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Questions tagged [wire-loop]

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7 votes
3 answers

Can you connect an RS-485 bus as a loop? (no terminators, cable ends joined)

I'm looking at using RS-485 to connect a bunch of sensors across a lengthy distance (approx 500 metres) however the location of the sensors means it would be suitable for connection as a loop. By loop ...
Malvineous's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I make an alarm circuit which senses both cutting and shorting the wire?

I have searched Google top to bottom the only circuit which fullfills my requirements is a wire break or wire loop security alarm as shown in figure 1. I soon realised that if the robber shorts the ...
Mark 's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Two parallel wires with no resistance - why it's wrong?

I've built the scheme below in circuit simulator and it didn't work because of "wire loop" mistake. Why it's wrong? Why it's wrong physically? The simulator is
Stdugnd4ikbd's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

End of loop resistor or "terminator resistor"

In fire alarm control panel, I saw that at the end of the fire loop a 4.7kΩ resistor is used. My question is why we use the value 4.7kΩ? Is their any law for this choice?
AhmadY's user avatar
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3 answers

Shouldnt the magnetic field at a certain angle be minimum in center of current loop?

Magnetic field is strongest at the center of current loop. But if it is calculated along a single magnetic field line like this: A and B are magnetic lines. Shouldnt it minimum in the center since ...
NOob94's user avatar
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Insertion Resistance of Current Transformers

Given a current transformer like this: there is an insertion resistance that appears as a very small equivalent series resistance on the measured circuit. Since it is usually small (say, 0.0001 \$\...
iwantmyphd's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Current loop Converter

Is it possible to convert a 2 wires current loop to RS232, and from RS232 to current loop, I am trying to put an RS232 sniffer in the middle so I can see what they are communicating to each other. I ...
Midimo's user avatar
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