
I am designing a wireless power Transmitter circuit and mostly following this datasheet for Wireless transmitter IC :- http://rohmfs.rohm.com/en/products/databook/datasheet/ic/power/switching_regulator_system/bd57020mwv-e.pdf

In the BOM table on Page 28-29, there are several capacitors and resistors which are shown in the Application Example Circuit but in BOM, there are marked as "OPEN" So i was wondering that if this "OPEN" means same as DO NOT MOUNT. Also the resistor and a common mode choke are marked as "SHORT". Are they shorted? Example:-

Capacitor CCLMP and Resistor RCLMP "open" CAP CCLMP and RES RCLMP

Similarly, ROSC as short and COSC1 COSC2 as open ROSC and COSC1 COSC2


1 Answer 1


The fact the data sheet offers no values next to these components should give you a clue that OPEN does indeed mean not fitted, otherwise what would you fit.

For me personally it would then follow that the SHORT does mean short too.


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