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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

You need help with the use of one or more of the site's features.
192 questions
Tags are keywords or labels that categorize and group your question with other, similar questions.
107 questions
For questions about, well, questions: how to ask, whether specific questions are appropriate, and so forth.
59 questions
for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.
53 questions
Editing is a core, fundamental Stack Exchange value; we allow editing by registered and unregistered users (if peer reviewed).
48 questions
48 questions
for questions regarding off topic questions, including whether a question is on topic and what to do with off topic questions.
44 questions
Elections are held to choose moderators for all graduated sites and some long-term beta sites.
41 questions
for instructions and guidance on closing or migrating questions, and the reasons for those closures.
40 questions
Comments are small addendums to each question or answer, intentionally limited in size and formatting. Comments are second-class citizens.
35 questions
For questions about (links to) external resources. These are (generally) discouraged on the main site, as they attract opinion-based answers and spam, but on Meta some lists of external resources are …
35 questions
for questions about tag synonyms (how they work, who can create them) and for tag-synonym requests.
29 questions
for questions about the /review path where users can view and act on posts by other users that the system thinks may need attention.
27 questions
Questions about diamond (♦) moderators, their powers, and actions they have taken.
27 questions
when examining what is on-topic or off-topic, and why.
26 questions
For questions about the suggested edit process, which allows users without editing privileges to "suggest" edits, to be reviewed by users with editing privileges.
22 questions
Voting to close is the process by which users can vote to close a question if it is off-topic or otherwise disallowed by the FAQ.
22 questions
21 questions
"Design" refers to front-end elements, such as page layout, coloring conventions, etc. For questions about database structure, algorithms in the code, please use "architecture" instead.
21 questions
for questions dealing with moderator actions, pages, abilities or decisions.
18 questions
used to query the community on the specifics of a particular question asked on the main site or the meta site.
18 questions
for general questions about questions that have been closed because they are off-topic or otherwise do not meet the criteria defined in the FAQ.
17 questions
For questions about the relation between this site and English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
17 questions
"Migration" is the process of migrating off-topic questions from one Stack Exchange site to another.
16 questions
Peer voting on questions and answers is the primary way users gain reputation, and also how many items are sorted to the top.
16 questions
Flagging is the process of bringing a post to a community moderator's attention for any reason.
14 questions
The accepted answer is the answer the question owner thought best met their needs. This tag is for discussing issues related to accepted answers, not indicating that a question has an accepted answer.
13 questions
for questions specific to down-votes, the community's way of telling peers that their content can be improved. Down-votes on meta site have different meanings.
12 questions
Indicates that the reported behavior is intentional and not subject to change
12 questions
Formatting is the process by which content is stylized and laid out for improved user experience.
12 questions
for questions specifically about the process of asking questions on a Stack Exchange site.
12 questions
12 questions