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Questions tagged [bit-error]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Need some help in bit error rate calculation for QPSK when using Gray coding

Why is Probability of Bit Error = 2 times the Probability of Symbol Error in QPSK with Gray Coding. Is it because one bit error has the potential to cause two symbol errors (2 symbols where they ...
user3656142's user avatar
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Exercise on PPM modulation bit rate

A digital communication system uses N=15 identical routes. The modulation used is 2-PPM. Calculate the value of $$ \varepsilon_b/N_0 $$ on the exit from the first route so that a final error ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Error probability of BPSK with intersymbol interference

Consider an AWGN channel with BPSK modulation. Assume that the information bits are i.i.d. Bernoulli with parameter 0<p<1, we have ISI due to a timing offset at the transmitter, and the decoder ...
Ben's user avatar
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CAN: End-Of-Frame for detecting stuffing errors?

The end-of-frame consists of 7 recessive bits. It is often written that it is used to detect stuffing errors by a receiver. I also read that if the 7th bit is driven to dominant level, the transmitter ...
user674907's user avatar
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Does Carrier frequency offset (CFO) means difference of the message frequency and integrator?

Can anyone here tell me what is CFO? Initially, I thought it might be when the message signal mi, that is $$r(t) = 2P cos(2\pi fc*fi+\delta f)$$ doesn't match with integrator $$\int_0^T r(t) * cos((...
good_omen92's user avatar
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Data errors from network device at high ambient temperature(60C)

I have a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 based network device that I am trying to get working at high ambient temperatures (up to 60C). When I run TCP packets through the device, I get checksum errors ...
rt0218's user avatar
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