
I have a top only pad in a footprint. I don't need any open window on the the top solder layer so I set the tented option enable for my pad...

Tented option

But even if the top solder is off (no window for this pad, it is tented), I have top paste for this pad... see picture :

top paste on no window

So, I have to switch to manual paste mask expansion and put -999 mils into value to be sure it disappear...

negative paste value

For me it's a mistake/bug from Altium. Because it have no sense to have paste on a pad without any window on top solder mask on it to received. So does not a tented pad should automatically disable the associated paste for this external layer ?

Related information : https://bugcrunch.live.altium.com/#Idea/9120

  • \$\begingroup\$ I've been looking into this as well and there does not seem to be a better option than the negative expansion at the moment. In my case I have a tented net-tie that still gets solder paste on top of the soldermask. Clearly Atlium knows not to put past on through hole pads, why not an option for surface mount? \$\endgroup\$
    – Mike
    Commented May 28, 2020 at 20:15


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