
The following is a question from 8.18 in Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit, page 342.

Consider the circuit in this following figure. \$(\frac{W} {L})_{1-4} =\frac{50} {0.5} \$, \$|{I_D}_{1-4}| = 0.5\ \mathrm{mA}\$, \$R_2 = 3\ \mathrm{k\Omega}\$.

enter image description here

Calculate the closed-loop gain and output impedance.

The answer I found from internet (solution link). enter image description here

$$A \beta = \frac{V_F} {V_t} = \frac{1} {R_2} (R_1 \parallel R_2) \frac{r_{o3}} {(R_1 \parallel R_2) + \frac{1} {g_{m1}}} g_{m2} (r_{o4} \parallel (R_1 + R_2) \parallel r_{o2}) \frac{R_1} {R_1 + R_2}$$

My question is, how can I derive this equation? Any details?

enter image description here

The answer from internet seemed to suggest that

$$\frac{V_x} {V_t} = \frac{1} {R_2} (R_1 \parallel R_2) \frac{r_{o3}} {(R_1 \parallel R_2) + \frac{1} {g_{m1}}}$$

Where does that come from?

Here is my equation.

enter image description here

$$\frac{V_p} {R_1} - \frac{V_t - V_p} {R_2} = -V_p g_{m1} + \frac{V_x - V_p} {r_{o1}} \tag{1}$$

$$-\frac{V_x} {r_{o3}} = -V_p g_{m1} + \frac{V_x - V_p} {r_{o1}} \tag{2}$$

$$\Rightarrow \frac{V_x} {V_t} = \frac{R_1 r_{o3} (1 + g_{m1} r_{o1})} {R_1 r_{o1} + R_1 r_{o3} + R_2 (R_1 + r_{o3} + r_{o1} + R_1 g_{m1} r_{o1}) }$$

Voltage -Voltage feedback

  • \$\begingroup\$ you wrote "The answer I found from internet". What does this mean? No reference? How can you be sure that "the answer" is correct? It seems that you have opened the loop at the node Vout, correct? Then, why the loop gainis not defined as Vout/Vt ? \$\endgroup\$
    – LvW
    Commented Mar 14 at 12:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ drive.google.com/file/d/… \$\endgroup\$
    – kile
    Commented Mar 14 at 12:22
  • \$\begingroup\$ @LvW I don't know if the answer from internet is correct. Do you have the correct answer? \$\endgroup\$
    – kile
    Commented Mar 14 at 12:24
  • \$\begingroup\$ Isn't the step to find the open-loop gain and feedback factor already presented in the Razavi book? \$\endgroup\$
    – internet
    Commented Mar 14 at 12:43
  • \$\begingroup\$ @internet Which page? I think the one from the book is different from here. \$\endgroup\$
    – kile
    Commented Mar 14 at 13:18


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