
I see small signal model being used to predict the Overshoot/Undershoot of output voltage due to a load step.

enter image description here

How do we justify this approach, since the basic assumption of small signal modelling is the disturbance is small wrt DC values? enter image description here

During the load step,$\Delta$ Iout would typically be large.

  • \$\begingroup\$ All these equations are linear or small-signal equations. They assume the converter's model remains linear in this mode - no op-amp saturation, slew-rate issues and so on - and the input or output steps are small enough in amplitude. As long as you see expression in the \$s\$-domain or people use Thévenin, Norton etc. it implies a linear circuit. Keep in mind that most expressions describing the behavior of a switching converters are approximate expressions which only hold within narrow conditions, a small variation around the bias point being one them. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 23 at 6:47