
I've got a DJI Mini 2 and I'm aware their official application (DJI Simulator) does not support it.

Anyway, I wonder if I can use the real Mini 2 controller in any third-part simulator. I'm more interested in an Android app that simulate the camera view of a drone (like in real flying) rather than a desktop application (in any case I run Linux).

I tried a couple of apps that claims to support USB controller but they didn't recognized mine (for example Freerider).


2 Answers 2


The transmitter needs to appear as a USB joystick to the computer. This is often displayed as 'HID' (human input device). At least, that's for desktops, I don't know if Android is the same.

I've no idea if the DJI transmitter can do this.

If not, you can buy a USB dummy RC transmitter. These used to be about \$20, but I've just checked and they seem to be around \$60 now. It could be cheaper to buy a basic real transmitter like a FlySky FS-i6

All the flight simulators I've seen have a choice of 'camera' positions. They can show you the view from the drone or the view from the ground (and often a 'chase plane' view). However they are all for race drones with fixed cameras (and LOS flying for fixed wings and helis). I don't think there are any that attempt to model the various GPS modes available on a DJI drone, or the camera gimbal.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I tried with lsusb on my Ubuntu machine and unfortunately the controller is not recognized. Also in dmesg nothing happens on USB connection. What a pity. $\endgroup$
    – Mark
    Commented Jan 17, 2022 at 9:34

Have a look at simodrone app. It is however very basic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Wiz4GMRHQw

  • $\begingroup$ Unfortunately it seems available only for Apple $\endgroup$
    – Mark
    Commented Jan 12, 2023 at 8:32

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