
Here is an example of output characteristics fot IGBT devices, i.e., the "collector current (Ic)-to-collector emitter voltage (Vce)" graph. Can somebody help me find what Ic represents here? I mean, is Ic the average, rms, or something else? If it is DC current, so what can Ic represent in "Ic-to-switching energy loss (Esw)" graph?

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1 Answer 1


Can somebody help me find what Ic represents here? I mean, is Ic the average, rms, or something else?

It's a DC current if you want it to be or, it's a peak current if the applied voltage (\$V_{CE}\$) is pulsed. It compares collector current against an x-axis of collector-emitter voltage so, whatever waveform is used for one is used for the other.


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