
I am trying to implement The IT - characteristic feature for motor protection device.There are 2C,5C,10C curve feature . can someone suggest me how it can be implemented in C code.

Is there any example code available.

1) what is effect of current setting on above curve based on 2.5C/5C/10C curve 2) Is there any equation available for time Vs current

Setting current as below

 under current limit  0.2 -25A
 overload current limit 0.2 -25A
 Short circuit limit   0.2A -50A
 Locked Rotor current limit 0.2A-50A

I find solution for IT characteristic. this sample example given here. need c code

assume Overload current = 10A(user defined setting)

Over load current trip time =10s(user defined setting)

if curve 2C is selected

calculation are as below The relay should turn on 30% over load trip time i.e 13A

Trip_Time  over_current
10  10
9   10.3
8   10.6
7   10.9
6   11.2
5   11.5
4   11.8
3   12.1
2   12.4
1   12.7
0   13

in code if the Nominal current exceeds overload current these are trip timing for relay. The timing and current will change as per user defined setting. can some one guide me C code.

It characteristic

  • \$\begingroup\$ The information you need will be in the motor's datasheet. If it isn't, choose a motor with a better datasheet. \$\endgroup\$
    – user16324
    Commented Dec 31, 2018 at 11:53
  • \$\begingroup\$ this for an application development. like motor protection relay unit for pump control application. End customer can use motor on his relevant .i wanted to control starter output through relay. it will have external ct to measure under,overload,rotor lock,dry run case. so i can get data sheet for motor reference. \$\endgroup\$
    – AMPS
    Commented Jan 1, 2019 at 3:23


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