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Questions tagged [hal]

For questions about hardware abstraction layers (HALs). A HAL is software that provides an interface to a class of similar hardware devices so that applications can access the hardware in a device-independent manner in order to improve portability.

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Problem with STM32MP1 SPI using DMA

When running some simple code to test the SPI communication using DMA, the program only works as expected after stopping and restarting the microcontroller. The first time it runs, instead of sending ...
Fábio Silva's user avatar
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stm32H7 SDMMC1 Falling and rising edge

I'm trying to make my sdmmc1 project read cmd data by rising edge, what i have tried: Tried both hsd1.Init.ClockEdge = SDMMC_CLOCK_EDGE_RISING; and hsd1.Init.ClockEdge = SDMMC_CLOCK_EDGE_FALLING ...
KlimDuda's user avatar
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HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive not working properly

I am trying to use HAL function to drive SPI to read analog voltage from external ADC (adc128s102). I see what I expect to see in first 16 CLK with MISO(Blue) and MOSI(Yellow) line. But what's causing ...
Alia Sana's user avatar
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How can I get roll, pitch, and yaw data from an ISM330DLC sensor?

I have code to receive data from both the accelerometer and the gyroscope in X,Y Z axis. According to the datasheet, those are two's complement data. The data read by registers. Can you make sure that ...
Nimms's user avatar
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HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback firing very prematurely

I am using STM32CubeIDE with an STM32G030 micro. I attempted to implement a simple interrupt-based timeout timer on Timer17 using the HAL driver. See attached file “Screenshot1”for the ...
Brian Dotson's user avatar
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STM32 L4(Nucleo-144) CAN Tx pin stays high and dosen't transmit any data

I'm new to STM32 and a starting knowledge of C. I'm trying to get some level of CAN communication to be working. I've tried looking up the HAL'S required but for some reason no matter what I do, the ...
George kirby's user avatar
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Monitoring VREF+ buffer output in STM32L552

I am working with the STM32L552 microcontroller in a critical application where a portion of the external circuit relies heavily on the 2.5 V VREF+. The stability of this reference voltage is ...
tronhawk's user avatar
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STM32: I2C Master Slave code does not work

I have two board: nucleo U575zi-q & nucleo L432kc u575 is the master board, l432 is slave. I want to transfer data between Them, and below is my two codes. this is my master's code ...
이준표's user avatar
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Reading and writing from the BMP180 E2PROM

I have been trying to practise writing drivers using the I2C protocol and as a result, I have checked the drivers written for the BMP180 temperature sensor by Adafruit and written my own some time ago ...
Suva23's user avatar
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STM32 STEVAL-Spin3202 Motor control - Issues with driving power MOSFETs with PWM

I've been struggling with my new STEVAL-Spin3202 board from STM. It is using the STSpin32F0a motor driver with STM32F031C6 MCU. The ultimate goal is to control a BLDC motor with six-step sensor-less ...
Martin kala's user avatar
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STM32H7 HAL read GPIOC13 with DMA into SRAM

I am trying to read GPIO pins (on row C) with DMA into SRAM, using TIM1 as clock. I am using an STM32H750B-DK When TIM1 goes high, DMA should read from GPIO to SRAM continuously (until it's stopped by ...
LaCalienta's user avatar
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STM32F4 ADC+DMA wrong values

I try to setup STM32F407ZGT6 chip to work with ADC throught DMA, currently I'm using HAL lib for fast prototype but have some problem. I set up ADC as 3 chanel Scan Continous mode using DMA in ...
Alexey's user avatar
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HAL_DELAY stuck after pvPortMalloc

Environment: STM32F103ZET6 FreeRTOS Kernel V10.3.0 MDK or arm-none-eabi-gcc My program stopped working when I added a queue to receive messages from RS232. I managed to reproduce the problem with the ...
Nugnikoll's user avatar
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STM32 - I²C Slave HAL Callback ACK

Objective: implement a single byte I²C slave on STM32. Materials: STM32L452RE Nucleo-64 board, HAL Library, CH341 USB-I²C adapter(1), Artix Linux with Runit, Rhode & Schwarz RTB2004 oscilloscope ...
tweak's user avatar
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STM32F746 I2S clock fails

I have discovery board STM32f746NG In first try I've set this: Activate I2S2 with piout: PB4->WS - PI3->SD - PI1->CK. Instantly after activating I2S periferal with command ...
mohammadsdtmnd's user avatar

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