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Questions tagged [coordinate-system]

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Unknown GPS coordinate decimal format with too many integer digits

In a dashcam video, in what seems to be a country with a Slavic language, I can see a coordinate string N4313.1947E13202.2535 Punctuation and (lack of) spaces are reproduced as in the original. This ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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How to define sea areas

I want to define different study areas and want to do this here, for example, using the Nordic Seas. According to the definition, this area lies north of Iceland and south of Svalbard. However, are ...
Weiss's user avatar
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How do I obtain latitude and longitude coordinates from synoptic weather charts

I have collection of images of synoptic weather charts downloaded from Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) which is in GIF format. I'm interested in obtaining the lat lon coordinates of cold fronts (thick ...
Sathish Vh's user avatar
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How to find out if three points on Earth are on the same great circle arc?

I am trying to figure out whether 3 particular points on Earth's surface are on the same arc (of a great circle) or not. Using Google Earth's (also ArcGIS Earth's) line tool, I see that the points are ...
trxrg's user avatar
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Do I understand pressure coordinates in the right way?

The question is simple: I still have problems with atmospheric pressure coordinates: Given the pressure dependence in the picture, what are the velocity coordinates of an air parcel moving with $\vec ...
MichaelW's user avatar
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Confusion about the horizontal pressure gradient force being equal to the gradient of the geopotential in pressure coordinates

I asked this in the physics exchange and thought I would ask here as well: I see many sources in atmospheric dynamics express the following: $\frac{1}{\rho}(\nabla p) = \nabla_p \phi$ For example this ...
jrudd's user avatar
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Extract data from NetCDF file with tripolar projection for lat & long coordinates

I have coordinates obtained from Google Maps (latitude and longitude). I also downloaded a number of NetCDF4 files for different years and months that contain sea surface temperature (SST) from the ...
arman H's user avatar
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Is there a meridian that only passes through water (excl. continental Antarctica)?

The question is quite simple, does there exist a meridian on Earth that only passes over water, with the exception of continental Antarctica of course. From eyeballing a world map it seems somewhere ...
collector's user avatar
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Maximum and minimum integer number of latitude and longitude

I'm developing an application where the user inputs latitude and longitude numbers in float type format. I have to validate that the format of the numbers are correct. My doubt is what is the maximun ...
schrodingerscatcuriosity's user avatar
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What is the vertical offset of geopotential height from ellipsoidal height in GFS?

I would like to compare NOAA GFS (Global Forecast System) geopotential height from ASL and GTOPO30. However, I cannot find vertical offset information in GFS geopotential height. Does anyone know ...
raraki's user avatar
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How can a starting point south of the north pole to an endpoint north of the south pole be halfway around the world?

NOTE: I first posted this question to the GIS StackOverflow site, but someone there said my question would be better suited to the Geography or Earth Science site. GIS seems the perfect place for the ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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Is there a way to convert from Dip direction to Strike direction?

I have some set of recorded data in dip direction/dip format. I wish to transform then to strike/dip. I am currently having a hard time imagining how to convert from dip direction to strike direction. ...
Itunu's user avatar
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Difficulty interpolating near poles using lat/lons

I've been writing a 2D interpolation scheme for use on the globe which utilizes lat/lon values. Once I try to use values closer to the poles, latitude distortion becomes an issue. For example: ...
Ryan Clare's user avatar
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Derivative of the Unit Vector in Spherical Coordinate system

I have a doubt regarding a step in the derivation of the momentum equation in spherical coordinates. I am referring to the textbook "Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling" by Mark Jacobson, 2nd Edition,...
Anna Thomas's user avatar
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How to calculate 'real-world' geometric height from ERA reanalysis data

This seems like a really simple question, but I have been struggling for a couple of days to find an answer online or in the ERA documentation. I am using ERA5 and ERA Interim reanalyses to get ...
FluidFox's user avatar

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