes

What is the difference between "have to do", "have to have done", "had to do" and "had to have done"?

0 votes

past participle and past simple

0 votes

Can I use adverbs in a different way?

0 votes

seeing something looked or seeing that something looked?

0 votes

Greetings (of/for) the new year

0 votes

What + sb + verb + [be (in the appropriate tense)] is followed by to + infinitive or a gerund?

0 votes

Is there another time that would/will work better for you?

0 votes

Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous

0 votes

What <has><had> he done? vs What did he do?

0 votes

What does "that" indicate here? "data" or "range"

0 votes

Subject-verb agreement with "what-clauses"