View Results

Analyze your results with ease! Explore our onboarding guide to learn how to view the results of Pynt's Postman collection. Gain valuable insights into your API security testing.

An HTML report will be opened automatically within your browser after you run Pynt.

In case you wish to view the results within the Postman app:

  1. The security results for OWASP-10 categories will appear on the main console screen.

  2. Click on 'View Summary' to view the results summary.

  3. In order to see the full report, uncollapse the 'Pynt' collection, go to the last request 'Show Report' and click on 'Send'. choose the 'Visualize' tab on the lower section to see the full report.

Image 1 - View the API security test results
Image 2 - View results summary
Image 3 - View visualize report

Last updated