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Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
Oscar Lanzi
  • Member for 4 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
2 votes

Is there a way to intuitively explain that the North of Sweden is closer to Australia than the South?

2 votes

If the Earth's core were made up of copper/other metals other than iron-nickel alloy, what would the magnetosphere be like?

2 votes

Why is latent heat of water vapor included in specific enthalpy of moist air?

2 votes

Why does relative vorticity in spherical coordinates have an extra term as compared to the usual cartesian derivation?

2 votes

When does the International Date Line concept break down?

1 vote

Why are ionic bonds considered the "dominant" type in minerals?

1 vote

How is the difference in crust and mantle composition explained?

1 vote

What is a general formula for Earth gravity as a function of radius, given a spherical shell model?

1 vote

When the Earth was hit by a meteor in Jurassic era, did it change its orbit or not?

1 vote

Does carbon dioxide naturally freeze on Earth?

1 vote

If I could drill a hole into the mantle, would it form a volcano?

1 vote

Which ocean evaporates the most water per surface area?

1 vote

How much does the gravitational and magnetic fields of a planet effect the chemistry in it?

1 vote

Does the relative abundance of radioactive isotopes reflect their half-lives?

1 vote

Difficulty interpolating near poles using lat/lons

1 vote

Phosphate in the oceans, does it tend to bond with sodium?

1 vote

How can methylmercury in the ocean be reabsorbed into the atmosphere?

1 vote

Why does Earth's atmosphere have a whiter color near the horizon?

1 vote

Why is hydrogen formation in serpentinisation an exothermic reaction?

1 vote

Why does the Earth's atmosphere appear to no longer follow the curvature beyond the terminator line?

1 vote

Why are red auroras rare? Why do oxygen atoms (not oxygen molecules) cause auroras while molecular nitrogen cause auroras instead of atomic nitrogen?

1 vote

Do surface temperature inversions only occur in valleys and natural bowls?

1 vote

Geodes that float in the ocean?

0 votes

Where did the carbon, neon and nitrogen go?

0 votes

What causes clouds to appear blue?

0 votes

Before the Great Oxygenation Event, where was the oxygen?

0 votes

If iron is a outer space material which it is then why do human body needs it

0 votes

Color of Sunsets

0 votes

What is this red glassy rock

0 votes

Does anyone know what the mineral of the year 2023 is?