
If we have a CMOS inverter operating in its' linear region, what would be the effective trans conductance of the inverter?

  • \$\begingroup\$ Question is not clear but since an inverter is a digital circuit and transconductance is an analog linear concept, it would appear there is no useful answer. \$\endgroup\$
    – Barry
    Commented Mar 5, 2015 at 13:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ Why would't there? Your trans conductance \$gm=A_v/RL\$ with Av the voltage gain and RL the load if I am not mistaking? \$\endgroup\$
    – EssexPN
    Commented Mar 5, 2015 at 14:03

2 Answers 2


Speaking about "transconductance" you are referring to a circuit in which a CMOS inverter is used as a linear amplifier. This is possible if we fix a suitable dc operating point in the middle part of the transfer characteristic Vout=f(Vin). This can be simply done with a feedback resistor RF between output and input. This feedback resistor RF acts as a load - together with an additional load resistor RL (if existent).

Hence, the effective load resistance is Reff=RF||RL. In addition, the finite (dynamic) CMOS output resistance r,o is to be considered.

If there is no signal feedback the input voltage is connected through a coupling capacitor to the common gate terminal and the avalable gain is


From this we can derive that the effective transconductance is


In case the input voltage has an internal source resistor Rin, we have negative signal feedback and the voltage gain is reduced correspondingly.


I can't remember reading this in a book, but I can try to derive it. (Here considering an open-loop inverter without anything else loading it)

Transconductance (\$g_m\$) is defined as:

$$ g_m = \frac{\partial I_{out}}{\partial V_{in}} $$

The transconductance of an NMOS is known as:

$$ g_{mn} = \frac{\partial I_{ds}}{\partial V_{gs}} $$

According to this and this, the transconductance of a PMOS is given as:

$$ g_{mp} = \frac{\partial I_{sd}}{\partial V_{sg}} $$

If we define \$I_{out}\$ for an inverter, to some load as:

$$ I_{out} = I_{p} - I_{n} = I_{sd,p} - I_{ds,n} $$

Differentiating \$I_{out}\$ should then give \$g_m\$ of an inverter:

$$ g_m = \frac{\partial I_{sd,p}}{\partial V_{in}} - \frac{\partial I_{ds,n}}{\partial V_{in}} = - g_{mp} - g_{mn} $$

Note that \$ V_{gs,n}=V_{in}\$ and that \$V_{sg,p}=V_{DD}-V_{in}\$.

The load should be \$r_{dsn}\|r_{dsp}\$, thus an open loop inverter should have a small signal voltage gain of:

$$ A_V = -(g_{mn} + g_{mp})(r_{dsn}\|r_{dsp}) $$

For the quantities I think it should be noted that:

  • \$|g_{mn}|\$ increases when the input voltage increases
  • \$|g_{mp}|\$ decreases when the input voltage increases
  • It may be difficult to get the devices in saturation so \$r_{dsn}\$ and \$r_{dsp}\$ might be quite low

There are lots of papers on "floating gates" and inverters. Inverters are actually really nice & very high GBW amplifiers. If you take control of each transistor individually you can also get a sensible current level, while cascodes can probably be added to help voltage gain.

If anyone sees a mistake, please correct me.

Edits: I added a definition of \$I_{out}\$ and \$g_{mn}\$, \$g_{mp}\$. This swapped some signs around for the resulting \$g_m\$.


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