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Questions regarding the cooling of electronics. Varies based on needs, can include fans, heatsinks, proper ventilation, peltiers, or PCB design and mounting. Could also refer to cooling applications, such as freezers in industry. Repair questions for cooling applications will most likely be closed if outside the scope of the site and FAQ: in this case, try

Questions regarding the cooling of electronics. Varies based on needs, can include fans, heatsinks, proper ventilation, peltiers, or PCB design and mounting. Could also refer to cooling applications, such as freezers in industry.

Repair questions for cooling applications will most likely be closed if outside the scope of the site and FAQ: in this case, try the DIY Stack Exchange.

Please see the DIY Stack Exchange for home cooling applications and repair (fridge, freezer, AC, etc); try the Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Stack Exchange for automotive cooling applications and repair.